Saturday, March 26, 2016

Prepper: The 10 Very First Foods You Should Stockpile

Prepper: The 10 Very First Foods You Should Stockpile
This blog is LOADED with the latest from the world of health, homesteading, prepping and survivalism

Those of us who have been storing food for a while probably have a pretty good assortment of food in our stockpile. We may have started out with just a few basics, but over time, we’ve been adding to it. In some cases, our survival pantry has reached the point where we’ll probably eat better in an emergency than we do on a day-to-day basis.

But none of us started out that way. Whether we started out by buying a few bags of rice and beans or some prepackaged survival foods, our budding stockpile really didn’t have all that much selection. It was about survival, not about taste.
The thing is, those first foods we stockpiled were probably the most important foods that we have. Why? Because they are the ones that will keep us going when we run out of everything else. Yes, it’s nice to have foods you enjoy in your stockpile and I wouldn’t try to dissuade you from that. But more than anything, you need foods that will give you the nutrients you need when there aren’t any other food sources available.
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With that in mind, we should always go back and check our stock of these basic items. Since they are the most important, it makes sense to have more of these on hand than we do of the others.Basic Survival Nutrition
Basic Survival Nutrition
When we read what nutritionists say today, we find a lot of talk about omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and other micronutrients. Those are all-important for maintaining our health. But when we’re talking about survival nutrition, it’s not about those micronutrients; we need to focus on the macronutrients. If we can fit the micronutrients in too, that’s good, and they will help keep us healthy. But more than anything, we need the macronutrients to keep us alive.
So, what are these macronutrients?
  • Carbohydrates — should make up about 60 percent of your intake
  • Fats — should account for about 25 percent of your intake
  • Proteins — should account for roughly 14 percent of your intake
Carbohydrates are broken down by our bodies into simple sugars, which are the basic fuel our muscles burn in order to move. In a survival situation, we are going to have to be more physically active, so we will need lots of carbs. That makes them the single most important part of our survival diet. In the wild, these are hard to encounter. But in the grocery store, they are very easy.

The 10 Very First Foods You Should Stockpile

Once the body has consumed carbs, it will turn to breaking down fats to turn them into simple sugars. This includes both fat in our diets and fat in our bodies. Since fats take longer to break down than carbohydrates do, this will work sort of like a time-released energy boost, giving our bodies the energy necessary for a second wind.
Proteins can be broken down into sugars as well, but we really don’t want that to happen. When the body starts breaking proteins down into sugars, we’re literally at the point of starvation. What actually happens is that the body starts to cannibalize itself, specifically skeletal muscles, in order to get those proteins. Since the body is always building new cells, a constant supply of proteins is needed to keep the body from cannibalizing old cells in order to make new ones.
If it is possible to get micronutrients in there, that’s great. Most of them come from fruits and vegetables, which also are great sources of carbohydrates. They also are the easiest forms of food that we can grow ourselves. So make sure you have a vegetable garden so that you can have carbs and micronutrients.
The First 10 Foods
Now that we have a little better understanding of survival nutrition, let’s look at what foods are the most important to stockpile. I’m going to look at this as if I was just starting out. What foods are absolutely the most important for me to stockpile?
1. Water
Most people won’t consider this a food item, but I don’t want to leave it off. The saying is that you can live 30 days without food (personally, I think most of us could go longer), but only three days without water. So in terms of importance, water clearly trumps food.
The other issue with water is that you need so much of it. Most experts say you need a gallon of purified water per person, per day for drinking and cooking. But that doesn’t include what you need for washing and tending to your vegetable garden. You’re actually going to go through a whole lot more than just a gallon per person.
2. Salt
Salt is more than a seasoning. It is necessary for survival because it is what holds the water in our bodies. It also is a natural preservative. If you happen to bag a deer while hunting, you’re going to need salt to preserve the meat, regardless of how you preserve it.
Many survivalists and preppers don’t stockpile enough salt because they don’t think of it as a preservative. But it’s more or less impossible to preserve meats without it. Whether you smoke meats or dehydrate them to make jerky, you have to have salt. You even need it for canning meats, although you don’t need as much. Stock up well on salt and if it turns out you have too much, you can always use it as trade goods.Brown rice
3. Brown rice
Brown rice is somewhat of a universal food, providing an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber and other nutrients. While rice doesn’t make for all that exciting a diet, rice and beans are a staple for a large part of the world’s population.
4. Dry beans
Together with rice, dry beans are one of the world’s staple foodstuffs. They are an excellent source of plant protein, as well as carbohydrates. Beans keep extremely well as long as you can keep moisture and insects out of them.Cooking oil
5. Cooking oil
Cooking oil is necessary for cooking just about anything. Your rice and beans will need oil for cooking. You’ll also need it for baking bread. This is your prime source for fats in your diet, as game meat won’t provide you with much.
6. Sugar or honey
natural honey or manufactured honey

Sugar and honey both keep indefinitely; some say forever. Like salt, sugar is a natural preservative. We use salt for preserving meats, but sugar for preserving fruits. Both work in the same way to kill off harmful bacteria that would otherwise eat the food that is being preserved.
Sugar and honey also are excellent sources of energy, when you need it the most. Since they are complex sugars, they break down into simple sugars faster than any other food source. That provides an instant boost of energy when one is exhausted.Peanut butter
7. Peanut butter
Peanut butter is another excellent source of protein, as well as fats and carbohydrates. In fact, it provides the best mix of the three macronutrients of anything on this list. Canned, it also keeps very well and is relatively inexpensive. That makes it an ideal addition to your survival stockpile. Of course, if you want peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you’ll need some bread and jelly to go with it.
Peanut butter also is a good comfort food for kids and most American kids grow up eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. As a result, not only will it be easy for them to stomach, it will give them a feeling of normalcy in the midst of disaster.
8. Whole red wheat, unground
Bread is the Western world’s most common source of carbohydrates, while the Eastern world is more accustomed to rice. However, flour doesn’t keep well for long periods of time. The solution is to store unground flour and grind it yourself. This means having a grinder as well, preferably a high-quality one that can be operated manually without electricity.
Whole wheat not only keeps longer, but will provide more fiber and nutrition than our typical white flour does. In olden times, breads were much heavier and heartier due to an increased use of whole wheat and a reduced use of yeast.Powdered eggs
9. Powdered eggs
In order to bake bread, you have to have some sort of protein. It’s the protein that actually holds the bread together. The normal means of providing that protein is with eggs. If you don’t have chickens you can count on, you’ll need to have a goodly stock of powdered eggs on hand. Don’t even plan on eating these plain, as nobody really likes them – just keep them for baking.
10. Heirloom seeds
While seeds aren’t really food, any food stockpile should have a good selection of vegetable seeds. Be careful to buy heirloom seeds rather than hybrid or GMO. Only heirloom seeds allow you to harvest the seeds of the plants you are growing so that you can replant and harvest the same plant next year.
No matter how big your stockpile is, it will eventually run out. By adding these seeds you give yourself the ability to produce your own food, extend your stock and make yourself more self-sufficient. Just don’t wait to start planting; either start your garden now or as soon as the disaster hits.

Do not forget to check out and order from traditional Catholic Chris Gagnier's website FATIMA FOODS!

USDA okays Monsanto’s herbicide-resistant GMO corn w/o permits


Put Apple Cider Vinegar on Your Face and SEE What Happens to Toxins, Eczema and Age Spots

Has your eczema got you feeling insecure? Don’t fret. Apple cider vinegar has been proven to be an effective solution for eczema as well as other skin conditions.

How Does Vinegar Treat Eczema?

  • Vinegar is an excellent source of acetic, lactic and malic acids. These contain antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which help fight skin infections, relieve dry skin, inflammation and itchiness.
  • Vinegar contains beta-carotene, which supports cell renewals.
  • Vinegar is also an excellent source of potassium, which helps balance your skin’s pH and fights allergies.
  • Vinegar is rich in a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals, including pectin, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorous, sulphur and iron – all of which help strengthen the immune system and control eczema.
  • Apple cider vinegar, in particular, is a rich source of fiber which is highly useful in flushing out toxins that lead to eczema.

*5 Reasons To Wash Your Face with Apple Cider Vinegar

*Editor’s note: this section was not taken from the original article and was included as additional information for your benefit. It has been republished with permission from
Apple cider vinegar isn’t just great for treating eczema; it’s good for keeping your skin feeling clean and rejuvenated. Here are five great reasons to consider washing your face with apple cider vinegar. A word of caution – don’t put apple cider vinegar full strength over your face – it can burn. Use a diluted mixture of 50% water and 50% apple cider vinegar and be sure to try the solution on the skin on your hand or elsewhere before putting on your face. In very rare instances, some people are sensitive to this solution.

  • Apple cider vinegar can help reduce age spots: When you wash your face daily with apple cider vinegar you will notice a substantial difference in age spots. Apple cider vinegar contains alpha hydroxy acids that will remove dead skin and reveal healthy and vibrant new skin. In addition to washing with a splash of apple cider vinegar, dab a little on a cotton ball and apply directly to age spots. Wait about thirty minutes and rinse your face with cool water and pat dry. Do this twice daily for six weeks and you will see a difference.
  • Apple cider vinegar fights acne, pimples and blemishes: No need to buy commercial acne cream when you can use apple cider vinegar. When apple cider vinegar is made, malic acid forms.  This makes apple cider vinegar a potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral substance capable of keeping bacteria at bay and pimples from forming.
  • Apple cider vinegar balances your skin: While removing oil from your skin, apple cider vinegar also helps to balance pH and keeps your skin from becoming too oily or too dry by balancing the production of sebum. Rinse your face daily with apple cider vinegar if you desire balance.
  • Apple cider vinegar fights wrinkles: Diluted apple cider vinegar face wash can help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You can soak a cotton pad or cotton cloth in diluted apple cider vinegar and dab on your skin. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
  • Apple cider vinegar removes toxins from your face: Regular use of an apple cider vinegar wash will help draw toxins out of your skin leaving a youthful and clean glow.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema

Apple cider vinegar can be used in combination with other ingredients to treat eczema. Below are are few simple (and cost-effective) ways of doing this using ingredients from your own kitchen.

1. ACV diluted in water

Apple cider vinegar has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It provides instant relief when it’s applied to eczema-affected skin.

  • 2 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 3 Cotton Balls
  1. Put the apple cider vinegar and water in a small bowl.
  2. Using a cotton swab, apply the solution to the affected area.
  3. Repeat this remedy until you you see that your eczema has completely cleared.
Note: If you have sensitive skin combine 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar with ½ cup water.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

Having a vinegar bath has also proven to be very helpful with treating eczema.
  • A bathtub
  • ½ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • A Moisturizer
  1. Start by adding ACV to your bath water and gently soak yourself in it for about 15 minutes.
  2. Come out from the water and pat yourself dry with a clean towel.
  3. Apply a moisturizer of your choice.
  4. Try your best to do this every day until you get your desired result.
This remedy can be taken a little bit further by adding coconut oil to your bath water.

3. Take ACV orally

ACV can also be taken orally to help strengthen your immune system and prevent the re-occurrence of eczema. But remember to always dilute the apple cider vinegar before taking it orally.
  • 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Cup Water
  1. Dilute one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water.
  2. Drink the mixture.
  3. This remedy should be repeated at least 2 to 3 times daily to get rid of eczema and strengthen your immune system.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

  • 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • ¼ tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 tsp Honey (optional)
  1. Add 1 tsp of ACV and ¼ tsp of baking soda to one cup of water.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly and drink this daily until your eczema goes away.
  3. You can add 1 tsp of honey if you wish.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

This combination is very effective in treating eczema – honey is well known for its ability to remedy different skin diseases. When applied to the affected area, it can reduce inflammation and irritation. Its antibacterial properties also help kill bad bacteria.
  • 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tsp Honey
  • 1 glass of Water
  1. Add the ACV and honey to a glass of water.
  2. Stir the mixture thoroughly and drink.
  3. This remedy should be consumed three times daily with meals until the eczema disappears.

Additional Tips

  • Before using apple cider vinegar, check to see that you are not allergic to it. This can be done through a simple patch test; apply a small amount of ACV to your skin and wait a minute to see whether or not your skin reacts.
  • Always ensure that you dilute your ACV before taking it orally or topically. ACV is very strong and can cause a severe burning sensation if taken without first being diluted.
  • It is strongly advised that you avoid using perfumes and strong soaps when using ACV to avoid irritation and further damage to your skin.
  • Make sure to moisturize your skin as often as possible. Dry skin can worsen eczema.
  • Foods such as peanuts, milk, soy, wheat, fish and eggs should be avoided as they can also cause eczema to worsen.
  • If you are suffering from diabetes, heart burn or peptic ulcer, taking ACV orally is not advised as it is acidic and can cause irritation.
  • If you are pregnant, consult with your doctor prior to consuming ACV as in some cases it has been known to cause complications during pregnancy.




4 Foods Every Survivalist Should Know How To Find In The Woods

Jerusalem Artichoke

If you ever find yourself in a wilderness survival situation, then you’ll have two initial goals. One, you’ll need to find or build a suitable shelter. And two, you’ll need food.
Most experienced wilderness survivalists carry simple fishing gear (some line and hooks) as well as the materials to build snares, deadfalls and traps to capture birds and fish. However, the truth is that hunting and fishing with primitive methods requires considerable skill.
Fortunately, nature often provides the observant individual with another bountiful source of calories in the form of wild fruits, nuts, tubers and greens. Although they are seasonal, they are both surprisingly tasty and highly nutritious. Here’s four of the best foods to forage:

1. Wild lettuce
4 Foods Every Survivalist Should Know How To Find In The Woods Wild lettuce

The human body requires certain vitamins and minerals which are most easily obtained from eating green, leafy vegetables such as wild lettuce. This plant contains the vitamins A, E, C, K, and the minerals iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, folic acid, carotenoids and Omega 3 fatty acids. It is high in fiber, which helps to keep your digestive system working properly, and it contains antioxidants to help prevent cell damage and cell mutations. Located throughout North America in wooded regions where the soil has been disturbed, wild lettuce is commonly found in forested river bottoms, adjacent to roads and trails, along the edges of woods, and in shaded, fallow, fields. Appearing as a biennial plant that grows to a height of approximately three feet, it produces a rosette of large, long, slim, lance-shaped, green leaves up to 10 inches in length.
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The leaves have distinctly lobed edges and the plant produces a dandelion-like head from which the flowers bloom. In addition, all parts of the plant turn light orange-brown upon exposure to the air. It should be noted that there are several different species of wild lettuce throughout North America and that the leaves of this plant appear very similar to the dandelion plant (which is edible as well).

2. Jerusalem artichoke
The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is one of the best known wild tubers in North America and it appears as a green, leafy, flowering weed. Its tubers are high in starch and sugars, which the human body converts to carbohydrates. It also contains thiamin, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Widespread in North America east of the Mississippi River, the Jerusalem artichoke can be found from southern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Great Plains to the East Coast. It prefers to grow in sandy river bottoms, floodplains, lake edges, creek sides and wet areas where there is plenty of sunlight and where the soil is sand, loamy sand or sandy loam. A member of the sunflower family, this plant is tall, green and leafy with a single, straight, round, unbranched (except occasionally near the top) stalk, usually measuring 1/2 inches to 3/4 inches in diameter. The stalk is covered with short, stiff, raspy hairs which remain after the plant dies in the fall. Jerusalem artichokes produce large flower heads that usually measure two to three inches in diameter and look like miniature sunflowers, except that the discs in the center are yellow instead of black and much smaller. The edible part of this plant is the tubers it produces below ground, which can be dug at any time of the year but are not fully ripe until late fall, winter or early spring. Also, because of their flatulent properties, they should be cooked by either steaming, boiling or baking for one to six hours (depending on the time of year they are harvested) to convert any inulin they contain to simple sugars and reduce the chance of stomach upset. If cooked properly, they have a highly palatable, almost buttery flavor.

3. Morels
4 Foods Every Survivalist Should Know How To Find In The Woods Morels

Thousands of foragers each year hunt for morel mushrooms simply for their superior taste. This distinctive fungi has a honeycomb-like appearance and the ascocarps are highly prized by gourmet cooks (especially for French cuisine). Morel mushrooms can be found throughout most of the lower 48 states and require moist soil, deep shade, and warm weather to propagate. As a result, they are most often available in the spring. Yellow morels (Morchella esulenta) and black morels (Morchella elata) are commonly found beneath deciduous trees such as oak, ash, elm, sycamore and tulip poplars, as well as fruit-bearing trees such as apple. In addition, morels are seldom found in close proximity to most of the common poisonous mushrooms but they do grow adjacent to false morels (Gryomitra sp.) and elfin saddles (Verpa sp.).

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False morels (which are poisonous) can be differentiated from true morels by careful study of the cap, which is often wrinkled rather than honeycomb or net-like. The easiest way to tell a false morel from a true morel is that false morels contain a cotton ball-like substance inside their stem while true morels have a hollow stem. Also, the caps of the false morel can be easily twisted in comparison to that of the true morel. Lastly, false morels often display a reddish-brown color. Morel mushrooms should be cooked prior to consumption because they occasionally contain insect larvae.

4. Acorns
While neither as palatable nor as glamorous as the other foods mentioned here, the fact is that acorns are one of the most widespread, readily available forage foods in the U.S. In fact, oak trees are so common in the eastern U.S. that most people consider their acorns to be a nuisance. Various species of oak trees exist all across the U.S. except in desert regions, and they all produce acorns. Once you have gathered a store of these nuts, you will need to examine each one carefully and discard any with worm holes or deformed and soft hulls. To crack the shell, you will need to use a baton or a hammer stone, combined with an anvil. Once you remove the nut portion, you must soak it to remove the tannic acid, which has a bitter taste. You will need to repeatedly soak the pieces for a couple of hours (changing the water after each soaking) in order to leech the tannic acid from the nuts. Once they are fully leeched, you can either boil them or crush the pieces and mix them with water to form a paste, which can then be baked like bread.
Although there is actually a very wide variety of edible plants available to a forager in a wilderness survival situation, the five plants listed above are all widespread, commonly available foods that will provide your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates it needs. They also provide nutrients that you simply cannot obtain from consuming protein alone. If you know where to look and what to look for, there is a veritable banquet of foods to forage throughout the year that can easily keep you alive in a crisis situation.

Western medicine is Rockefeller medicine – all the way.

Western medicine has some good points, for sure, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, radiation and surgery, is at its foundation a Rockefeller creation. The Rockefellers, of course, are one of the most rich and powerful families of the elite black nobility. Behind their spurious facade of philanthropy, they are power-hungry tyrants intent on owning the entire world, and depopulating it through eugenics-based programs like forced sterilization, water fluoridation, abortions and vaccinations. They have either majorly or fully created (and still dominate) the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Planned Parenthood and many, many other organizations that either rule the world or influence culture to a large extent.
Despite the dominance of western medicine nowadays, even just 100 years ago the situation was very different, so it’s worthwhile casting our minds back to how the we got to this place. How did western medicine and the giant conglomerate of multinational pharmaceutical corporations (“Big Pharma”) become the mainstream medical system in the US and other first world nations? And what alternatives are there?

Petroleum Drugs

Let’s go back in time to the late 1800s. John D. Rockefeller, a man quoted to have said “competition is sin”, is the head of the Rockefeller family and has just become very rich through extracting oil from the ground. Now he is looking for ways to capitalize even further with his oil, and he comes across the idea of using coal tar – a petroleum derivative – to make substances that affect the human mind, body and nervous system. These are called drugs, and they are excellent at masking or stopping symptoms, but overall do not cure the underlying cause of a disease.
Like other elite leaders of the New World Order who fit the description of an “evil genius” – those high on intellect and low on compassion – Rockefeller used his oil money to buy out part of the massive German pharmaceutical cartel, I.G. Farben. This was the very same cartel that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision of a New World Order founded on racial supremacy, by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. With the control of drug manufacturing under his wings, Rockefeller then embarked on a decidedly wicked plan – wicked from the point of view of a free and healthy humanity, but brilliant from a business perspective.
Western medicine relies on Big Pharma’s petroleum drugs, which the body can never ultimately assimilate. Meanwhile, it engages in biopiracy to steal Nature’s best compounds and patent them.

Destroying any Competition to Western Medicine

Rockefeller saw that there were many types of doctors and healing modalities in existence at that time, from chiropractic to naturopathy to homeopathy to holistic medicine to herbal medicine and more. He wanted to eliminate the competitors of western medicine (the only modality which would propose drugs and radiation as treatment, thus enriching Rockefeller who owned the means to produce these treatments), so he hired a man called Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910. This report “concluded” that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all the natural healing modalities which had existed for hundreds or thousands of years were unscientific quackery. It called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only the allopathic-based AMA be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US.
Sadly, Congress acted upon the conclusions and made them law. Incredibly, allopathy became the standard mainstream modality, even though its 3 main methods of treatment in the 1800s had been blood-letting, surgery and the injection of toxic heavy metals like lead and mercury to supposedly displace disease! It should be noted that hemp was also demonized and criminalized not long after this, not because there is anything dangerous about it, but because it was a huge threat (as both medicine and fuel) to the Rockefeller drug and oil industries, respectively.

The Rockefeller and Carnegie Tax-Exempt Foundations for “Efficient” Philanthropy

The story doesn’t stop there. Rockefeller and another elite leader Carnegie used their tax-exempt Foundations, from 1913 on, to offer huge grants to the best medical schools all over America – on the proviso that only an allopathic-based curriculum be taught, and that some of their agents be allowed to sit on the Board of Directors. They called this “efficient” philanthropy, which, when through the Orwellian translation unit, means they wanted a return on their investment. They systematically dismantled the curricula of these schools by removing any mention of the natural healing power of herbs and plants, or of the importance of diet to health. The result is a system which to this day churns out doctors who are, almost always, utterly clueless about nutrition and disregard the idea that what you eat can actually heal or hurt you.
A couple of decades after this, another law was passed that further entrenched western medicine in America. The Hill-Burton Act of 1946 gave hospitals grants for construction and modernization, on the condition they provide free healthcare to anyone in need, without discrimination of any kind. Although there were good sides to this, the downside was that once people had become dependent on this system for their healthcare needs – especially those on pharmaceutical pills which need to be taken day after day without end – the system switched into a paid system, and the Rockefellers found themselves with new lifelong customers.
The bitter truth is that, in general, when you go to your Western doctor, you are seen as a potential market for the medical factory’s products. For Big Pharma, there is no financial incentive to heal you, because a patient cured is a customer lost. Even if you are not sick, Big Pharma is still targeting you, trying to convince you that you are ill (e.g. with psychiatry’s ridiculous list of fictitious diseases, many of them fake) so that you will try its latest pill. Pregnant women who go to the doctor are treated like this, and peddled intravenous fluid bags, fetal monitors, ultrasound (radiation for a vulnerable baby), a host of drugs, the totally unnecessary episiotomy, and – to top it all off – the Caesarean delivery!

Bio-Piracy: The Business Model of Western Medicine’s Big Pharma Cartel

Remember, all these synthetic drugs are isolates. Many are derived from plant compounds, but because Nature cannot be patented and sold, Big Pharma has no interest in natural cures. What they do instead is engage in bio-piracy – research natural compounds, copy them (or modify them slightly) in a lab, then try to steal and patent them. If they get a patent, they then market their pill as a wonder drug while simultaneously (through fake scientific research) suppress and criticize the original plant as being worthless, so you won’t go to the source of the cure. Ironically, guess what type of medicine John D. Rockefeller used and the British Royal Family still uses? Homeopathy!
Modern western medicine seems to have lost the supposed point of its existence: healing people. In his revealing book “Confessions of a Medical Heretic“, Dr. Robert Mendolsohn quotes an article entitled “Cleveland’s Marvelous Medical Factory” which boasted of the Cleveland Clinic’s “accomplishments last year: 2,980 open-heart operations, 1.3 million laboratory tests, 73,320 electrocardiograms, 7,770 full-body x-ray scans, 24,368 surgical procedures.” Seems fancy, yet none of these procedures has been proven to have anything to do with maintaining or restoring health. When people get screened for a disease, they are being subjected to dangerous radiation (more money for the Rockefellers) which harms tissue and can end up causing the exact disease it is supposed to be protecting against – as happens daily with the mammogram scam, designed to drum up new breast cancer clients.
John D. Rockefeller, the oil tycoon who helped create Big Pharma and Western Medicine.

Rockefeller Philanthropy is Social Control

The Rockefellers and other elites use philanthropy as a tool for control. It’s social engineering with a nice PR sheen. A free lunch is not really free, whether private (Rockefeller-style western medicine) or public/governmental (Obama-style socialized medicine), because even if you get something at no cost, you are required to give up your data and your privacy. They want you dependent on their system – then they’ll raise the rates once you’re trapped.
This is big business – and it’s also a big killer. Dr. Barbara Starfield published a study in the year 2000 that found that there were 225,000 iatrogenic (allopathic doctor caused) deaths in the US every year. However, this was only counting direct deaths; when you factor in all indirect deaths, as Dr. Gary Null did in 2011 in his report Death by Medicine, the figure is closer to 784,000 per year! That’s 7.8 million people dead from western medicine every 10 years!
Null concluded: “It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States …”
Whenever a lot of people die in a staged false flag attack (like 3000 people on 9/11) or in a staged mind control shooting (like 50 or so people) we hear all about it on the media. Yet between 616 and 2147 Americans are dying every day from Rockefeller Western medicine, and we don’t hear a thing!

Natural Solutions that Surpass Rockefeller-Created Western Medicine

At this point let us turn from the problem to the solutions – and fortunately there are many. The famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote:
“Nature heals. The doctor’s task consists in strengthening the natural healing powers, to direct them, and especially not to interfere with them.”
The immune system is your number one defense against any disease – not a vaccine. Most natural medicine is designed to treat the body holistically, not to “cure” one disease only to have it transform and mutate into another ailment. When you takes plants and herbs as medicine, you normally take the whole food, not an isolate, because it is based on a holistic understanding. Likewise, Traditional Chinese Medicine defines all disease as stagnation and treats sickness as an imbalance to be brought back into balance. What is the point of transferring an imbalance in one area into an imbalance in another area? None, unless you are trying to profit off disease like Big Pharma. It is not real healing.
There are so many natural cures and remedies out there, if you take the time to look. Two examples among thousands are turmeric which will do more for your blood pressure and diabetes than any drug can, and apricot kernels (rich in laetrile which selectively kills cancer cells and leaves healthy ones intact) which will handle cancer better than chemotherapy. The Gerson Therapy has also healed thousands of “terminal” cancer patients who were told by doctors of western medicine, “there’s nothing more we can do for you.”
Western medicine has its time and place, and its strengths and weaknesses. Western medicine may be a good system in a critical emergency and for complicated surgical procedures, but for general conditions, there are so many better alternatives. Time to start exploring them!

The Most Neglected Part of Prepping & Knowing This Could Save Your Life

 Don’t leave home without this.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing one of America’s foremost experts on survival skills (e.g. prepping), Bob Griswold from Ready Made Resources.
Before you listen to this life-saving interview, I would suggest that you get your  pad and pencil ready, because the life-saving information will be coming at your on a fast and furious basis.
Bob Griswold told the listening audience that the most neglected form of survival skill preparation is medical. You may have enough food, water, guns, ammo and gold, but if you cannot meet the coming medical challenges, the other forms of preparation may not matter. Again, I would suggest taking notes as you listen and take advantage of your pause button so you don’t miss any critical details.

Symptoms of dementia can be reversed with natural therapies

Imagine this nightmare. For the last few years your mother has had serious memory problems. She gets lost driving. She repeats the same question to you over and over again. She can't process new information. She loses her train of thought in mid-sentence. A CT scan comes back with a diagnosis of early Alzheimer's disease. The doctors offer a prescription with little encouragement it will work.

Do you despair?

A new program from UCLA and the Buck Institute for Research on Aging offers new hope. In the first study of its kind, researchers have proved that natural therapies can not only slow the progress of dementia but can actually reverse it.

In a paper titled"Reversal of Cognitive Decline: A novel therapeutic program"Dr. Dale Bredesen showed how 9 out of the 10 subjects diagnosed with dementia got their minds back.[i]

Dr. Bredesen is a professor of neurology at The Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer's Disease Research at UCLA, as well as a professor at the Buck Institute. The study was supported by multiple entities including the National Institutes of Health.

Cognitive decline is a major fear as we age. According to the Alzheimer's Association "dementia" is a general term for loss of memory and other mental abilities severe enough to interfere with daily life." Alzheimer's disease - just one of many forms of dementia - accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases. It affects about 5.4 million Americans and 30 million people around the world. By 2050, it's expected to grow to 160 million people globally, including 13 million Americans. There is no effective treatment for Alzheimer's and it is already the third leading cause of death in the United States.

Dr. Bredesen believes that multiple factors influence the development of dementia and Alzheimer's. In a small study, he and his colleagues designed personalized and comprehensive protocols to reverse memory loss in 10 patients.

The results were remarkable. Nine of the 10 participants showed improvement in their memories within three to six months of starting the program.

Six patients had had to discontinue working or were struggling with their jobs at the time they joined the study. ALL were able to return to work or continue working with improved performance.

The subjects included five patients with memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease. The others had amnestic mild cognitive impairment, and subjective cognitive impairment.

Only one patient, diagnosed with late stage Alzheimer's, did not improve.

Doctors used a "systems approach" in treating the patients. They developed a complex, 36-point therapeutic program that includes comprehensive changes in diet, brain stimulation, exercise, optimization of sleep, specific pharmaceuticals and vitamins, and multiple additional steps that affect brain chemistry.

In a press release Dr. Bredesen stated:

The existing Alzheimer's drugs affect a single target, but Alzheimer's disease is more complex. Imagine having a roof with 36 holes in it, and your drug patched one hole very well—the drug may have worked, a single "hole" may have been fixed, but you still have 35 other leaks, and so the underlying process may not be affected much.
Dr. Bredesen's approach is based on extensive testing of each patient to determine what is affecting the signaling network in his or her brain. The protocol is then personalized for the patient. A sample protocol for one of his patients in the study included:
  • eliminating all simple carbohydrates;
  • eliminating gluten and processed food;
  • increasing vegetables, fruits, and non-farmed fish;
  • reducing stress with yoga and meditation;
  • taking melatonin each night;
  • increasing sleep from 4-5 hours per night to 7-8 hours per night;
  • taking methylcobalamin (vitamin B12), vitamin D, CoQ10, and fish oil each day;
  • optimizing oral hygiene using an electric flosser and electric toothbrush;
  • hormone replacement therapy;
  • fasting for a minimum of 12 hours between dinner and breakfast;
  • fasting for a minimum of three hours between dinner and bedtime; and
  • exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes, 4-6 days per week.
Although the downside to the program is the complexity and the number of lifestyle changes required, Dr. Bredesen noted that the only side effect of the protocol was "improved health and an optimal body mass index, a stark contrast to the side effects of many drugs."

What can you do when faced with a diagnosis of cognitive decline, dementia, or Alzheimer's disease?

The UCLA protocol recognizes that dementia can have many causes and those causes are often reversible.

Sharp Again Naturally ( is a non-profit organization formed in 2012 to educate the public and the medical community about the reversible causes of dementia.

Here are seven areas Sharp Again Naturally suggests you investigate before accepting a dementia or Alzheimer's diagnosis. These are conditions that may cause memory loss and dementia but can be reversed:

1. Nutritional imbalances and deficiencies. Deficiencies of omega 3s, vitamin B12, vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, probiotics, and other nutrients frequently cause symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia.

Adhering to a balanced Mediterranean-style diet is associated with slower cognitive decline. It's also linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's.

Comment: Diet is the foundation for good health -- and that includes mental health.

Ketogenic Diet Reduces Symptoms of Alzheimer's
Study finds ketogenic diet improves memory in adults with cognitive impairment

Studies also show low vitamin D levels are linked to Alzheimer's. Low folate (vitamin B9) may also lead to cognitive decline.

Adding coconut oil may rescue a brain from Alzheimer's. And turmeric is known to boost working memory in just one dose.

2. Artificial food colors, flavors, and sweeteners. Artificial additives of all kinds may cause dementia symptoms.

Studies show the artificial sweetener aspartame impairs cognitive function and leads to memory loss.

3. Prescription medication side effects. Drugs, especially pain medications, and psychotropic drugs can severely disrupt cognition.

Statins are particularly harmful. In one study from the University of California - San Diego, 90 percent of patients who stopped taking statin drugs reported improvement in cognitive problems in a matter of weeks. In some of the patients a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer's was reversed.

Another study showed that the sleep drug Ambien increased the risk of dementia in elderly patients.

4. Inflammation from low-level infections, mold, food allergies, and Lyme Disease. Inflammation is the body's attempt to get rid of a toxic element or organism, and so it occurs in many different situations, even root canals and urinary tract infections.

Studies suggest that mental disorders result from neuroinflammation.

5. Stress and stagnation/inactivity. Stress elevates cortisol levels, leading to inflammation, and in turn to hormone imbalances, cognitive impairment, heightened blood sugar levels, hypertension, delayed healing time, and susceptibility to disease. The body's self healing mechanisms depend on unimpeded flow of lymph, blood, and other fluids, all of which are promoted by exercise. Inactivity, by contrast, allows cellular shutdown and blockages, taxing the whole system and interfering with healing on every level.

One study showed that in patients younger than 65 years-old, 41% of dementia diagnoses were incorrect. Misdiagnosis occurred most frequently in patients with depression or alcohol abuse.

6. Thyroid and other hormonal imbalances. Many people diagnosed with Alzheimer's or dementia simply have low levels of T3 thyroid hormone. However, standard thyroid tests completely miss T3 levels, and Synthroid (T4) doesn't help. It is estimated that 10 to 15% of all nursing home residents may be there because of low T3.

7. Mercury and other heavy metal poisoning. So-called silver amalgam fillings contain 50 percent mercury, and that mercury is neither stable nor inert. It off-gasses, crosses the blood-brain barrier, and destroys neurons even without contact. Removing these fillings is hazardous unless done with mercury-safe protocols.

Annual flu shots are another source of these toxins. Research shows that people who took the flu shot for five consecutive years had 10 times or 1000 percent higher risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease than people who only had one or two flu shots due to the accumulation of mercury and aluminum in the vaccines.

Most doctors are not expert in these causes of dementia or how to treat them. Sharp Again Naturally is building a medical advisory board and a database to get the word out. It also offers help finding functional medicine specialists, naturopaths, or doctors who practice integrative medicine who are familiar with these areas.

Click here for more information on natural approaches to preventing and overcoming dementia.


How Much To Plant To Provide A Year’s Worth Of Food

 Not long ago, people had to think about how much to grow for the year. They had to plan ahead, save seeds, plant enough for their family, preserve enough, etc. It wasn’t just a hobby. It didn’t take up a 4 foot by 4 foot square in their backyard, next to the beautifully fertilized lawn. It was their yard. It didn’t take a back burner in their spring and summer plans, after camping trips, barbecues and swimming parties. These are all good things, but people had to think about survival first and foremost. Partying came after the harvest. Now days, most of us party first, fertilize our lawns second, go to the grocery store and depend on other people to grow our food (and expect it to be cheap), and then we think about gardening, maybe, if ever, as a hobby.

I loved Joel Salatin’s talk @ The Healthy Life Summit. I pretty much love everything Joel says. This quote got me thinking:
We’re all a part of agriculture. Even if our part is just being a consumer, getting spinach and rice at the grocery store, we would not survive without agriculture. I, personally, want to be more involved than that. I want to know how much my family eats and how much we need to grow to supply that need. I want to work towards the goal of a completely self-sustaining homestead.
With that in mind, recently, I have been curious about exactly how much my family eats in a year. I started looking through a gardening book that used to belong to my Great Grandmother. I LOVE old books. I love the look of them, the feel of them, and the wisdom in them. I love that my Great Grandmother once thumbed through this very book and gleaned from it. I also have a newer book that I’ve made use of to determine how much to grow. These are the two main resources I used to compile this list:
Sunset’s Vegetable Garden Book (from 1944)
The Gardener’s A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food

Want to know how much to plant per person? This is what I found:
1-4 plants per person
10-12 plants per person
Beans, Bush
10-20 plants per person
Beans, Lima
10-20 plants per person
Beans, Pole
10-20 plants per person
10-20 plants per person
5-10 plants per person
Brussels Sprouts
2-8 plants per person
3-10 plants per person
10-40 plants per person
3-5 plants per person
1-5 plants per person
3-8 plants per person
12-40 plants per person
3-5 plants per person
1 plant per person, plus 2-3 extra per family
1 5’ row per person
10-12 plants per person
2-6 plants per person
40-80 plants per person
25-60 plants per person
5-6 plants per person
10-30 plants per person
1 plant per person
2-3 crowns per person
10-20 plants per person
Summer Squash
2-4 plants per person
Winter Squash
2 plants per person
Sweet Potatoes
5 plants per person
2-5 plants per person

Obviously, all of this will vary based on your family’s size, tastes, allergies and climate. If you’re on the GAPS Diet, you’ll obviously plant more squash and leafy greens, and no corn, potatoes or sweet potatoes. If you can grow some of these vegetables year-round, you will be able to grow smaller rows. If you’re doing Square Foot Gardening, you may be able to plant things closer together & thus take up less space in your garden. Never the less, I believe that we all ought to be considering how much we use in a year and how much needs to be grown to supply our family’s needs (whether we are the ones doing the growing or not).
If you like analyzing this kind of information, you might like the charts in my Garden & Preservation Planner! :)
What are you planting in your garden this year?

More Reading About Gardening



Manuka Honey: Boosts Immunity, Improves Sleep & Great Alternative to Antibiotics

Most honey tastes great and is generally considered to be good for you. Hydrogen peroxide is a component of honey. It gives most honey its antibiotic quality, but some types of honey, including manuka honey, also have other components with antibacterial qualities. Manuka honey contains anti-bacterial properties and in a study conducted by the University of Sydney killed nearly every types of bacteria it was exposed to.
Manuka honey is produced by the bees which pollinate the flowers of the manuka bush, also known as the tea tree, native to New Zealand.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Manuka Honey

Improves Sleep
Manuka Honey helps to promote deep, restful sleep. It slowly releases the glycogen needed for essential bodily functions during sleep. Adding honey to milk at bedtime helps the body release melatonin into the brain which is necessary for deep sleep.
Improves Digestion
Manuka honey is great for improving the health of your gut and banishing bloating. ‘It can help reduce inflammation from digestive disorders, relieving abdominal discomfort and bloating. It contains a natural pre-biotic, which is essential for nurturing the gut’s good bacteria and, therefore, can help the digestive system rebalance itself naturally
Boost Immunity
Feeling a cold or a sore throat coming on? Stir a teaspoon of Manuka honey into your hot lemon drink to prevent the cold bug taking a grip. Manuka honey is high in antibacterial levels and recommended in the treatment of ulcers, strep throat, cold sores, skin infections, cuts and abrasions.
Great Antioxidants
Honey contains nutraceuticals, which are very effective for the removal of free radicals from the body. As a result, our body immunity is improved against many conditions, even potentially fatal ones like cancer or heart disease.
Sore Throat
Honey has been used as a home remedy for sore throats for centuries; there is evidence that manuka honey is especially effective in preventing the growth and spread of the strep bacteria responsible for causing sore throats.
Alternative to Antibiotics
The properties in manuka honey haven’t been shown to develop resistant bacteria, an annoying problem caused by the overuse of antibiotics that leads to the development of “superbugs” that can’t be treated with traditional treatment options. If manuka proves to be as effective as many small studies have found, it could be a powerful disease-fighting option.

Sustainable Off Grid Living In A Safari Tent

See more at:


Pentagon Trains for Underground War/Disaster in Megacities

As populations move into cities across the globe, an increasing majority of people will live in urban areas – places which quickly become very desperate and vulnerable during a major crisis.
Every prepper knows the dangers of being stuck in a major metropolitan city in the event of a major hurricane, a grid-down scenario or civil unrest and societal collapse.
In such a situation, as every prepper knows, food, water and other vital resources will quickly become scarce or unavailable. A gridlock of survivors will try to get out, or get their hands on assets.
Increasingly, the Pentagon is looking at the likelihood – perhaps the inevitability – of war/conflict inside of a destabilized or decimated megacity urban center like New York.
According to the Daily Mail:
The Pentagon is calling for help from technological innovators to take on the future of warfare.
In the program titled ‘Thunderstorm Spiral,’ the US government solicits demonstrations to tackle the challenges of megacities and underground environments, which will become increasingly prevalent as populations continue to grow.
A megacity is defined as a city with more than 10 million residents. To put this in perspective, there are currently over 8 million people living in New York City.
As these numbers continue to grow within defined areas, infrastructure will have to adapt, pushing megacities toward the development of subterranean – or underground – environments.
In 2014, there were 23 megacities with ‘vast subterranean structures’; in 2025, it’s expected this number will reach 37.
To meet these needs, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Emerging Capability and Prototyping, Rapid Reaction Technology Office (RRTO) Technology Demonstration Program is sponsoring the request for information (RFI) issued by the Pentagon.
‘As the world’s population grows, the probability of the U.S. needing to conduct combat and humanitarian assistance / disaster relief (HA/DR) operations within a megacity (defined as a city with more than 10 million residents) also grows,’ the solicitation states.
The ‘desired capabilities’ in focus of the program include GPS techniques for underground and dense urban environments along with intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance sensors for use in tunnels.
As major American, Asian and European cities grow with extreme rapidity, urban planners have been expanding large underground facilities. Increasingly, it is not just subway systems, but shopping malls, parking lots, utilities and perhaps even residential units that are being built underground.
While this may be practical to facilitate crowded above-ground conditions, it brings new dangers for populations who could be trapped underneath in the event of a bombing, terrorist attack or major natural disaster.
Inadequate design to accommodate flooding and allow evacuation for people underground is perhaps the biggest threat facing these quickly expanding facilities.
The United Nations University has studied many of the disaster scenarios that could occur in underground spaces, noting the rapid growth of underground facilities in mega-urban areas across the world:
The rapid and extensive underground expansion of mega-cities – for subways, malls, parking and public utilities – takes place often with too little knowledge of associated risks and too few plans to minimize the effects of a natural disaster, United Nations University experts warn.
With growing land pressures in cities (which contain about 50% of all people today, seen rising to 65% by 2030), creating new space underground becomes increasingly attractive. In many places, however, studies of potential natural disaster risks are often neglected, says Srikantha Herath, UNU Senior Academic Programme Officer.
While many underground shelters can withstand earthquakes and other disruptions, flooding stands as one of the biggest and untested underground disasters cities may face in the near future:
Modeling a variety of catastrophic events is essential for building contingencies into underground infrastructure designs, including evacuations and the emergency containment and transport of flood waters, for example.”
Via underground interconnections, water can travel considerable distances away from the flood source. However, there are often no subsurface maps; underground space is usually mapped in relation to a building overhead.
Strategic relocation expert Joel Skousen and other prepping experts have warned against allowing yourself to be trapped in a major city – particularly on the East Coast – where evacuation may be nigh impossible. Being trapped underground in such a megacity only adds another layer of disaster to that recipe.
If you have your own underground structure, make sure that its design has accounted for flooding, because the possibilities are all too real.
Read More:


An Awesome and Efficient Way to Store Water

Water is essential for life and there are many situations where clean water is not available. If you’re lucky, you can last maybe 3 – 5 days without water. If you loose 10% of your bodily fluid you are at risk of death.
Some interesting facts about how much water we actually need, as these may be useful to know in a survival situation were water is limited:
You loose just over 2 pints of water per day through normal bodily functions and according to research by the Pacific Institute of Studies can loose up to 10 pints per day in very hot climates. The amount needed per person, per day, depends on:
  • An individual’s weight
  • The environment temperature
  • The amount of activity
  • If you’re pregnant you need more water
  • There may also be a relationship between the amount needed based on a fat/muscle ratio
The report carried out by the Pacific Institute of Studies also looked at what the minimum requirements of water needed by an individual were – you can see this in the table below. However, other sources quote amounts around 3.5 pints per day. The table below is in liters, to convert 1 liter is around 1.75 pints.
Storing Water for When Disaster Happens

General Advice

But before I begin, some general advise:
  1. Use your stored water for drinking purposes only –thirsty trumps dirty and smelly, but do keep wounds clean
  2. Containers made of a plastic known as polyethylene terephthalate, or PET can leach chemicals including the heavy metal, antimony, into water, so try and avoid containers made of PET
  3. Use containers that are clean – any organic matter can contaminate water and bacteria and viruses can make the water toxic
  4. Use water purification tablets or powder to keep stored water clean
  5. Other chemicals like fertilizers present in a container can cause algae to grow in the water
  6. You’ll probably have heard about filling the bathtub up with water when the SHTF. This is fine to do, as long as you remember the water isn’t likely to stay clean and is for short term use only (see waterBOB below)
  7. How much water to store is up for debate and ultimately will be your decision, but plan for at least two weeks worth of need on a per person basis
  8. Bear in mind that if certain war events have taken place rain may be contaminated and unsuitable for drinking. This is also true for river and stream water.
​Related: The Only Meds That You Need To Stockpile for SHTF

Storing Water

Commercial Bottled Water

If you have time to think about it beforehand, you can stock up on bottled water. The Department of Homeland Security recommends that you store at least 1 gallon of water per person, per day, for 3 days. The International Bottled Water Association say about storing bottled water, that it should be stored at room temperature or cooler and away from direct sunlight and chemicals. This is because at warmer temperatures algae can form in the water and that the plastic of a water bottle is permeable and can allow chemicals to seep into the water. The FDA don’t require an expiration date for bottled water, but the state of New Jersey do set a 2 year limit on bottled water.
Related: H2O Dynamo – The Awesome Device That Turns Air Into Fresh Water!

Rain Barrels

Storing Water for When Disaster HappensYou can store water in rain barrels by filling them from the cold-water tap. You can buy 60 gallon barrels for the purpose and keep these ready to go. The barrels MUST be very clean before you use them. Also you really should use some sort of sterilizing chemical to prevent algae and bacteria from contaminating the stored water. You can buy purification tablets or powder, like Aquatabs online from Amazon.
And of course, you can use the barrels to collect and store rainwater too, assuming the rain is not contaminated.

Specialist Water Tanks

You can buy large, up to 15,000 gallon, water tanks to prepare for when the SHTF. As with the smaller rain barrels you will have to use purification chemicals to make sure the water stays clean and drinkable.

Water Balloon Storage: The waterBOBStoring Water for When Disaster Happens

There is a product called the waterBOB, which is an FDA approved plastic balloon, which can be filled direct from your faucet, aka your bathtub, and which keeps water clean for up to 16 weeks. It also can hold up to 100 gallons of water. If you place this in the tub and fill it up, it resolves the issue of keeping the water clean.
Related: 7 Things That Will Survive an EMP

Alternative Water Systems

Of course you might not be able to fill up the waterBOB or have access to bottled water, so you’ll need to collect it.

Creeks and Fresh Water Rivers

Storing Water for When Disaster Happens
You can drink water from a non-salt source like a fresh water river or a creek. However, you do have to be careful and sensible. I was taught to look up stream and if there was any evidence of a dead animal or any contamination, then don’t drink it.
You can of course sterilize the water. You can boil it, which gets rid of bacteria, protozoa (like cryptosporidium) and most viruses.

Rain Water

Storing Water for When Disaster Happens
You can collect rainwater using a simple system, like the one in the photo above, where guttering on a small shed or similar is used to pass collected rainwater into a rain barrel. Use some sort of filter at the end of the pipe to stop debris entering the barrel – be sure to clean this out regularly as it gets filled with leaves.
There are commercial rainwater collection systems that you can use too. Companies like RainHarvest Systems provide home based collection systems that can harvest up to 15,000 gallons of rainwater.
Which ever way you collect the rainwater, you need to be wary of any potential contaminants in the rain, including radioactivity and acidity. Drinking something in is a great way to get toxins into your body. If it’s nuclear don’t drink it, period. If its acidic, you can treat it with an alkaline solution like sodium carbonate, but you need to test the acidity with an indicator of some kind to make sure you get the balance right.
It is also wise to sterilize the rainwater you collect.


Beginning a Preppers "PHTF" Garden? Avoid the hidden hazards - Here's some important safety info you need to know. 

We live in a modern world where people are disconnected from the earth and producing their own food.  We also live in a world of antibiotics, pasteurization, high pressure steam canning and preserving and other wonderful ways of keeping our food safe and secure.  Having others do the "dirty work for us" has disconnected us from not only knowing how to grow a SHTF garden, but the dangers that are hidden in that same garden.  Yes - what you can't see can kill you.  This is even more important when you realize that in a true SHTF scenario, medical treatment (such as long term IV infused antibiotics) we all take for granted may not be available.  An ounce of common sense and prevention makes seeking a "cure" totally unnecessary.

The first hazard that new gardeners need to understand is that various types of molds, spores, bacteria and other pathogens you can't see live and thrive in the soil, and can infect you through existing nicks or tears in your skin or through puncture wounds from thorns or sharp sticks.

A truly frightening infection (to me) is sporotrichosis, or "Rose Gardener's Disease".  This is a fungus mold that grows in and near roses, which is how the majority of infections arise, hence the name. However, it can be contracted not only by puncture wounds from rose thorns but also from handling hay or sphagnum moss which is a common and popular organic growing media.  It initially presents as a lump or nodule.  As the infection proceeds, nodules and ulcers will normally follow the lymph system, and begin to appear as a line up or down the infected leg or arm, which makes it resemble something from a dystopian Zombie Apocalypse B-movie.

If left untreated, the infection can spread to bones and joints. It can also be a life-threatening infection for anyone who is already immuno-compromised.

Open sores/ulcers from a sporotrichosis infection can also led to a secondary bacterial infection known as cellulitis.  It is important to monitor the ulcers and seek medical treatment if the edges become red, swollen and warm and the red/warm area begins to "spread" which are typical calling cards for cellulitis (literally, "infection of the cells").  Cellulitis ALWAYS need medical attention and in serious cases can lead to a "whole body" infection known as sepsis.

Sporotrichosis is also not fun - many people who contract it find it a very painful disease and onset can be quite rapid.

Next up are five nasties that all love improperly treated and managed animal compost, aka "raw manure" and can hang around for a long time once they've found a home in your garden.  It is important to ensure that if you are using animal manure as a soil amendment, especially at your SHTF "Bug Out Location" that you NOT spread improperly or incompletely treated animal waste on your garden.   

E. Coli, Camplyobacter jejuni, Salmonella, Listeria and Leptospirosis all thrive in soil contaminated by raw waste.  Your animal compost needs to be thoroughly heated to at least an internal temperature of 140F for a sustained period of time to kill the pathogens.  E.Coli can live in the soil for 2 - 3 months, while salmonella can live up to 6 months!  For small scale gardening, covering your manure waste pile with black plastic sheeting and letting the sun do its magic, turning the pile frequently, is a sufficient low-tech way to ensure you are not using soil amendments that will make you or your family sick.  I always cover my garden beds with a heavy tarp for at least a month before planting in the spring to trap the solar energy under the tarp to heat the soil, in addition to only adding fully treated compost to my garden.  There are several benefits to this (pre-warming your garden with a dark tarp), one of which is it helps kills unwanted pathogens in your garden soil.

 Lastly, proper water management needs to be an important part of your SHTF garden plan, especially if you are watering your garden with well water that is also the water source for your own hydration needs.

Giardiasis, known in northern climes as "Beaver Fever", is a water borne disease that is found throughout the US and is very hard to manage well.  It can be found in contaminated soil and water, and for home gardeners in remote locations, is often a "cross-contamination" vector - infected soil then infects well water from garden run-off, which is then used to water the garden soil...

The free online resource "Gardens as a source of infectious disease and reducing the risk", published by the Miami-Dade County Extension office clearly warns of the dangers of giardia contamination and its difficulty to treat and eliminate:

"...There is also a need to prevent contamination of the site through rainwater washing parasite cysts from the manure or compost pile onto the surrounding ground. This is particularly important if well water is being used to irrigate the garden, since contaminated water supplies have been implicated in most outbreaks of giardiasis. The cysts are resistant to drying, chlorination and temperature extremes, are able to survive for months in water, and are relatively persistent during treatment of wastewater" (emphasis mine)

Because giardia can often claim victory over even municipal waste water treatment efforts, planning to minimize garden or pasture run-off at your bug-out location, AND having a secondary treatment of your own drinking water is key to vanquishing giardia and keeping it at bay.  Boiling and filtering of water in a retail system like Brita or Pur is usually not sufficient enough to eradicate Giardia.  For many people, a small-scale UV sanitation system is a good way to ensure your drinking water has killed any giardia cysts which may be in your well water.  There is a wide variety of models on the market; it's important to verify with the manufacturer that the product will kill giardia cysts and what the replacement requirements are for keeping the unit active long-term.

Home Use UV Water Sanitation Systems are ideal for bug out locations

In summation, it is important to use care and caution when gardening, especially if you plan on using animal waste (fecal and urine) for soil improvement.  Prevention is always preferable to having to seek medical attention especially in a true SHTF situation. 

(1) Always wear gloves, long sleeves and footwear when gardening to reduce the risk of soil-borne infections introduced through punctures or open nicks or cuts.  Ensure that children "helping" in the garden also always wear gloves and footwear.

(2) Never spread partially decomposed or treated animal waste on your garden.  Follow your local county extension office guidelines for managing home compost to ensure that your method of treatment raises the internal temperature of your manure pile to at least 140F for as long as required in your local area before adding to your garden.  Your local Agricultural extension office has the most applicable information about pathogens most common to your location, and they will be able to provide you with well-written, easy to understand information - most of which has been stored online for public access.

(3) When planning your bug-out location garden and pasture, ensure that you are using proper water management strategies to (a) avoid wasting water unnecessarily and (b) contaminating your own drinking water with garden or pasture run-off.

(4) Be aware that boiling does not always treat all water-borne pathogens commonly found in rural areas of the US; if your location and resources warrant it, consider secondary treatment of your own drinking water needs with a multi-stage reverse osmosis purification (ROPU) system, a UV sanitation system, or a system that combines both UV and ROPU technologies.  When deciding on a system, make sure that you are able to stock enough replacement filters and bulbs in advance to continue to use the systems if the supply chain is interrupted.


Turmeric has widely been toted for its effect on cancer, but new research has shown that its cousin ginger is just as powerful. Not only that, it’s been found to be even more effective than some cancer medications at killing cancer. There is even evidence of some cancer medications being ineffective and actually accelerating the death of cancer patients.

The Power Of Ginger

One study, conducted by Georgia State University found that whole ginger extract was able to reduce the size of a prostate tumor by 56% in mice. In addition to its effect on cancer, ginger was also observed to reduce inflammation and supply the mice with life-enhancing antioxidants.
Another study published in PLoS found that one particular component in ginger known as 6-shogaol is superior to conventional cancer medication, namely chemotherapy, at targeting the root cause of breast cancer malignancy: breast cancer stem cells.
Sometimes referred to as ‘mother cells’ cancer stem cells are the cause of a wide range of cancers, not simply breast cancer. These ‘mother cells’ are responsible for creating the different ‘daughter’ cell types that makeup the tumor colony. While cancer stem cells only constitute .2 to 1% of the cell makeup of the tumor, they seem to be almost ‘immortal’.
What that means is these cancer stem cells are able to self renew; they are capable of continuous differentiation, are resistant to conventional chemotherapeutic agents, and are capable of splitting off and forming new tumor colonies. The only way to fully ensure that your body is cancer free is to destroy the cancer stem cells within a tumor.
This new study found that the pungent constituent in ginger known as 6-shogaol was very active when it came to anti-cancer stem behavior. This constituent is produced when the root is either dried or cooked, two very common uses for ginger already. But there is something very specific about 6-shogaol that makes it superior to chemotherapy treatments for cancer.
Researchers found that these cancer-destroying effects occurred at concentrations that were non-toxic to non-cancer cells. That means that this particular component of ginger only killed cancer cells, leaving healthy cells alone. This makes it very different from conventional cancer treatments that do not display that kind of selective cytotoxicity, meaning they can really harm the patient.
When it comes to breast cancer, 6-shogaol significantly affects the cell cycle therefore resulting in increased cancer cell death. It induces programmed cell death through the induction of autophagy. It also inhibits breast cancer spheroids (lumps) from forming. But that isn’t the only astounding thing about 6-shogaol.

This study also found, that in tests of the cancer drug taxol, it did not show the same level of effectiveness at destroying cancer stem cells and tumors as 6-shogaol. Even when the concentrations of taxol were increased, it was still found that 6-shogaol was 10,000 times more effective at killing cancer stem cells, stopping tumors from forming, and keeping healthy cells alive.
More research needs to be done so we can show that ‘modern cancer medicine’ is not as effective as natural medicine; making our bodies sick while trying to cure a disease is simply not enough anymore.

Prepare For Empty Grocery Store Shelves – Before the Entire World Is Collapsing


15 ways to prepare without spending one red cent

 Despite news that the economy is improving and that unemployment is falling, most Americans know that life is not as easy or good as our political leaders want us to believe. In reality, nearly half of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and have little if any savings.

With that knowledge, and with the massive snowfall along the East Coast serving as a prepper drill of sorts, two things are readily apparent: Preparing for any emergency remains a very important thing to do; and preparing on a budget should be a primary goal.

The good news is, there are a number of ways to become better prepared without having to spend any money at all. Below are 15 ways you can be a better prepper for a lot free:
  1. Know thy neighbors: Even in “normal” times it’s good to get to know the people who live around you. Good neighbors are like good friends – hard to find and harder to cultivate – so don’t wait until SHTF to introduce yourself. Besides, an emergency is not the best time to make new friends; getting to know your neighbors now will a) help you develop a trusting relationship; b) allow you to judge whether or not you’d even want a neighbor’s help in an emergency; and c) give you insight into how prepared they are for what may be in store in the future. You’ll also find out if they have any special skills that will come in handy later. Hint: Invite neighbors over for a barbeque or plan a block party as an icebreaker.
  1. Get it together: Make a bugout plan or some other plan of action that includes where you’re going to meet (to include plans about how to get to your meeting place if you’re away from home at work or visiting relatives, etc.), routes you’ll travel, what you’ll do with pets/livestock, and so on. If you’re sheltering in place like residents of Washington, D.C., Maryland and other eastern states have been ordered to do during last week’s historic blizzard, figure out what you’ll need beyond just food and water – like how to stay cool/warm if the power goes out.
  1. Figure out what you have: Inventory all of the prepping/survival gear you’ve collected. This will also help you figure out what you still need.
  1. Practice makes perfect: Since you’ve got all your gear out, practice with some of it to stay sharp. Tie knots, put a shelter up in your back yard, clean a firearm, etc.
  1. Documentation: Collect all your vital documents and make sure they are in an easily accessible place where you can grab them if you need to get out quickly. Start with this list.
  1. Get physical: Part of prepping that is cost-free is improving your physical endurance and health. After all, you can’t bugout if you can’t carry your gear, right? So go for a walk or better yet, find some hiking trails and get moving.
  1. Save those seeds: Do you garden at all? You should, even if you live in a city or the suburbs. If so, make sure you save your seeds for your next planting/harvest; that may be in a completely new location.
  1. Forage: Look around for anything that is edible that you can obtain and store. This will also help with your physical conditioning.
  1. Get some skills: Have you ever changed a tire? Do you even know where the jack and tire-changing equipment is stored on your vehicle? Finding it now and learning this will come in handy someday. Also: Go to YouTube and enter “uses for paracord” into the search engine.
  1. Speaking of YouTube: This resource is a gold mine of knowledge. When was the last time you just spent an hour or so perusing the site and watching preparedness videos? Tip: Grab a notepad and a pen – you’ll want to write some down some things you’ve learned.
  1. Know much about your house? Say there was an emergency that required you to leave your home quickly. Do you know how to shut off the electricity? Your water? Do you need special tools to shut them off?
  1. Pinterest: Like YouTube, Pinterest is also a magnificent resource for prepper/survivalist material. Mine in.
  1. Don’t forget the library: Hey, it may sound old-fashioned, but your local public library is also a treasure trove of information about prepping, gardening, toolmaking, etc. Register, then check out some books to read on various subjects you are interested in.
  1. Fill ‘er up: How’s your supply of emergency water? If you have some empty 2-liter bottles or other containers, wash them and then fill them up with tap water. How simple.
  1. Drill, baby, drill: Have you and your family ever conducted an evacuation drill? Not only will this come in hand, but it’ll also be fun! Make a plan and give it a whirl; take notes so you can tweak it and make it better the next time around (the military does this all the time).

How To Use Coconut Oil to Prevent Graying, Balding Hair, and More

My hair is usually either braided or up. I try not to mess with it. I do this because it has been thinning for the past six years. Over-the-counter shampoos and ointments have not helped with my thinning at all. I have found coconut oil to help, and it may help you as well.
Coconut oil is perfectly made to nourish one’s hair. “The capric and caprylic acids work as antioxidants and disinfectants, and the low molecular weight of the oil means it can easily penetrate the hair shaft.” (Source) Unlike conditioners and shampoos made up of silicones, coconut oil does not just sit on top of the hair, it goes deep to the root of the problem.

Coconut oil is an excellent treatment for several common hair problems.


As coconut oil nourishes the scalp, it protects the follicles of the hair. Graying happens when the follicle that is in charge of coloring one’s hair loses its efficiency. Those who are prematurely greying may find that coconut oil helps with the problem. (Source)


We are now dealing with lice immune to lice shampoo. Coconut oil is an easy and more natural way of dealing with lice. Coconut oil coats the scalp and lice and suffocates the lice. It also makes it easier to remove nits and creates a hostile environment that lice cannot survive in. (Source)


One of the leading causes of dandruff is minor fungal infections. These infections thrive with most commercial shampoos but not so much with coconut oil. The antifungal properties found in coconut oil make it perfect for fighting dandruff and keeping it away. (Source)

Frizzy Hair

Do you suffer from split ends and damaged hair? Coconut oil is your solution. It heals and provides more protein to the shaft for smoother hair. It also hydrates and gives the hair a natural shine. Just be sure not to use too much. (Source)

Hair Loss

The healthy fats and vitamins in coconut oil heal both the scalp and shaft. This can lead to less hair loss and stronger hair growth. It can also help with inflammation and infections which may be the root of a person’s hair loss.

7 Things You Would Need If Your Home Lost Power Right Now

For most of us, power outages are a bothersome short lived event. But what happens when we experience outages that last several days or a week? Statistically speaking, there is more need to be prepared for power outages now than in years past. According to recent articles published in and, power outages have doubled (on average) every five years. It’s no surprise that 80 percent of all outages are caused by weather events such as storms, ice, hurricanes and tornadoes. With power outages on the rise, it’s time to talk about being prepared for those times when the power goes out. Before we continue through this article, I want you to do something that will help your perspective. Get a flashlight, pen and paper. Place the pen and paper on your dining room table along with your fully charged laptop or smart phone that you are reading this article on. Go shut off the main power breaker to your home. If you don’t know how to examine and identify breakers on your electrical box, you have one action item for your list already. With your home mostly dark and silent, let’s talk about 7 things you would want to have if your home lost power right now.  

  • You will need to have flashlights available at the very least. If you have small children, you already know that they are fascinated by flashlights but haven’t quite grasped the concept of batteries not lasting forever. Keep a few emergency flashlights around that will not fall victim to a curious toddler. One flashlight per adult family member is a good idea. Most department and hardware stores will carry a large enough selection of flashlights to make your head spin. Get extra batteries while you are at it. An LED lantern is a nice addition to your kit. Candles and lanterns work as well. Be sure to consider key safety issues when using open flames for light, heat or cooking.
  • For humans, several days without water creates a big problem. Consider keeping one gallon of water per person per day stashed for drinking and cooking. If you have three people living in your household and would like to be prepared for a five day power outage, you will need 15 gallons of water. Clean water in sealed containers can be purchased at your local department store. Larger containers for preserving water can be purchased online at preparedness outlets.
Warm blankets and clothes
  • Depending on the climate you live in, heat for your home may be a convenience or a critical necessity. If you have a fireplace, be sure you know how to safely use it if your electric heat becomes unavailable. Outdoor and camping stores carry various propane heaters. Be sure to get familiar with how to safely use your chosen heater in the event of a power interruption. Some heaters are not designed to be used in a confined area. Failure to observe basic safety guidelines (usually listed in the documentation that came with the heater) can result in personal injury or death due to fire or CO2 emissions. Aside from producing more heat, having extra blankets and warm clothing for such emergencies will go a long way. Additional blankets and heat retaining clothes can be purchased at a department store. If one member of the family enjoys making custom clothing or blankets tailored to your needs, materials can be purchased at a store like Joann’s Fabrics. They can also can be ordered online at supply sites like This provides you with the flexibility to make items that suit your specific needs perfectly. Each family member should have an extra blanket in addition to normal bedding. A warm sweater, hat and socks will make life in a colder home much more bearable. Adjust these suggestions to your climate.  
Emergency food and cooking equipment
  • Obtain a small camping stove and an ample food supply that will store well. Canned or dried foods work exceptionally well during power outages. Simply multiply how many meals you will need for your household each day times the number of days you would like to be prepared for. You may be surprised to find that many grocery stores are now carrying food that is specially packaged with long term storage and simple preparation in mind. A visit to your nearest army surplus store will undoubtedly turn up emergency food rations that can be purchased ready to store in the pantry. Online emergency food suppliers such as offer the widest range of choices.
Personal medications
  • This is a key item that will change drastically from household to household. Consult your doctor for emergency supplies of medications such as insulin or other must have prescriptions that you can not live without. A little planning in this area will prevent personal medication needs from becoming a life threatening emergency. Over the counter medications and emergency supplies such as ibuprofen, aspirin and anti-diarrhea medication can keep small issues from becoming a major inconvenience.  
Prepare your freezer.
  • Your freezer may already be a great preparedness asset with just a few inexpensive additions. Besides the food that is already stored in your freezer, place water bottles in every unused space so that they will freeze and provide your goods with cold ice for days after a power outage. Besides helping the food in your freezer to keep longer, you are storing that much more clean water. In the event of a power outage, drape a spare sleeping bag over the freezer. The added insulation will keep food longer so long as family members avoid getting the sleeping bag caught in the door when closing the freezer.
Hand crank weather radio
  • Will you survive without a radio during a power outage? Of course you will. But these radios with a hand crank to charge them can really be a sanity saver. Weather reports and local news may keep you informed as to when the power may come back on. You may be surprised at how kids who once shunned such archaic forms of entertainment may suddenly grow to treasure the voices that come out of that little magical box. Hand crank radios do not require batteries. While these radios used to be a novelty item, they can now be obtained at most department stores as well as preparedness sites online.
After considering the basic items that you will need in the event of a power outage, your note pad should have some action items listed that need your attention. Before you get up and turn the main breaker back on to your house, list any other items that you feel are needed in the event of an extended power interruption. Don’t forget to add a few items that are purely for the morale of your family. A deck of playing cards, coffee grinds, wet wipes and munchies are not essential for survival but do contribute to your family being safe and sane when the power does come back on.

Dried Fruit: a great off-season substitute for their fresh counterparts

3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum from the Brain


By Paul Fassa
There has been a dramatic increase in neurological diseases linked to aluminum toxicity. The blood-brain barrier doesn’t stop aluminum’s intrusion into our gray matter. Aluminum accumulates and remains in tissue that doesn’t have a rapid cellular turnover.
Apoptosis is the natural cell death and replacement process that occurs throughout the body, excluding cancer cells. Cancer cells keep reproducing and colonizing into tumors unless apoptosis is introduced or the cells are outright killed from chemical compounds, both natural and synthetic.
Aluminum accrues to toxic levels over time in slow apoptotic cell turnover tissues, such as bone matter, the heart and the brain. The brain and its associated nervous system is where diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, chronic fatigue and other neurological or auto-immune diseases manifest, including the complete autistic spectrum, from learning disorders to full-blown autism.

There is no shortage of aluminum toxins in our environment. It’s in cookware, beverage containers, foil, cigarette smoke, cosmetics, antiperspirants, sunscreen, antacids, and those ubiquitous chemtrails that most ignore from which aluminum nanoparticles can be breathed into our lungs and routed directly into our blood or through the sinuses into our brains.
Aluminum is in all vaccines. Injecting aluminum bypasses the possibility of eliminating it through normal channels. Straight into the blood it goes to be carried into the brain and heart, adding to their accumulated aluminum toxicity loads.
According to Dr. Chris Exley, PhD, we have come into the aluminum age. Many trolling commentators love to explain how aluminum is the most common mineral on the planet and, therefore, it’s harmless. Dr. Exley has dedicated over two decades of his scientific life to researching aluminum toxicity. He calls the period of time from the early 20th Century to now the “Age of Aluminum.”
Before then, aluminum remained in the ground as the most abundant mineral in earth that hadn’t yet been mined. Dr. Exley claims mining aluminum and using it in so many ways corresponds to the marked increase of neurological diseases.
Dr. Chris Exley’s Message to the 2011 Vaccine Safety Conference
A key aspect of his conference delivery concerned helping vaccinated kids improve their neurological damage. Ironically, it involves the second most abundant mineral in mother earth – silica. Exley has put kids who had autism spectrum disorders or other neurological damage from vaccinations on a form of silica known as silicic acid with excellent results.
Silicic acid is basically oxygenated silica. Exley considers this the best and most bio-available way to get silica through the gut and into the blood, then into brain matter where it binds with the aluminum molecules and leads them out of brain cell tissue safely through the urine.
He had used a Malaysian mineral water called Spritzer on aluminum toxic children suffering from autism spectrum disorders with significant success. Aluminum is in almost all vaccines. Later he and his team had 15 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients use that water at the same rate of one liter per day for 13 weeks.
Aluminum levels were lower by anywhere from 50 to 70 percent in all the subjects involved, and of the 15 AD patients, eight no longer deteriorated and three actually showed substantial cognitive increase. Perhaps coconut oil is better for reversing AD, but mineral waters high in Orthosilicic or ionic silicic acid will reduce aluminum toxicity in the brain to help ward off AD.
B4INREMOTE-aHR0cDovLzMuYnAuYmxvZ3Nwb3QuY29tLy14c2hmVWpORjJEdy9WWVNKdVVrdktNSS9BQUFBQUFBQW82by85aTBNaVhzbG1wNC9zMTYwMC92b2x2aWMtd2F0ZXItdHJpby0xNTB4MTUwLmpwZw==The more USA accessible mineral waters with similar levels of silicic acid to Spritzer, which can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, are Volvic and Fiji. My personal favorite is Fiji because it has the highest level of ionic suspended silica as silicic acid and is the least expensive. I’ve seen it in WalMart at $1.99 per liter.
Also, People’s Chemist Shane Ellison analyzed various water bottles and said Fiji water bottles are free of BPA and “its chemical cousins”. Others he rates highly as BPA free are Voss, Evian, and Smart Water.
The suggested protocol is at least five days consuming a 1.5 liter bottle of water daily. More is required for high levels of aluminum toxicity. Dr. Exley considers drinking the whole bottle within an hour as the most efficient method of detoxing aluminum from the brain.
Dr. Exley explains that there are three commercial bottled waters listing silica amounts as milligrams (mg) per liter on the bottle. Fiji has the highest amount of the three. Neither of us is affiliated with Fiji.
Silica mineral waters can be supplemented to help prevent dementia. Obviously it can also be used as an adjunct with pure cold pressed coconut oil to stop early onset Alzheimer’s or even reverse most of the symptoms after AD symptoms appear. More on coconut oil for Alzheimer’s can be found here.
Aluminum (Al) is passed out through the urine when one supplements silica sufficiently. It seems there’s little danger of taking too much, as long as adequate water is consumed and vitamin B1 and potassium levels are maintained.
More About Silica
Silica helps ensure collagen elasticity of all connecting tissues in the body, including tendons and cartilage. This reduces aches and pains and maintains your body’s flexibility. It has also been determined that high levels of blood serum silica keep arterial plaque from building and clogging blood vessels.
A major culprit for arterial plaque has recently shifted from cholesterol buildup to arterial calcification from serum calcium that is not absorbed as bone matter. It’s known that silica is an important part of building bone matter.
Without sufficient silica, magnesium, and vitamin K2, calcium doesn’t become part of bone matter and remains in the blood to potentially calcify in the soft tissue of inner artery walls and the heart.
Silica is vital for keeping strong bones and a healthy cardiovascular system. This qualifies silica as an essential anti-aging mineral that is much more than a skin deep beauty mineral. Other good sources of silica are the herb horsetail, cucumbers, and diatomaceous earth powder.
Although these three other sources are helpful for the recent aforementioned reasons, they lack the ionic suspension of silicic acid found in the mineral waters to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. I just found these other sources for ionic silica or silicic acid as well, here and here.