Friday, October 2, 2015

Video- A Refutation of’s Anti-SSPX Investigative Episode (Part 1)

Video- A Refutation of’s Anti-SSPX Investigative Episode (Part 1)
By: Christus Rex
Hi Eric,
I loved your recent video with Fr. Kramer. Keep it up!
I want to let you know that I just released today a new video which I 
think you might enjoy. It is entitled "Michael Voris SSPX: A Refutation 
of’s Anti-SSPX Investigative Episode (Part 1)"
You often ask your readers to send you things that they want to request 
to be put on blogs/facebook/twitter/etc. for sharing and I want to 
request you to consider posting this on those forum's to get the word 
out if you think the video is worthy. Please note that I feature a clip 
from your talk with Fr. Kramer in the middle of the video where I 
thought it was particularly effective.
God bless,

A Refutation of’s Anti-SSPX Investigative Episode (Part 1) 


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