Catholics share blame for Reformation, says top Vatican ecumenical official
Please pray for these poor blind leaders of the Church. Avoid their teachings and keep the Pre-Vatican 2 Faith
These heretics will melt like wax before Our Lord...
The president of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity told a
conference at the Catholic University of America that Catholic Church
leaders bear part of the blame for the Reformation.
Speaking at a symposium marking the 500th anniversary of the
Reformation, Cardinal Kurt Koch said that if Catholic bishops had
responded to Martin Luther’s calls for reform, Luther’s movement might
not have split the Church.
Cardinal Koch argued that in his early campaign for reform, Luther
made reasonable calls for reform. Only later did Luther attack the
fundamental structure and authority of the Church. In that sense, the
cardinal said, it is inaccurate to say that Luther’s posting of his
famous theses marks the starting date of the Reformation. At that point,
Cardinal Koch said, reforms may have kept the Church intact. So he
concluded: “For the fact that the original reform of the Church became a
Church-dividing reformation, the Catholic Church of the time must bear
its share of the blame.”