Tuesday, September 13, 2016

TradCatKnight Radio, David Meade "Planet X: 2017, The Arrival"

TradCatKnight Radio, David Meade "Planet X: 2017, The Arrival"
Talk given 9-13-16   (aprx 50 mins)

Disclaimer:  Not all views of my guests are reflective of TradcatKnight and the Catholic Religion.

David Meade studied astronomy, among other subjects, at the University of Louisville. After graduation, he worked in forensic investigations for a number of years. The last 10 years he has spent with Fortune 1000 Companies, writing special reports for management. He is a specialist in research and investigations. He has 10 books to his credit. He enjoys relating science and the Bible. He believes Planet X is a perfect marriage of the two.

Website: writers-web-services.com
Book: amazon.com/Planet-X-Arrival-David-Meade-ebook/dp/B01BLXPE3M
Related Article: planetxnews.com/2016/06/16/overwhelming-evidence-2017-arrival-planet-x-nibiru
Related Article on September 23, 2017: remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/2127-apocalypse-now-another-great-sign-rises-in-the-heavens

TOPICS INCLUDED IN THIS TALK: his background nd interest in Planet X, Scripture and Prophecy confirm Planet X, Marie Julie Jahenny and the "Radiant Planet", why is government hiding this knowledge?, increased signs in sky/sun and birth pang events,  CME, Solar Kill shot (Rev 8:7), doomsday seed vault, underground bunkers, Astrological sign Rev 12 and Triumph of Immaculate Heart, new age awaiting a star sign in counterfeit of Our Lord, martial law, economic collapse, other early civilizations record the sky disk, Geoengineering, CERN, 3 days of darkness, climate change, practical advice for prepping, new madrid area, yellowstone, nuclear reactor situation, why cant we see it?, Fr. Malachi Martin & 3rd Secret of Fatima, elite prepared to flee underground, military/government officials saying yes this exists and MUCH more....

Reminder: I present these talks to you free of charge however we maintain and grow based upon your charity.

TradCatKnight Radio, David Meade "Planet X: 2017, The Arrival"