Thursday, April 21, 2016

USGS Alert West Coast! Devastating Mega Quake & Tsunami to Hit West Coast?

USGS Alert West Coast! Devastating Mega Quake & Tsunami to Hit West Coast of US & Cataclysmic Cyclone Cat 5 Winds 175 Madagascar

Is “The Big One” imminent? Famed USGS scientist Jim Berkland, the man who predicted the Loma Prieta “World Series Earthquake,” has a terrifying warning for the West Coast of the US in the wake of massive earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan that have left hundreds dead, awakened volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire,” and kicked off earthquake swarms in Hawaii, Arizona, and Yellowstone National Park.

“Beware the new and full moons,” Berkland says in this exclusive interview. The “maverick geologist” says that 20 of the last 25 “megaquakes” have occurred on the dates of new and full moons, the result of “equinoctal tides,” extreme gravitational forces that cause solid earth to expand and contract much as ocean tides rise and fall.
Berkland says that he is particularly worried about the San Andreas Fault in the LA Basin and the Cascadia Subduction Zone along the coast of Oregon and Washington State, where a long overdue earthquake would undoubtedly be accompanied by a massive tsunami that could kill thousands and cause billions of dollars in property damage.

Cataclysmic Cyclone Fantala Cat 5 Near Madagascar
A powerful tropical cyclone is zig-zagging back and forth just north of Madagascar with winds of 175 mph. Cyclone Fantala is the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane and the only tropical cyclone on Earth right now.
Fantala formed one week ago as a weak tropical storm and intensified into a formidable cyclone within a matter of days. It has already passed close to Madagascar once, whipping strong winds along the northern shores.
The Joint Typhoon Warning Center says that the future of Cyclone Fantala remains uncertain, but over the next 24 hours the cyclone is expected to back-track, and forecast models suggest it could turn toward the island yet again this weekend as a much weaker cyclone.
These are satellite images of Cyclone Fantala as it hovered just north of Madagascar as the equivalent of a Category 4 and 5.  SOURCE