Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Marie Julie: St. Primus Speaks- Prophecy of a BLOODTHIRSY CENTURY of Diabolical Inventions

Marie Julie: St. Primus Speaks- Prophecy of a BLOODTHIRSY CENTURY of Diabolical Inventions 

St. Primus gives a dire prophecy of a bloodthirsty century with diabolical inventions that once again foretells Pope Leo XIII's vision of 'Satan's Century'.

Ecstasy of October 23, 1878
I am Saint Primus, martyred with St. FĂ©licien. I was martyred by the hand of the famous emperors who made so many martyrs. I was martyred for refusing to associate with those miserable and impious idolaters, and for refusing to not believe in Jesus Christ. Saint Felician was martyred in a different way. He was beheaded. First, I was seized and I was introduced to the book on which weak Christians committed their souls to Hell by signing and renouncing Jesus Christ and Heaven. As soon as the servants of the furious Emperor presented me the pen and the book, I said aloud: "No, I will not renounce my God, I will never condemn his Church. I do not want to lose my soul."
Then all the Christians who had apostatized rushed upon me with rage and vengeance. They pierced my veins, especially those of my heart and chest, and with my blood they wrote on the book of Satan. But it was not by my hand or by my will, I was innocent. Then the Emperor ordered me to drink the blood of their idolatries, otherwise I would be pierced by the sword. I objected and said that I did not want to stain my soul with the blood of demons. The Emperor had me pierced anew with arrows.
(Note: My translation could be incorrect but he continues on to say:) I was the first (martyr) to be pierced with arrows. I was also the first to be put to death by the double-edged sword that spilled so much Christian blood.
The Emperor then had my body removed saying it was a plague and a foul stench because he did not like Christian blood. ... I was dragged out of sight of the emperor and was thrown into a deep pit where I (remained) for several days. But Christians who knew the place, they removed me and gave me burial.
Now a word on behalf of Our Lord.
Our adorable Lord has Himself prepared a large number of martyrs on earth by suffering and pains of all kinds. These (souls) are very advanced. They have made great progress in the Holy Will of God. Under the emperors, the land was thirsty for the blood of Christians. Today men are thirsty, Lucifer is thirsty, the earth is thirsty and souls are hungry for flesh and blood! The earth has been so well watered with the blood of martyrs in every age!
Dear Brothers of the Cross, look at this epoch as a remarkable century, when the earth drinks, and the pavements, streets and fields, the blood of the true Christian and also the blood of the bad Christian. Their blood will mix, but their odour is distinctive. The name of Jesus Christ will be written in the blood of true Christians while the rage of men and devils cry fiercely in the blood of the wicked and in that of the perverted and soiled Christian.
Dear brothers, in pain, there will be in this century, many emperors provided with instruments of new invention. Every day, there will be held a diabolical council about these inventions of deadly weapons. But do not fear these barbaric instruments for the power of God can paralyse these corrupt members. Here is what (is being) prepared (by) the agents of the most famous emperors. Here are their designs and their wishes:
They are preparing to say (or declare) aloud to have an end of the "rebels", to unite them all together and make them march in battalions to their temples, 'where they like to say,' they add, 'that their God resides'. They want to achieve the martyrdom of Christians as much as possible in the temple of God and around these walls built with the stone of the Divine Power that has stood every epoch and that will stand still in this century, despite the cruel barbarity.
We will interrupt the text with an observation / interpretation: St. Primus mentions 'in this century' and 'look at this epoch as a terrible century' when 'new inventions' will come about – not only could this be an indication of the years 1878 to 1978 judging from the date of the ecstasy, but could also refer to 'Satan's Century' that would soon be foretold by Pope Leo XIII, a vision that had not happened yet when this ecstasy took place. (See post #71 St. Gregorythe Great – Prophecy Echoing Leo XIII's vision to Come)
We must also remember Bl Catherine Emmrich's prophecy that Satan would be let loose about 50 to 60 years before the year 2,000 AD, but that he would prepare for that event 'a time and a time' before then according to her. Notice the age of machines suddenly expanded on a vast scale even before the 50 to 60 years, the early 1900s would see the invention of the airplane and the advancement in weaponry that would be used during WW I and would be further developed during WW2, especially the atomic bomb.
(Image right: descration of churches / religious objects during the Spanish civil war.)
St. Primus warns Marie-Julie Jahenny a time of genocide is coming, when evil leaders will plot in secret using the pretext of stopping rebellion to round up Christians, (Catholics), and march them into churches where they will be martyred, in the places where the Blessed Sacrament resides. These evil agents will mock our belief in the Blessed Sacrament. The“walls built with stone of divine power” referred to must represent the Pope and the clergy, i.e., the unity of the Catholic faith which has weathered every persecution and will never fail. This could be a double-prediction of what eventually happened when Socialism / Communism spread throughout the world and churches were closed and desecrated, from Portugal, Russia, to Spain, to Mexico, etc. under the pretext of granting 'Freedom' to the people. Christians and religious were rounded up and slaughtered. It will happen again as Marie-Julie received warnings of the brutality that will devastate Paris before the return of the Great Monarch. Already, we can see the Leftist agenda of labelling Christians and conservatives as 'intolerant' and 'fascists': is it possible that if any protest is made against these unjust accusations it will be portrayed as social rebellion as a pretext to persecute Christians? This in addition to the prophecy that Marie-Julie also received that "France would become Muslim and deny the divinity of Christ" - indicating militant Islam may also become another agent used to persecute the faithful.
Continuation of the text:
St. Primus: “This is a project, but God judges differently! Indeed, among those who believe they make so many victims, many have succumbed at the moment of the beautiful finish.” (I may have translated that last sentence incorrectly: apparently, the saint says that many who set out to make victims become converts in the end when they see the grace-filled death of many martyrs.)
St. Primus: “Dear Brothers of the Cross, the inventions of hell will begin. They have already begun. But if they come to you, keep your faith and your steadfastness. May your eyes, accustomed to looking at Heaven and heavenly things will not bear these horrible visible inventions that you will also be presented with to (make you) bend under oath. But this course is not much (or a cause) to fear, because they are dispersed supporters (or henchmen). It will be easy to see the end because your lands will remain closed. They will not be open to the looting of the awful pillage of sacrilegious disorder. (I.e. a reiteration that Brittany will be protected.)
If I speak too loudly and too much is because it is necessary to prevent and to warn of all the preparations and secret commitments that plot and that go enter into a force for freedom. (i.e., using the cause of Liberty as a pretext?) To revive your courage, brothers of the Cross do not leave your Crucifix which is a precious and divine book where one draws sublime words of to sustain your courage and to safeguard your Faith. Our Lord made powerful barriers to the gates of His garden of protection. Brittany is where the Lord plants high barriers. The profanation and sacrilegious murder will not pass. Right now, you are all working men and women. You work in the land of the Lord, either in suffering, or carrying your cross, or undergoing the insults and persecution. You are all working men and women employed by the One who controls everything, and who runs it all. You plough your souls and your hearts also. Our Lord gives you abundant graces and abundant blessings to be deposited in the field of your immortal souls. This crop grows in God's eyes. No matter if in the eyes of men it appears withered and dry.
Dear brothers, courage throughout this land of bitterness that is still a flower but soon will no longer be fulfilled and no longer then any emblem or flower or tree. It will be reduced and reversed, by the Justice of God, which men have attracted (upon them) by their crimes and disorder, it will be very hard and very painful for them. They will say: "It is my fault!"
Carry your cross. The climb is difficult. But once on top, you have nothing to fear. Here the blessed rewards await you and a fruitful harvest because you have suffered.”
Notes: Saint Primus was martyred with his brother St. Felician c. 297 AD. According to tradition, they were beheaded on the Via Nomentana under the Emperor Diocletian. They were both Roman citizens. Feast Day June 9.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you posting this ! It certainly reinforces my prayers to remain strong and steadfast. I am now going to pray the rosary for all who are infected with evil and all who are not enlightened. God's Will be done !
