Queen St. Clotilda, the spiritual mother of the counterrevolution
Walter Adams
“The migration of nations! – What a medley of images this word calls up in our mind. It carries us back to the sunset of the old civilization; we rest for a while in the twilight, then grope about in the night, and emerge at last into the dawn – grey, indistinct, undefined – of a new social order.” ~ Fr. John Laux, Church History
Certainly, the above quote seems poignant
for our times; though, it refers to the barbarian invasions of the 5th
and 6th centuries roughly one thousand five hundred years ago. Just as
the old Roman Empire crumbled exteriorly after years of internal moral
decay, so is our empire called Western Civilization crumbling after an
astonishing collapse in morality. The contemporary spiritual, social,
and cultural situation in America and the West is not significantly
different from that of post-barbarian Europe.
“When the last wave of the barbarian invasion had spend its force, the face of Europe had been transformed. Independent Germanic kingdoms had been established on the ruins of the Roman Empire, and there was everywhere a bewildering mixture of races, institutions, and religions.” ~ Fr. John Laux, Church History
The situation for true Christianity, the
fullness of which resides in the only institution founded personally and
authoritatively by Jesus Christ before His passion, crucifixion, and
resurrection – the Catholic Church – is as perilous now as it was then.
Just as in modern America, “Christian” rulers are often Protestant,
Evangelical, or otherwise “spiritual but not religious,” the Goths,
Vandals, Burgundians, and Lombards rolling over Europe were mostly
either pagan or heretical Arian Christians rather than true Christian
and Catholic. The saving grace for Christianity in temporal affairs and
the seed of what eventually would become Christendom was the conversion
to Catholicism of the still pagan Franks through the baptism of King
Clovis in 496 AD. Our Lord and Our Lady accomplished this work of Divine
Providence through Queen Saint Clotilda, the graceful wife of Clovis.
Through her influence, Clovis converted to Catholicism and with him all
of the Frankish kingdom. True Catholic Christianity now held a
beachhead on mainland Europe through the Franks and by the prayers and
example their saintly Queen.
“In 493 the Frankish king Clovis married Clotilda, a Burgundian princess, who, though of Arian parentage, was herself a devout Catholic. It was mainly due to her example, her admonitions and her prayers that Clovis embraced Christianity in spite of various attempts made by his Arian neighbors to win him over to their heresy. With three thousand of his warriors he was baptized on Christmas day in the year 496 by St. Remigius, bishop of Rheims. The bulk of the nation followed the example of their leader.” ~ Fr. John Laux, Church History
Similarly, Christian civilization finds
itself in the 21st century facing the same threat and needing the same
remedy as it did in the 5th and 6th centuries. Our modern barbarian
invasion began in the 16th century with the Protestant Revolution which
brought a new, heretical form of Christianity to the fore of cultural
and political power. Mutated forms of this heresy have led to
our bewildering array of barbaric contemporary beliefs and
institutions, as witnessed by their progress through the Satanic French
Revolution, the equally Satanic Bolshevik Revolution, and the equally
Satanic Sixties Hippie Revolution. Having been torn asunder and weakened
spiritually and culturally by the initial waves, we are now threatened
with complete desolation by the ever-ready ancient battering ram, the
most insidious barbaric religious and political mutation of all, Islam,
with like effect as ancient Europe was threatened by the terrible
Lombards in 568.
“The invasion of the Lombards (568) was the last, but in many respects also the most tremendous, scourge with which the fair provinces of Italy were visited. It was the most terrible, as Newman remarks, because it was the last; because the Visigoth and the Hun and the Vandal and the Herulian and the Ostrogoth and the Byzantine had devastated the land before him, the Lombard could in so short a time make the desolation so complete.” ~ Fr. John Laux, Church History
We are so threatened with complete
desolation today by the Muslim because the revolutionary Protestant, the
spiritually carcinogenic “spiritual but not religious,” and the
totalitarian secular atheist have devastated the land before him. The
Muslim is now able to draw the sword for the final blow. Just as ancient
Europe was weakened by heretical Arianism under the false pretense of
“Christian,” we are weakened by heretical Protestantism, Evangelicalism,
and “spiritual but not religious” heresies. True Christianity – the
Catholic Church – needs a beachhead today in our society, culture, and
political structure just as it needed that Catholic, Frankish beachhead
centuries ago.
The Counterrevolutionary and Royal Army
of America aims to be one part of that beachhead, even if it is a very
small part. Our spiritual mother, foundress, and patroness is St.
Clotilda. Our Lord initiated France’s mission and vocation as “The
Eldest Daughter of the Church” through her saintly piety. Though her
father was Arian, St. Clotilda’s Catholic mother instilled in her
daughter a faithful Christian spirit as a barbarian Burgundian Princess
at a time when the old was passing away, and no one knew what was
ahead. Later, as the Queen of the Franks, St. Clotilda brought an
entire people to the true faith.
“All about Clotilda, as she grew from infancy to girlhood, the old world was crashing down; she, a barbarian princess, belonged to the new one, whatever it might be. Yet the faith that burned in her was the faith of Perpetua, of Cecilia, of Jerome’s Paula – all from the greatest families of Rome, who would have recognized Clotilda instantly as their sister in spirit.” ~ Warren H. Carroll, The Building of Christendom
TradCatKnight Radio: "The Counter Revolution"
St. Clotilda suffered much for many years
after the death of King Clovis. Her children, the heirs to the new
Catholic Kingdom, brought her only misery. Short of a personal divine
revelation (of which there is no record or indication), she would have
had no way to know during the thirty-four years she carried her cross as
a widow that God would use her as the seed of what would become
Christendom. Like Queen St. Clotilda, we must suffer with royal hearts
in an age of vulgar, secular, egalitarian republicanism knowing that Our
Lord Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, the Master of history, and He
through Whom all things were created. We might never see the fruits of
our efforts, but like St. Clotilda, we will offer our crosses to the
most Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary and through her to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus for the Kingdom of God “on earth as it is in Heaven.” If St.
Clotilda gave birth to Catholic France, then surely, by the grace of
God, she will give spiritual birth to the renaissance of Catholic
France. Queen St. Clotilda will watch over us with motherly concern.
Through her powerful intercession and
royal, paternal care, we will defend the Catholic Church, as did her
husband King Clovis. As did the Franks for Christendom over the
centuries, we will form the seed for the resurrection of the coming,
newly energized Catholic civilization. We seek the Renaissance of the
Kingdom of Catholic France, the restoration of the French Catholic
Monarchy, the restoration of Catholic Monarchies in general, and even
the establishment of a Catholic Monarchy in the United States.
Queen St. Clotilda, with Ste. Jehanne
d’Arc, Ste. Thérèse de Lisieux, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of
Heaven and earth, pray for us!