"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Trick Or Treat....

Satanic Sacrificial Days
While children are out gathering candy the Satanists are out gathering children to be slaughtered.
Oct. 31st is the highest day of human sacrifice of the Illuminati Calendar. Also, be on the lookout for another possible false flag.
 by Richard Evans
WARNING: Adult content

Statistics on missing persons in the Unites States are difficult to find, but are appalling.  The following missing persons estimates are from the Kyle Fleischman Foundation: 2,300 American people are reported missing on a DAILY basis. 
"Human trafficking" is a very real and huge activity world wide. Among other uses trafficked people are a pool of victims for selection for occult human sacrifices. Mary Ann estimated tens of thousands of sacrifices routinely occur world wide on the dates on the calendar.  Best advice to the public is know where your pets and children are at all times.

It is estimated that in 2010 over 1,000,000 missing persons will be registered with law enforcement agencies. 814,957 were registered in 2007.
Ninety per cent of missing persons do return home. Ten per cent or 100,000 do not.
As of December 1, 2007 only 105,229 missing persons cases were considered "active".
In 2007 only 15.8% of the missing persons cases registered were classified as "located" by the National Crime Information Center.
52% of  "active" cases were juveniles. 11% were considered young adults ages 18-20.
55% of missing adults are men, 40% of them white, 30% African American, 20% Latino.
Only in October of 2001 were adults made inclusive of the National Missing Children's Organizations national clearinghouse database for missing people--this was called Kristen's Law. Kristin was also a Charlotte, NC native, like Kyle.
Little legislation since Kristen's law has been initiated by the government to address the growing problem of missing adults cases in our county. No new laws have been enacted and little federal support has been given.

Satanic holiday dates change annually according to the regular calendar and differ from cult to cult
Jan 1
New Year's Day

Druid Feast Day
Jan 7
St. Winebald Day
animal and/or human sacrifice and dismemberment
(male, if human)
Jan 17
Satanic Revels
oral, anal, vaginal
7-17 female
Jan 20-27
Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim for Candlemas
sexual and blood
oral, anal, vaginal
human sacrifice
female or child  (any age)
Jan 29
St. Agnes Eve

casting of spells

Feb. 2
(Sabbat Festival)
animal and/or human sacrifice

Feb. 2
Satanic Revels
oral, anal, vaginal
7-17 female
Feb. 25
St. Walpurgis Day
communion of blood and dismemberment
any age
Mar. 1
St. Eichatadt
drinking of human blood for strength and homage to the demons
any age (male or female)
Mar. 15,17

Mar. 20
date varies
Spring Equinox
(Sabbat Festival)
(Major fertility Sabbat)
oral, anal, vaginal
any age (male or female, human or animal)

Shrovetide - three days before Ash Wednesday
(which is a Witch Sabbat)

date varies
Good Friday
Day of Passion
(death of Christ)
human sacrifice
male only
date varies
Easter Eve Day
human sacrifice
male or female (adult)
Apr 21-26
Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim

Apr 24
St. Mark's Eve

divining and herb gathering

Apr 26 - May 1
Grand Climax
De Meur
oral, anal, vaginal
Corpus De Baahl
1-25 (female)
Apr 30
Roodmas Day
animal and/or human sacrifice
any age

Beltane Eve (often celebrated with a festival that includes bonfires and fertility rites) - greatest Witches Sabbat

May 1
Walpurgis Day
May Day

Druid Fire Festival
Coven Initiations

Jun 21
date varies
Feast Day
(Summer Solstice)
oral, anal, vaginal
animal and/or human sacrifice
any age (male or female or animal)
Jul 1
Demons Revel
Druid sexual association with demons
any age (female)
Jul 20-26
Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim for Grand Climax

Jul 25
St. James Day

gathering of herbs

Jul 27
Grand Climax (5 weeks, 1 day after summer solstice)
Da Meur
oral, anal, vaginal
human sacrifice
female (child or adult)
Aug 1
Lammas Day
(Sabbat Festival)
animal and/or human sacrifice
any age (male or female)

(Feast of Sun God, Harvest seasons begin)

Aug 3
Satanic Revels
oral, anal, vaginal
7-17 (female)
Aug 24
St. Bartholomew's Day
(Great Sabbat and Fire festival)

large herb gathering

Sep 7
Marriage to the Beast
sacrifice, dismemberment
infant - 21 (female)
Sep 21
Midnight Host
dismemberment and hands removed for Hand of Glory
Sep 22
date varies
Feast Day
(fall equinox)
oral, anal, vaginal
any age
Oct 13 - 30
Preparation for all Hallows Eve, Samhain (Halloween)
Abduction, holding and ceremonial preparation of individual for human sacrifice
(13 -Backward Halloween Date)

Oct 28-30
Satanist High
(Holy Day related to Halloween)
human sacrifice each day
any age (male or female)
Oct 30-31
All Hallows Eve and Halloween Night
blood and sexual
sexual climax, association with the demons, animal and/or human sacrifice
any age (male or female and/or animal)
Nov 1
Satanist High
(Holy Day related to Halloween)
human sacrifice
any age (male or female)
Nov 4
Satanic Revels
oral, anal, vaginal
7-17 (female)
Dec 22
Winter Solstice
(Sabbat Festival)
(Feast Day)
oral, anal, vaginal
any age (male or female, human or animal)
Dec 24
Demon Revels
Da Meur
High Grand Climax
any age (male or female, human and/or animal)

Christmas Eve
Receive body parts as Christmas gifts
infant male