Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Heretical Cardinal Kasper Admits That Heresy Has Blinded Him

Heretical Cardinal Kasper Admits That Heresy Has Blinded Him
The debate about Amoris Laetitia is “way too strong, with accusations of heresy”, Cardinal Walter Kasper believes.
Talking to vaticannews.va (March 5), Kasper claims that Francis has not questioned the indissolubility of marriage [although he de facto abolished it] .
During the interview, Kasper himself pronounced a heresy when he claimed that it is unclear whether adulterers commit a sin or not. According to him after adultery “the conscience needs to be examined in the internal forum if there is truly a grave sin, or perhaps a venial sin, or perhaps nothing.” This claim strikingly contradicts the teaching of all popes prior to Francis.
Being solidly stuck in heresy, Kasper admits that he cannot see any reason why Communion for adulterers is a heresy.