Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Resistance: Christeros

Resistance: Christeros 
In 1927, once Catholic Mexico was immersed in a violent storm of religious persecution. The president of Mexico at that time was a wicked despot named Pluterco Calles. His hatred of the Catholic Church had no limits. He killed priests, nuns, Mexican Catholic laity and burned Churches. 

In 1927, in legitimate self defense, countless Mexican Catholics took up arms to defend the true faith. Whenever they charged into battle, the Christeros, as they were known shouted in unison; "VIVO CRISTO REY!" "LONG LIVE CHRIST THE KING!"

Many Christeros shed their blood in this spiritual conflict. Many were martyred and young, blessed Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio was among them. Had this young and courageous Mexican Catholic, who was martyred for the faith witnessed the immoral depravity and political corruption which now abounds his once beloved Catholic nation, he would be ashamed!


  1. Ya and pope pius XI gave orders to have a armed group of freedom fighters who protected Catholics and was sponsored supported by the vatican in the beginning to lay down their arms just when they were winning and as a result thousands of them were killed because they obeyed the pope. Tell me pius XI was not a freemanson He had them all killed and new it would happen if they layed down their arms. And there are other reasons he was a freemanson

  2. No, amigo, Pope Pius XI was not a Freemason (check out his writings) but was deceived by Freemasonic Cardinals and Bishops, who were in support of the Revolution in Catholic Mexico, to tell the Cristeros to lay down their arms, for he was told that blood was being spilled without good cause, even for an evil cause. Research it.

    Viva Cristo Rey!
    +William Kaldawi
    Ave Maria
