"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth.... [Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Liberal Media Work With Jihadists
Liberal Media Work With Jihadists
By: Cliff Kincaid
It’s strange that the liberals in the media who always
complain about Joe McCarthy once having a list of communists in
government are so quick to cite the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list
of so-called right-wing extremists or “haters.”
With the help of the media, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is
setting people up for terrorist attacks inside the United States. Pamela
Geller is the latest on the list of the SPLC that has now been targeted
for death by the jihadists. "ISIS" says “… we will send all our Lions to
achieve her slaughter.”
"ISIS" is angry that Geller, an opponent of jihad, has
defended the First Amendment right of free speech against Islamic Sharia
In response, "ISIS" tried to massacre people at Geller’s Muhammad cartoon
contest in Texas on Sunday. Two terrorists were killed and an unarmed
security guard protecting the event was shot in the leg.
It’s an open secret that "ISIS" can get locations for its targets from the SPLC website. That’s how homosexual militant
Floyd Corkins
discovered the location of the Family Research Council in Washington,
D.C. and showed up at its headquarters, opening fire on a security
guard. He had hoped to conduct a massacre of FRC staff.
Indeed, Corkins told the FBI after the shooting that he intended to
“kill as many as possible” and smear the 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches he
was carrying in the victims’ faces. Chick-fil-A had been in the news
because its CEO had defended traditional marriage.
As we noted in a previous column, “The SPLC targets its critics by
name…labeling them ‘hate groups’ and running photographs of officers and
employees so they can more easily be identified.”
The SPLC sends its “intelligence reports” around the country, listing
people and groups by name with their locations. This puts the leaders of
these groups and their families at risk of terrorist attack.
Rather than express disgust with this tactic, the media regard the SPLC as somehow a credible source of information.
This brings a human face to the slogan “if it bleeds, it leads,” and
makes the media complicit in the planned jihad on American soil and its
The SPLC exercises what journalist James Simpson calls “partisan
tolerance,” which means conservatives and Christians must be demonized
and destroyed. On the other hand, anyone on the left is acceptable.
That’s why the SPLC hailed the “educational” work of Weather Underground
terrorist bomber Bill Ayers.
As the leading spear-carrier in the cultural Marxist war on
America, the SPLC is one of the most despicable groups on the political
scene these days, and yet it is accepted by the media as somehow
authoritative and respectable.
No matter how many times the group is exposed for sloppy research and
money-making scams, it is still considered a source of legitimate
information by some in the media.
That’s why its apparent role in the targeting for death of Pamela Geller
has to be highlighted and exposed. News organizations are helping
terrorist groups by giving the SPLC unwarranted sympathy and publicity.
"ISIS" has figured out that all it has to do in order to identify their
critics is go to the SPLC website and search its “hate map” and various
“lists” of so-called extremists. The SPLC makes it easy for terrorists
to wage jihad on American soil.
Yet, for a time, the Obama/Holder Justice Department and its FBI openly
collaborated with the SPLC. For example, Judicial Watch discovered that
SPLC head Morris Dees had appeared as the featured speaker at a
“Diversity Training Event” on July 31, 2012, at the Department of
Justice. The FBI has even listed the SPLC as a credible source of
information on “hate crimes.”
The SPLC tends to focus its critical attention on opponents of radical Islam and critics of the homosexual agenda.
The media’s reliance on this organization was disclosed
publicly by the hapless Bob Schieffer on a recent “Face the Nation”
episode when he
Tony Perkins of the FRC and began by noting, “You and your group
have been so strong in coming out … against gay marriage that the
Southern Poverty Law Center has branded the Family Research Council an
anti-gay hate group. We have been inundated by people who say we should
not even let you appear because they, in their view, quote, ‘You don’t
speak for Christians.’ Do you think you have taken this too far?”
This comment proves that Schieffer has lost it as a newsman. Did he even
bother to investigate the SPLC? Was he aware of the terrorist attack on
the FRC offices inspired by the SPLC?
Simply because the homosexuals inundated the CBS switchboard, Schieffer
felt compelled to take their objections seriously. This is not the usual
way journalism is done. But it’s the way liberals in the media operate.
Their ignorance is astounding.
Geller understands what is happening and frames the issue this way: “Truth is the new hate speech.”
The media need to educate themselves quickly about how they are playing
into the hands of not only the SPLC but the terrorists who are targeting
enemies on American soil.
This assumes, of course, that the media do not want to inspire more violence in America.
Typically, the liberal media describe the SPLC as a “civil rights organization.”
For those in the media who want to avoid violence and report the facts, for a change, Jim Simpson’s recent talk on “cultural Marxism” is required viewing.
In a report, Simpson defines partisan tolerance as expressing “partisan
hatred for everything non-leftist,” noting that it “seeks to actively
muzzle the views of the majority.” This lies behind the labeling of
conservatives and Christians as extremists or “haters.”
He notes that the concept of partisan tolerance is associated with
cultural Marxist Herbert Marcuse and is based on “an extreme arrogance
that assumes they are infallible in their utopian fantasies, and have
the right to impose their will on us no matter what we think.” The
notion that all positions incompatible with leftist designs can and must
be suppressed is at “the heart” of their worldview, Simpson points out.
He adds, “The idea was further developed in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals,
especially rule 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and
polarize it. Alinsky popularized the tactic, but Marcuse invented the
In the "ISIS" message targeting Geller for death, the group said, “The
next six months will be interesting… May Allah send his peace and
blessings upon our prophet Muhammad and all those who follow until the
last Day.”
It’s time for the media to stop encouraging the bloodshed.
Cliff Kincaid is conservative columnist and media critic.
TradCatKnight: "ISIS =Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, the Jews are behind the liberal media
I like Cliff Kincaid. He's an american patriot and I believe he's a good fighter against marxism in the media. He has published some videos regarding the Soviet propaganda disinformation on USA Survival (youtube channel).
I like Cliff Kincaid. He's an american patriot and I believe he's a good fighter against marxism in the media. He has published some videos regarding the Soviet propaganda disinformation on USA Survival (youtube channel).