Tuesday, March 6, 2018

TradCatKnight Radio, Hugh Owen "St. Kolbe, the Immaculata & the Goodness of Original Creation"

TradCatKnight Radio, Hugh Owen "St. Kolbe, the Immaculata & the Goodness of Original Creation"
Talk given 3-6-18      (aprx 1hr.)

Special guest Hugh Owen joins me to discuss:  first even and new eve, link between original creation and Immaculate Conception, chastisement as a result of sin, Darwins Father a Mason, Darwins hate for the Church, Kinsley sex revolution, triumph of Immaculate Heart is a restoration of Church and nature, progress is a buzz word for the NWO, social justice, naturalism and the push for a return to ancient paganism, modernism and MUCH more!

Mr. Hugh Owen is the convert son of Sir David Owen, the first secretary general of International Planned Parenthood Federation. Mr. Owen served as a teacher, headmaster, and religious education coordinator for more than 30 years.  For the past twenty years he has worked as a professional writer and editor, publishing many books and articles.  Mr. Owen currently directs the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation which provides a forum for Catholic theologians, philosophers, and natural scientists all over the world who are dedicated to making sure that the evidence for and against the theory of evolution is made available to Church leaders and to the lay faithful. He and his wife Maria live in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.  They have nine children and sixteen grandchildren, including four married children and two daughters at a Benedictine Abbey, one in novitiate and one in postulancy.

Website: kolbecenter.org

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