Monday, February 29, 2016

12 Reasons To Run To Our Mother

12 Reasons To Run To Our Mother
By: Eric Gajewski
On the Consideration of the Qualities & Benefits of having a strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary

As many of you know the Blessed Virgin Mary was instrumental to my general conversion of heart which ultimately directed me back toward Catholic truth.  She has helped me to see clearly through this Vatican II deception.  She has helped me to overcome the many vices which so trapped my heart in the “prison cell of self”.  Not a day goes by without wearing the scapular and Rosary.  Yet there are still so many souls who have no intention of ever giving Our Queen a chance to show them just how powerful her intercession is.  The Blessed Virgin Mary, now, more than ever, is pivotal, to a healthy and intimate interior life with Our King. Thru Mary to Jesus.  Every eagle must stay close to this Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Therefore, let us consider some of the reasons (12 altogether) souls ought be running to Our Mother for the sake of their own heart’s conversion and for the safety of their own soul.  

She knows the Sacred Heart of Her Son.  The Holy Eucharist is the Bread that comes from our Heavenly Mother. It is Bread produced by Mary from the flour of Her immaculate flesh, kneaded into dough with her virginal milk. St. Augustine wrote, "Jesus took His Flesh from the flesh of Mary."  Further, She is the Oven which houses this Bread.  In Her housed Jesus thus if her flesh was good enough for Christ why is it not good enough for all?  Giving to the world our Saviour Our Lady knows quite intimately this Sacred Heart which redeems us.  Thus the closer I am to Mary the more closer I am to Christ.  Those who say they have Christ without even acknowledging Mary only deceive themselves. 'Flesh of my flesh and Blood of my blood"? Taken from the "intact Virgin" as says St. Thomas Aquinas, the flesh of Jesus is the maternal flesh of Mary, the blood of Jesus is the maternal blood of Mary. Therefore it will never be possible to separate Jesus from Mary.

She knows your heart needs the Sacred Heart.  What a wonderful matchmaker she is!  She will bring you very gently yet firmly to ad through this Sacred Heart of Christ.  In Her Christ first came and through Mary Christ first enters (in us).  To be clothed in the Sacred Heart of Christ we must first know it ( see above) and what better educator of this Eternal Heart other than the one who gave it to us?  Her Immaculate Heart full of sacrifice always points to thee Sacrifice.  Thus we must remain between these two pillars of victr’y, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Eucharist. For this reason at every Holy Mass which is celebrated, the Blessed Virgin can repeat with truth to Jesus in the Host and in the Chalice, "You are my Son today I have generated You" (Ps. 2:7). And justly St. Augustine teaches us that in the Eucharist "Mary extends and perpetuates Her Divine Maternity", while St. Albert the Great exhorts with love, "My Soul if you wish to experience intimacy with Mary let yourself be carried between Her arms and nourished with Her blood" She will deepen not only your Faith in holy religion but specifically she will deepen your understanding (as best as it is humanly speaking) of the Holy Mass. 

She is an educator.  She knows the answers to the test and helps you to prepare for your salvation.  She advises. She will stay after class and tutor you in the Ways of God. What good educator truly does not care for their own students?  This is inherent in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and thus the more we reflect on Her life the more we can draw closer to His life. 

She lets the Light in from what was once dark.  When she said Fiat hearts rejoiced.  The Light could finally be brought into my home.  Every morning the Blessed Virgin Mary is there for us to let Christ the Light into our hearts.  A Mother walks into the child’s room every morning and opens the blinds to let the light in to the once darkened room.  Thus it is Mary who awaits by the blinds of our hearts ready to let Him in.  She is needed for the souls still in darkness who cannot see clearly without this Light in the room.  Aside from the Unity in the bosom of the Blessed Trinity, can we think of a unity more close and total than that between Jesus and the Virgin Mary?  Between the Source and End, the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary? She is Coredemptrix; mediatrix of all graces.

She sets the table for the day!  We have an Eternal Food by which we eat and live yet who is there to help us and the priest prepare Him for us? Many Saints and theologians (St. Peter Damian, St. Bernard, St. Bonaventure, St. Bernadine ...) say that Jesus instituted the Eucharist above all for Mary and then through Mary, the Universal Mediatrix of All Graces, for all of us. And from Mary therefore Jesus comes to be given to us day by day; and in Jesus is always the immaculate flesh and the Virginal blood of His Most Holy Mother which penetrates into our hearts and inebriates our souls. In an ecstasy during the celebration of Holy Mass, St. Ignatius of Loyola contemplated one day the reality revealed by this most sweet truth and he remained celestially moved for a long time.  Furthermore, we ought run to Mary bright and early in the morning to help us prepare our hearts for the day.  A day which will see many battles, trials and tribulations.  Who wakes up the child in the morning for breakfast? Who sends the child very lovingly to school in the mornings? 

She is “homemaker”.  The Church teaches the woman is the “heart of the home” therefore She is the heart of the home.  She is the heart of hearts. She is there to help teach my His Heart, to prepare for this Heart and to draw us closer to this Heart.  She is highly organized and structured therefore She teaches the heart proper discipline.  In addition, what good home maker does not “give” on the account of Selfless Love?  She who gave herself wholly to the Son and the Son wholly unto Her Mother now turns to us to give us Him Whom She knows we greatly need!  The Mother of God gives herself wholly to the Son, to her Jesus, "the virginal Flower of the Virgin Mother" (Pius XII). And the Son in His turn gives Himself wholly to the Mother, making Himself similar to her and making her "fully Godlike" (St. Peter Damian).  The house is tidy, dustless and smells great when the Woman is present in the home. Thus we need Our Lady for our own homes our heart (an eagles nest).

She is the Mother of all mothers.  She is actively looking out for our best interest.  What person of good will would not choose to surround themselves with those who keep after their own best interests! Pitiful Protestants who not only do not understand Our Lady, they teach heresy in their ignorance.  They deny her goodness and maternal care with their vomitus tongues! Yet Our Lady is there awaiting for their hearts to turn from the dark that envelops all true heretics.  Mary, is the model of Selfless Love. She is sinless and thus knows She is needed in this ongoing battle against the self for we all have been born with the virus of self in us. The “blood” of “me” runs through me and therefore we need to stay close to our Lady’s chest and be ready to receive those graces necessary from the Son to help us overcome this disease. 

She is the Eagle of the nest who guards over her own.  Where we see Christ we ought see Our Lady and vice versa.  Thus, Saint Maximilian Kolbe used to recommend that when we go before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we never fail to remember Mary's presence, calling on her and associating ourselves with her, at least seeing to it that her sweet name comes to mind.  Her mantle spreads over the Church even as the sun’s light spreads over the world.  How can the enemy really think they shall win the war?  How do they think they can really “pull off” Vatican II forever without the Blessed Virgin Mary coming in with her “heel of victory”?  She is our Ark which goes before us in the battle of which “fortifies” the Living God.  Mess with the Church then you mess with Our Lady, the One Woman Army…not a smart idea!  “Seek refuge in Mary because she is the city of refuge. We know that Moses set up three cities of refuge for anyone who inadvertently killed his neighbor. Now the Lord has established a refuge of mercy, Mary, even for those who deliberately commit evil. Mary provides shelter and strength for the sinner.”

Saint Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church

She renews, purifies and cleans.  Although She is obviously not Source and End (not being Divine) we can say with this unfathomable mystical union with the Sacred Heart that She co-shares perfectly in all of Selfless Love’s work.  St. Germain ventured to call her "sweet paradise of God."  Do you have addictions which require a complete uprooting of the heart from created things?  Do you love yourself more than you love God Himself?  Then call upon our Queen who can get you going in the right direction.  Mary and a solid interior life go hand in hand.  Why would one seek the “way of perfection” without ever going to one who is already a perfect model?  Thus, in great wonder, it is Mary who seeks to share the Selfless Love of Her Son with those willing to accept.  Reject Mary as such and this will be denied without question. “Let us not imagine that we obscure the glory of the Son by the great praise we lavish on the Mother; for the more she is honored, the greater is the glory of her Son. There can be no doubt that whatever we say in praise of the Mother gives equal praise to the Son.” (“Non est dubium, quicquid in laudibus matris profermius, ad filium pertinere.”) Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Father and Doctor of the Church, Horn. 4, Sup. Miss.


She is a Fortress of the Soul.  She provides a sheltered environment for you to grow in virtue and in Selfless Love.  Once “inside her” you are protected from the enemy.  Do you go inward to seek her out?  She is not a “section 8 facility” in the ghettos of sin.  She is an Immaculate Fortress that sits high upon top the Mountain of God.  She houses the Church and in the Church we find her. She looks to her own handmaids these days to help keep your own castle clean.  If you knew the Prince of Glory was coming to visit your dwelling place would you dare not ask Our Lady for assistance?  She knows this Fortress through and through.  She take you by the hand through the stages of purification and illumination and helps you to prepare for your Wedding Day (spiritual marriage).  Further, as weak as we are, how as infants do we expect to feed ourselves once in this Fortress?  St. Augustine beautifully illustrates even better how Mary makes herself our own and unites herself to each one of us in Holy Communion. He says, "The Word is the Food of the Angels. Men have not the strength to feed It to themselves, nor need they do so. What is needed is a mother who may eat this super substantial Bread, transform it into her milk, and in this way feed her poor children. This mother is Mary. She nourishes herself with the Word and transforms It into the Sacred Humanity. She transforms It into Flesh and Blood, i.e., into this sweetest of milk which is called the Eucharist."

Perfect Model of Faith and Hope and Selfless Love.  As mentioned She is an Eagle whose Immaculate Wings spread over the Church and specifically our hearts and souls.  Her eyes (Charity or Selfless Love) radiate the Son’s and She shows us how to traverse the great storms of life.  She never sinned in fear, doubt nor worry and thus we look to her.  But why do so many not welcome her?  Do they not know when they knock on the door of this Fortress it is Our Lady to first answer for her King?  And if she does not recognize thee neither will the King.  He who rejects the Mother will likewise be turned away by the Son.  We thus welcome her in the home of our hearts with the warmest hospitality, the hospitality dearest to her, every time we invite her company by way of our receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, when we present her with the living, true Jesus for her great comfort and delight. We need to appreciate what a great grace this is to have the Madonna's full care and attention with Jesus and in Jesus. O’ St. Ambrose wanted all Christians to have "Mary's soul to magnify the Lord and Mary's spirit to exult in God"!

She is true peacemaker.  We are currently surrounded by frauds in the mainstream church trying to tap-dance around Our Lady’s directives for world peace and yet what shall their efforts (or lack thereof) amount to?  They are building a false fortress rooted in false charity, mercy, peace and hope because it is rooted in man and not the Sacred heart.  Who can end of all the antics and squabbling’s between “traditionalists”?  Who can bring the schematics back under this One Roof?  Who can open the eyes of the blind, those Novus Ordites, still following the New Religion of Man under the guise of being called “Catholic”?  Who can bring this peace to the world through a consecrated Russia to Her own Bosom?  When the children of the neighborhood get into a massive fight is it not the Mother who comes to rush out and to admonish, correct and once again bring them all back into this One very Fortress founded by Christ Himself?  Then why do we delay to pray to Our Lady?  She can by the very nature of Her Immaculate Heart bring the Eternal Sacred Heart into the world, into homes, into communities and most specifically each heart!  Thus, the peace of Christ flows through His Immaculate Vessel

by Fr. Stefano Manelli,
OFM Conv., STD 

One of the old monstrances made in the figure of Mary carrying the Holy Eucharist in her breast has these words inscribed on its base: "O Christian who comest full of faith to receive the Bread of life, eat It worthily, and remember that It was fashioned out of Mary's pure blood." Mary can quite rightfully beckon to us and speak to us in the words of the inspired prophet, "Come and eat my bread, drink the wine I have prepared" (Prov. 9:5). Saint Maximilian Kolbe wanted to convey the thought of this passage when he proposed that all altars of the Blessed Sacrament be surmounted with a statue of the Immaculate Virgin with her arms extended to invite us all to come eat the Bread that She herself had made.
With beautiful imagery, St. Gregory of Tours said that Mary's Immaculate bosom is the heavenly cupboard, well-stocked with the Bread of Life that was made in order to feed her children. "Blessed is the womb that bore Thee and the paps that gave Thee suck!" exclaimed a certain woman to Jesus (Lk. 11:27). The Immaculate Virgin carried Jesus within her while His Body was being formed from her own flesh and her own blood. Thus every time we go to Holy Communion, something sweet to recall is that Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the Bread of Life produced from Mary with the flour of her Immaculate flesh, kneaded with the admixture of her virginal milk. She has made this for us, her children. And we realize more fully our brotherhood with one another as we all partake of this savory, exquisite Bread of our Mother.