"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Monday, December 11, 2017

Vatican II NewChurch: New Evangelization in Australia

Vatican II NewChurch: New Evangelization in Australia 

Thanks to the reader who wrote, telling us to view the videos from the Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF).  We couldn’t distinguish the ACYF from a protestant tent revival other than grown men dressed as bishops making fools of themselves and a priest with face paint on for adoration because the novus ordo’s adoration isn’t cool enough unless it has an aboriginal flair to it.  What passes for the faith in the Novus Ordo is an emotional laded experience with the participants dressed immodestly as they make a mockery of sacraments of the Church with their new, man-made, and ‘improved’ post-Vatican II versions.  How sad...

If one so wishes to watch this monstrosity in its fullness they can by clicking on the following links:

...otherwise one can watch the toned down highlight video and the two bishops videos below to get an idea of this travesty of the Catholic faith.



  1. FRANKenChurch:

    It was Jacob FRANK who conspired with Rothschild and Weisshaupt to form the Bavarian/"Jesuit" Illuminati.

    "Jacob (Leibowitz) FRANK

    who rejected the Talmud in favour of the Zohar, maintained that

    certain elect individuals (Head of Solomon BC Snake)

    are exempt from the moral law. The Shabbateans believed that in the

    Messianic age, the laws of the Torah were no longer valid, and

    all that had been formerly prohibited was now permitted, or even mandatory. This included all the prohibited sexual unions and incest.

    Therefore, their practices, which included orgiastic, sexually promiscuous rites, led

    the Jewish community (Body of Solomon BC Snake) to brand them as heretics..."


  2. YIKES! What in the world?

  3. Whereas the Talmud, like their "Koran" promoted violence against Chrisr+ians, the ZOHAR is their stealth weapon, which is why so much confusion, chipping away at Faith and Morals. Albert Pike put it all together in his (LUCIFERIAN) "Morals and Dogma" which was a play on words of the Church! Always the blasphemy!!!

    Frank's "rejection of the Talmud" meant this: that Christianity now would be in-filth-trated by phony "conversions," in massive numbers into communities and yes, the priesthood... work from the INside!

    The TALMUD reads much like their "KORAN" their war on Christ-ians from the outside.

    Jacob Frank's Kabbalistic "ZOHAR" has been working (for 200 years) from the inside, their "Jesuit," now "Pope."

    Here's the "Talmud"
    today's "ISIS"

    Part II - Precepts of the Talmud Concerning Christians

    Chapter I. Christians are to be Avoided

    Art. 1. Christians Unworthy to Associate with Jews
    Art. 2. Christians are Unclean
    Art. 3. Christians are Idolaters
    Art. 4. Christians are Evil

    Chapter II. Christians are to be Exterminated

    Art. 1. Christians to be Harmed Indirectly

    1. By not helping them
    2. By interfering in their work
    3. By deceit in legal matters
    4. By harming them in things necessary for life

    Art. 2. Christians to be Harmed Directly

    1. Renegades to be killed
    2. Apostates
    3. Princes especially the Prince of Rome (the Pope) to be exterminated
    4. All Christians to be killed
    5. Killing a Christian is an acceptable sacrifice to God
    6. Heaven promised to those who kill Christians
    7. A Christian may be beheaded on the most solemn festivals
    8. The Messiah expected will be revengeful
    9. Jewish prayers against Christians
    10. Christian prayers for the Jews


    Frank's "rejection of the Talmud" meant this: that Christianity now would be in-filth-trated by phony "conversions," in massive numbers into communities and yes, the priesthood... work from the INside!

    The TALMUD reads much like their "KORAN" their war on Christ-ians from the outside.

    Jacob Frank's Kabbalistic "ZOHAR" has been working (for 200 years) from the inside, their "Jesuit," now "Pope."

    Here's the "Talmud"
    today's "ISIS"

    Part II - Precepts of the Talmud Concerning Christians

    Chapter I. Christians are to be Avoided

    Art. 1. Christians Unworthy to Associate with Jews
    Art. 2. Christians are Unclean
    Art. 3. Christians are Idolaters
    Art. 4. Christians are Evil

    Chapter II. Christians are to be Exterminated

    Art. 1. Christians to be Harmed Indirectly

    1. By not helping them
    2. By interfering in their work
    3. By deceit in legal matters
    4. By harming them in things necessary for life

    Art. 2. Christians to be Harmed Directly

    1. Renegades to be killed
    2. Apostates
    3. Princes especially the Prince of Rome (the Pope) to be exterminated
    4. All Christians to be killed
    5. Killing a Christian is an acceptable sacrifice to God
    6. Heaven promised to those who kill Christians
    7. A Christian may be beheaded on the most solemn festivals
    8. The Messiah expected will be revengeful
    9. Jewish prayers against Christians
    10. Christian prayers for the Jews


  4. It reminds me of a Pentecostal service not Catholic
