Tuesday, September 13, 2016

NeoSSPX Still On Red Light

NeoSSPX Still On Red Light
By: Eric Gajewski

There are a growing number asking whether or not they should leave the NeoSSPX if they accept a personal prelature from Modernist Rome.  From my perspective what has changed on Rome’s end and what has changed on the Society’s end?  Rome is not converted and still deceitful as ever.  The NeoSSPX, as a whole, although, points out novelties, still accepts the Council in “light of Tradition”.  Can Catholics accept this?  The answer is no and thus nothing has changed.  The NeoSSPX is on red light still. 

As I have been pointing out for some years the NeoSSPX is led by theologically inept, delusional leaders who utilize “used car salesman” tactics in order to try and convince people it is prudent to go into the diseased Conciliar Church and try to convert.  Archbishop Lefebvre laughed at such a proposition that is just how bad Rome is these days and there is no intention of Rome to become Catholic, that is, by removing the Vatican II Revolution.  Therefore, what are you waiting for?  The NeoSSPX has no intent of considering Vatican II as representative of the New Religion therefore nothing has changed.  When we look back at the Arian crisis we find the true faithful refraining from heretical buildings but also impious and compromised buildings as recorded by the early Fathers.  If you can in good conscience attend a Society church knowing that they accept this Council and are looking for some reclarifications here and there then go for it.  Unfortunately, this is why I would tell you to stay from such people.   

Churches and altars will be sacked. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

Compromise, would become prevalent Our Lady of Akita warned.  It is almost as if Our Lady at Akita was warning us of these pseudo traditionalists like Bishop Fellay.  I recall during the talks of 2012 how priests in the Society were told to keep quiet on calling out Modernist Rome all so that the Society could gain recognition.  Do people really think this pleases Jesus.  Truly, the Society has become a circus act wherein many are now sitting back just waiting for the next “used car salesman” tactic coming from Fellay and his liberal cohorts.  In his last address online he stated we are spending too much time focusing in on the “human side” of the Church as opposed to the Divine side!!  What a used car salesman tactic this is because the minute we lose focus of this human side we may lose our souls due to heresy.  Now you have dressed up liberals in Society saying how great it would be to be used for the new evangelization.  Now you have Bishop Fellay saying how great it is to be labeled Catholic by Francis.  Folks these priests have long lost it!  They no longer follow Archbishop Lefebvre but false mystics telling them to head back into the Conciliar Church.  It is truly quite pathetic to witness what has transpired in Society.

Do not fret you still have Our Lady and the Church.  There are many now seeing how they must refrain from these compromised buildings even if that means to stay home on Sunday.  The question extends above and beyond whether a mass is valid as the Arian crisis has shown us.  The enemy in Rome is VERY clever and they know what is about to happen.  Therefore, they want to trap as many as they can in comfort before the False Prophet arrives.  Rome is Universalist and has been for over 50 years they have not changed folks and yet the NeoSSPX says they have!  The conservative cardinals are still modernist/liberal and have in no way come against the Revolution publicly therefore we must still resist them as well until they get their act together.  It is truly sad but we have Our Lady, the Rosary.  We have Faith and Hope.  We pray for the conversion of the Novus Ordites and those like Bishop Fellay who still are compromising this Faith and trying to silence those who call him out.  I pray I do not meet him face to face it would not go well for him who has caused this division and turmoil.