Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Pope St. Pius X Said It & So Can I

Pope St. Pius X Said It & So Can I
By:  Eric Gajewski
Pope St. Pius X exposed the new Vatican II “apostles” as the Sillon movement is pushing the false christ’s agenda.  The Conciliarist’s do not work for Jesus (objectively speaking) but for mankind (Luciferian).

I was rereading Pope St. Pius X’s Notre Charge yesterday and every time I read it I learn something new.  Has this ever happened to you?  This one writing of Pope St. Pius X truly unmasks the plot for a One World Religion coming from those who profess to be Catholic but in reality, are not.  In this letter, the “ecumenist’s”, of the Conciliar Church, are perfectly described by Pope St. Pius X.  He had very strong language to condemn these “Catholic” pretender’s or insane dreamer’s.  However, we live in such a protestant world, wherein, no longer, can we judge any “movement” or even the actions of another.  Heck, I can’t even point out how Cardinal Burke teaches heresy without being labeled some “hater” or “attacker” of the Church.  Pope St. Pius X called out these men of the Conciliar Church, who, objectively speaking, are destroying it and so can I.  Please do not let any Sillonist/modernist tell you otherwise.

Pope St. Pius X: “But stranger still, alarming and saddening at the same time, are the audacity and frivolity of men who call themselves Catholics and dream of re-shaping society under such conditions, and of establishing on earth, over and beyond the pale of the Catholic Church, “the reign of love and justice” with workers coming from everywhere, of all religions and of no religion, with or without beliefs, so long as they forego what might divide them – their religious and philosophical convictions, and so long as they share what unites them – a “generous idealism and moral forces drawn from whence they can”.

Yes, that is right.  Pope St. Pius X is pointing his finger at the Vatican II’ers.  The Conciliarist’s who embrace Sillonism dare to call themselves Catholic whence they are not.  They have this dream of a “new world” in their revolutionary thinking which holds to a gospel which is fostering the “false christ’s” religion not the Catholic one.   

They involve every false religion and sect and tell them they too have a share in “the church” whence they do not in reality.   

Now you ought ask yourself this question.  Do I want to lend a hand in the destruction of the Church by communing with these individuals no matter how sincere they may be?  Vatican II NewChurch is the promoter of this false love and justice which has in its end Socialism forthcoming.  It will accept anyone who accepts them and yet Catholics can not do as such.  

For there can be no unity in falsehood.   

Sadly, the Sillonist dream world is now being sold to the public as a potential reality.  It is not rooted in solid Catholic doctrine and hence this new city of babel will collapse like the one of old.

Pope St. Pius X:  I say, of all this, it is frightening to behold new apostles eagerly attempting to do better by a common interchange of vague idealism and civic virtues. What are they going to produce? What is to come of this collaboration? A mere verbal and chimerical construction in which we shall see, glowing in a jumble, and in seductive confusion, the words Liberty, Justice, Fraternity, Love, Equality, and human exultation, all resting upon an ill-understood human dignity. It will be a tumultuous agitation, sterile for the end proposed, but which will benefit the less Utopian exploiters of the people. Yes, we can truly say that the Sillon, its eyes fixed on a chimera, brings Socialism in its train.

It is frightening because what was once taught as Catholic is no more.  It has been replaced by a new theology which is heterodox that sadly the “majority” follow.  People, get very upset, when, I say, these heretics are not Catholic objectively speaking but cannot prove me wrong.  Clearly, I can demonstrate how these individuals follow doctrines and principles condemned by the Church but who are you to judge, Eric!  Yep, more Protestantism folks.  As if I need authority to hold an opinion. Ironically it is these same people who have been saying I am a heretic publicly yet they have no authority to do so according to their own false belief system.  

It is frightening times, when, the word, “Catholic”, is reinterpreted, to mean something different and then for good measures is hid behind a false “hermeneutics of continuity”.   

What is a Catholic to do?  Resistance is our defense and proper resistance is not the pseudo trad flavor of still communing in those same buildings simply because they say a latin mass.  This is news to the false trads.  “ For you cannot be in buildings where the faith is not”, regardless, of whether, they say the Latin Mass or not.   

We are a doctrine first peoples.

This is a new world order collaboration.  This movement is seductive because it plays upon the problems of today (global warming, poverty, etc) but it does not end with the true Christ.  This new social justice religion is leading men straight into the arms of the false prophet and Antichrist himself yet why don’t the majority see this?  The Conciliarists are “exploiters and revolutionaries” so God can never bless this movement.  Yet, so many, modernists, have argued back, “you just need to get with the times, Eric!”.  No, my heretical friend, you need to get with the Church for God transcends the times. We must remember Vatican II is a new religion based upon “human dignity” not a Catholic dignity in Christ.

“We fear that worse is to come: the end result of this developing promiscuousness, the beneficiary of this cosmopolitan social action, can only be a Democracy which will be neither Catholic, nor Protestant, nor Jewish. It will be a religion (for Sillonism, so the leaders have said, is a religion) more universal than the Catholic Church, uniting all men become brothers and comrades at last in the “Kingdom of God”. – “We do not work for the Church, we work for mankind.”

Pope St. Pius X said it was a religion, therefore, I can too.  Does this bother you? Too bad!  The New Religion of Vatican II has stepped above and beyond the Catholic Faith and falsely unites all men.  

It is, truly, Luciferian, this cult of man, which, has been established to end Christianity altogether.   

It is exaltation of man and “the self” via an integral humanism which is leading men straight into arms of Lawlessness.  Our Lord said FEW would hold the Faith in the end, therefore, why do you care that you are the “outsider”?  You are one of the blessed few who see clearly.  You will neither accept heresy nor will you compromise as the false traditionalist’s have, thus, keep in faith. 

“We know only too well the dark workshops in which are elaborated these mischievous doctrines which ought not to seduce clear-thinking minds. The leaders of the Sillon have not been able to guard against these doctrines. The exaltation of their sentiments, the undiscriminating good-will of their hearts, their philosophical mysticism, mixed with a measure of illuminism, have carried them away towards another Gospel which they thought was the true Gospel of Our Savior. To such an extent that they speak of Our Lord Jesus Christ with a familiarity supremely disrespectful, and that – their ideal being akin to that of the Revolution – they fear not to draw between the Gospel and the Revolution blasphemous comparisons for which the excuse cannot be made that they are due to some confused and over-hasty composition.”

Pope St. Pius X said these false principles of the Sillon movement come from the dark workshops of the devil.  It is frightening times because your every day “self-professed Catholic” cannot connect the dots nor equate what they are following to what Pre-Vatican II Popes had forewarned and condemned.  TRULY FRIGHTENING!  

Pope St. Pius X unmasked this global apostasy in his times and the true Saints of our times our doing the same.  We will not be silent and bow down to human respect in fear of being labeled "uncharitable"...

 In the end I encourage you all to reread Notre Charge at least once a month so Pope St. Pius X’s warnings stay fresh in your mind.  He condemned these false Catholics and so must we until they repent.  And that my friends is true charity.

Vatican 2: The Great Apostasy??


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  1. Replies
    1. Please don't get me wrong here. I think pope pius 10 was a good pope and man. But,But I had a hard time with him calling the faithful cowards.
      Since his number 2 guy was Cardinal Mariano Rampolla.

      In 1887 the number 2 guy was Cardinal Mariano Rampolla Secretary of State to Pope Leo 13. He was a Grand Master Freemanson of the Ordo Temple Orientis oto in France. He died 1913. He was favored to be the next pope after Pope Leo 13. But German Nobility gave evidence to this fact and placed a "Veto" against him so Pope Pius10 ( of happy memorys )became Pope. When Pope pius 10 found out all he said was " that wrench man" when he should have fired him.

  2. Wow! What an interesting and enlightening article. Truly, Vatican II is luciferian and demonically inspired. If only this piece was mandatory for all Catholics and "catholics" to read...

  3. Do you think Pope St. Pius X was the best Pope?

  4. good article...If it is good enough for Pope St. Pius X then it is good enough for me
    Pope St. Pius X, ora pro nobis!


  5. I cannot stand when the modernists tell us to get with the times or say we just have to follow the Pope. Such blindness

  6. "They have the buildings we have the Faith"
    Just another similar Arian crisis. I never understood why so many think you could a church saying the latin mass when the Faith was not present? Why dont these people just join the Orthodox then?

  7. I honestly dont know what it will take to wake those following Vatican II up? ...and those who do see it as a new religion to still be going to those churches is even greater folly...

  8. Eric, what percentage of those following the Novus ordo do you think will formally apostatize and take the mark? Have you covered this before?

  9. The thought of the coming Persecution is unnerving. Francis should be making it clear to the world that he is not a true Pope. The modernist's are attacking everything holy

  10. Robert,
    Amen to that, I would call it cowardice.

  11. Well I defended the traditional Mass in a liberal Catholic high school and got expelled. I would say that Bravery.
    Patricia h

  12. Courageous it is, in this post-Vatican II environment...Gene

  13. Wonderful, I was hanging on every word. :)


  14. Thank you for another excellent article, Eric. I pray daily for those in the New Religion Conciliar Church to come back to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    1. pray for the blind like the one below commenting, it is truly scary out there

  15. Eric,

    St.Pius X never said at anytime to run away from The Catholic Churches and allow the modernists to take over! You are truly misleading Catholics by encouraging such behavior. When the Catholic Church recovers from this onslaught, (and it most certainly will) the Catholic Faith will be taught and practiced in the Catholic Churches throughout the world that are in union with Rome and the Sovereign Pontiff at that time - Not in the traditional chapels who have resisted the Great Apostacy by separating themselves from union with Rome. Come back into the Catholic Dioceses and help organize the real Catholic resistance.
    Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation!

    1. The Church teaches you cant be in any heretical buildings. The buildings you speak of are NOT Catholic!!! You can resist but not commune with...when the heck has the church ever said you can commune with modernists, goodness gracious...

      no more comments from you on the matter false trad

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Vatican 2 was not a Catholic Council. Keep praying for those deceived

  17. Pope St. Pius X would not have given the nod to "climate change." Not only isn't it scientific, but it is anti-human/luciferin.

  18. "Luciferian"

    Re: Global Climate Scam

    By Elmer Beauregard 1. The Globe Isn’t Warming. In fact the earth has cooled by almost 1 degree in the last year and has been flat for 20 years. 2. The Polar Icecaps Aren’t Melting. Antarctica is at near record ice levels and the Arctic ice is almost back to normal levels and Greenland has […]

    Continue Reading
    Hearing- Climate Science: Assumptions, Policy Implications, and the Scientific Method

    by ElmerB on March 29, 2017 in News
    Dr. Judith Curry President, Climate Forecast Applications Network; Professor Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. John Christy Professor and Director, Earth System Science Center, NSSTC, University of Alabama at Huntsville; State Climatologist, Alabama Dr. Michael Mann Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science, Pennsylvania State University; Director, Earth System Science Center (ESSC), Pennsylvania State University Dr. Roger […]

    Continue Reading

    EPA chief Scott Pruitt says carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warming

    by ElmerB on March 9, 2017 in EPA Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said Thursday he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming. “I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there’s tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact, so no, I would not agree that […]

    Continue Reading

    Elmer’s PowerPoint Presentation – Confessions of a Graphic Designer

    by ElmerB on February 13, 2017 in Multimedia, Opinion
    By Elmer Beauregard I decided to put part of my PowerPoint presentation online. As a Graphic designer I have been designing “graphs” for many years and I think bring a different perspective to the Global Warming debate.

    Continue Reading

    Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data

    by ElmerB on February 8, 2017 in News
    By Daily Rose, The Mail on Sunday today reveals astonishing evidence that the organisation that is the world’s leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change. A high-level whistleblower has told this newspaper that America’s […]

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    Climate Fraud

  19. ope St. Pius X (would have) unmasked this global apostasy in his times and the true Saints of our times our doing the same.  We will not be silent and bow down to human respect" and FEAR which is what Luciferianism does: control by fear. Of what? The boogieman!!! And his minions.

  20. "Climate change/Carbon tax" date back to the Roman Empire. No new tyranny under the sun god!

  21. I have been following this site for a while now. I still don't understand where I can go for Holy Mass? I used to go to FSSP, but according to tradcatknight, they are wrong too. Am I to stop going to Mass?

    1. in general the fssp follows vatican 2 but there are a few priests in that society which do reject vatican 2 and new mass...depends on the particular priests at this point rather than groups or societies....

      if you dont have a proper mass then you stay home and sanctify the Sunday....look up on google tradcatknight missing mass

    2. "CATHOLIC DIRECTORY" by state is helpful too.

    3. Pls go to church don't listen to Eric the destroyer! He's an alarmist. Eric, you're reasoning is similar to someone who says "someone told me life is hard, so I jumped of a bridge". Stop dividing the body of Christ! And when you say "these can Jolie's cannot prove you wrong" they do, all the time, you just censor and delete their comments. And all the "false trads" that you constantly hate on, I would love to see you debate them live. Any of them, Burke, remnant, church militant - any of them would wipe the floor with you, why don't you invite one of them to your shows?

    4. they wouldnt stand a chance....remnant? lol
      burke, churchmilitant are material heretics...
      Fr. Hesse, Lefebvre destroyed their arguments thus so would I.....bugger off heretic

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. you heretics are the cowards I used to in the past debate live on the phone until you all just hung up the phone after ten minutes which is what you would do if I debated you....go waste your time elsewhere....what is funny is you keep showing up here to comment??

      why dont you stay on the false trad sites instead of coming here?? you are not swaying anyones opinion here? No one is listening to you

  22. The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1917 gives the following definition of the Church's indefectibility:

    "By this term is signified, not merely that the Church will persist to the end of time, but further, that it will be preserved unimpaired in its essential characteristics. The Church can never undergo any constitutional change, which will make it, as a social organism, something different from what it was originally. It can never become corrupt in faith or in morals; nor can it ever lose the Apostolic hierarchy, or the Sacraments through which Christ communicates grace to men."
    <>"Simon, Simon, behold Satan has desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for thee that thy faith may not fail; and when once thou hast turned again, strengthen thy brethren." (Lk. 22:31-33)
    Jesus chose Peter to be the first Pope: he was impetuous, vacillating, courageous and cowardly all at the same time. He was probably the strongest and, paradoxically, the weakest of all the Apostles, yet even though he denied our Lord three times he ended by being crucified upside down in contrition. Peter in the end proved that he truly was "the Rock". Peter is the perfect example to demonstrate that Christ meant what He said, His Church is indefectible.

    1. the church is still indefectible amidst this apostasy my theologically obtuse friend....just like it was back during the arian crisis

  23. The conservative N.O's are the worst...cloaked heretics

  24. Pope St. Pius X unveiled the plan for the One World Religion which we are seeing since Vatican 2. This is perhaps the greatest writing of any Pope because now Catholics could prepare for these infiltrators

  25. These modernist's are enemies of God. Pope St. Pius X was very firm with these heretics and so must we. Its sad to see so many silent against those in the Conciliar Church


  26. Great article Eric was glad to see you do another on this topic. Rome has lost the Faith! Lefebvre made it clear.
    Sad to see so many excuses being made for Vatican 2 and the Conciliar Popes. Keep praying for them

  27. God help us. Just stay home say the Latin mass from the saint Andrews middle as often as you can maybe once a week in english. Say other prayers of the church. Stations of the cross. Say 15 decade rosary say prayers of the saints. God help us. Stay away from all the distractions of the world The Abyss of research that can take you away from prayers. Distractions research can kill your prayer life. Lead a holy life in prayer nothing else. Stay away from any church their no good.

  28. This is truly the worst crisis in the Church because most see it and dont want to admit it

  29. I see it but I want to go to Mass! Is it better to not go than to go to N.O. or FSSP? That's all that is here where I live? Does this mean to that I die without the Sacraments? it's so scary...


    2. Eric is right. Avoid the sacraments and church and imposter priests.But lead a holy life using the traditional catholic resources.

      Anonymous don't be afraid of dying without the sacraments because their is none. If you have the time and WILL do a study on the sacraments a comparative study and you will see why there are no more sacraments. God will see what your doing and bless it if you ask for his guidance. Don't worry and don't lose heart. Stay in prayer, confess your sin offer penance and sacrifice, and you will be find. In this you will find him and know him. Look what your leaving !!! Do you really want this world and what it has become and what it will be. I tell this, it soon will be far far worse than it is now. When you die you go to a much better place and never have to worry about falling into sin again.Live and breathe the Love of Jesus each moment.Remember there can be no forgiveness of sins without the sacrifice of christ body and Blood so offer it along with penance.Be very careful not to fall into the Abyss of research and study OVER PRAYER. This is a death unto its self. Prayer is your key to Heaven.
