"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Friday, August 25, 2017

Vatican II Unmasked by St. Padre Pio's Understudy Fr. Villa (Th.D)

Vatican II Unmasked by St. Padre Pio's Understudy Fr. Villa 
If you are looking to see just how diabolical Vatican II was take it from the understudy (a doctor of theology) of Padre Pio who was commissioned by Him and Pius XII to unmask ecclesiastical Freemasonry coming from the top of the Church.  Padre Pio was not pro Vatican II.

 Almost sixty years ago, “Padre Pio first met Father Luigi Villa, whom he entreated to devote his entire life to fight Ecclesiastical Freemasonry. Padre Pio told Father Villa that Our Lord had designs upon him and had chosen him to be educated and trained to fight Freemasonry within the Church. The Saint spelled out this task in three meetings with Father Villa, which took place in the last fifteen years of life of Padre Pio. At the close of the second meeting [second half of 1963], Padre Pio embraced Father Villa three times, saying to him: ‘Be brave, now…for the Church has already been invaded by Freemasonry!’ and then stated: ‘Freemasonry has already made it into the loafers (shoes) of the Pope!’ At the time, the reigning Pope was Paul VI.


Pope Paul VI speaking at the UN
“The mission entrusted to Father Luigi Villa by Padre Pio to fight Freemasonry within the Catholic Church was approved by Pope Pius XII who gave a Papal Mandate for his work. Pope Pius XII’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Tardini, gave Father Villa three Cardinals to work with and to act as his own personal ‘guardian angels’:

Cardinal Ottaviani

Cardinal Ottaviani, Cardinal Parente and Cardinal Palazzini. Father Villa worked with these three cardinals until their deaths.”

Cardinal Parente

Cardinal Palazzini

In order to fight this battle, in 1971 Fr. Villa founded his magazine, “Chiesa viva” with
correspondents and collaborators in every continent.  It was immediately attacked by the upper echelon of the Catholic Church: the magazine was ostracized among the clergy and its collaborators were gradually forced to leave.  Then they isolated its Director and his few remaining collaborators.  The efforts to silence “Chiesa viva” once and for all also included seven assassination attempts on Fr. Villa!”  

“But through all of these attempts at silencing him, Father Villa has never given up his commitment to Padre Pio. Therefore, his life has been studded by seven assassination attempts, which, fortunately, didn’t have the desired results.” And at 93 years old, Father Luigi Villa continues his battle with the Church's enemies - as Padre Pio directed: "Fight to the end..." Just as Padre Pio did- to the last...  
Even Padre Pio's Last Mass was a battle for him!


Padre Pio's wake

 The Book exposing Vatican II:

Bishop Williamson: Freemasonry in the Church