"And I beheld, and heard the voice of one eagle flying through the midst of heaven,
saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth....
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 8:13]

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Dreaded "H" Word....

The Dreaded "H" Word....
By: Eric Gajewski
What separates true traditionalists from false traditionalists is this unwillingness to admit we are fighting against a New Religion (Novus Ordo)

 St. Thomas (II-II:11:1) defines heresy: "a species of infidelity in men who, having professed the faith of Christ, corrupt its dogmas". "The right Christian faith consists in giving one's voluntary assent to Christ in all that truly belongs to His teaching. There are, therefore, two ways of deviating from Christianity: the one by refusing to believe in Christ Himself, which is the way of infidelity, common to Pagans and Jews; the other by restricting belief to certain points of Christ's doctrine selected and fashioned at pleasure, which is the way of heretics. The subject-matter of both faith and heresy is, therefore, the deposit of the faith, that is, the sum total of truths revealed in Scripture and Tradition as proposed to our belief by the Church. The believer accepts the whole deposit as proposed by the Church; the heretic accepts only such parts of it as commend themselves to his own approval. 

To start with, we have the benefit of standing back and analyzing the texts of Vatican II and how the lawful authorities interpret the texts themselves.  It is not us who state "this or that" about the texts themselves it is the Popes, prelates and most priests who do.  Therefore, we cannot reduce the argument to the silly "spirit of Vatican II" argument.  “You will recognize the tree by its fruit.” The fruits are before us, evident, clear. The fruits which come from the Second Vatican Council and the postconciliar reforms are bitter fruits, fruits that destroy the Church. When someone tells me, “Do not touch the Council; speak, rather, of the postconciliar reforms,” I reply that those who made the reforms- it was not I who made the reforms – say themselves: “We are making them in the name of the Council. We made the liturgical reform in the name of the Council; we reformed the catechism in the name of the council.And these are the Church’s authorities. It is they, consequently, who legitimately interpret the Council." ~Archbishop Lefebvre  The pseudo traditionalist's unfortunately accept the second Vatican Council which Catholics cannot do.  It does not represent our Faith nor the true Gospel and is the pastoral implementation of the Novus Ordo Religion  under the guise of being labeled "Catholic".  It IS a new religion.  Vatican II was the modernist's new flavor or interpretation of Catholicism yet it clearly breaks from Tradition.

The Second Vatican Council WAS a Revolution and therefore cannot be accepted by anyone daring to call themselves Catholic. It is essentially a rewrite of the Synod of Pistoia which was condemned by the Church.  It does not matter that Vatican II was a universal "council"... the same principles apply; we are in a universal apostasy. Vatican II lacked the necessary characteristics to be called "dogmatic" and thus did not receive the Holy Ghost's protection. Those who say anything less that we need a complete eradication (compromisers/heretics) of Vatican II are in delusion and thus Catholics cannot work with these types.  Vatican II is not Tradition but rather is the new playbook of the modernist who insanely dream of man's new utopia.  If Pope Paul the 6th summed up the Second Vatican Council as being the blueprint of the "cult of man" (FreeMasonry) then NO CATHOLIC can say we can accept the Council.  Sadly the pseudo traditionalists, the neo-sspx included, hold to this delusional opinion, which is why we must keep our distance from them (compromise).

Michael Matt and the silly Real vs. Virtual Council argument...common amongst Pseudo Traditionalists...

The dreaded "H" word is scarcely used in the pseudo traditionalist circles because it completely undermines and dismantles their position. This is a dangerous hour where nearly the whole world has been thrown into this new religion and many holy men and women foresaw this new religion coming.  Marie Julie Jahenny, approved visionary, On November 27, 1902 and May 10, 1904, Our Lord and Our Lady announced the conspiracy to invent the "New Mass": "I give you a WARNING. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake according to their ideas and under the influence of the enemy of souls a MASS that contains words that are ODIOUS in My sight.  St Anthony of Desert 4th century - 'Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. They will say if they had lived in our day faith would be easy. But in their day, they will say, things are complex; the Church must be brought up to date (Vatican 2) and be made meaningful to today’s problems. When the Church and world art one know then that those days art at hand (beginning of thee End). Because our Divine Master placed a barrier between His things and the things of this world.  Saint Canori-Mora. "Woe! unto you religious who do not observe his rule (the true faith, pre Vatican 2). I say the same to the secular clergy and to all the people in the world who give themselves to a life of pleasure and who BELIEVE IN THE FALSE MAXIMS OF MODERN IDEAS!"  St Francis of Paola: These are evil times, century full of dangers and calamities. Heresy is everywhere and the followers of heresy are in power almost everywhere. Bishops, prelates and priests say they are doing their duty, that they are vigilant. They seek all excuses but God will permit a great evil against His Church: Heretics and tyrants will come suddenly and unexpectedly, they will enter Rome and lay Rome to waste.  Sister Jeanne of the Nativity (1700's)  "When the Antichrist draws near a false religion will appear... errors will cause ravages as never before." 

Please do not fall for the vast "underselling" of the pseudo traditionalist camp on this crisis.  It is far worse than they "paint the picture" to be and displace the blame by removing attention off of the Conciliar texts wilst hiding behind the impotent "spirit of Vatican II" argument. What will the pseudo traditionalists say when the formal uniting of humanity occurs?  Will they still sadly cling to the Council as "Catholic"  (just some error in it) which does not even make sense.  How does the Holy Ghost teach any error? The Apostate Church is right around the corner!  Will they still not "touch the Council" then even though it will be used to solidify the New Religion? Until then we must keep our distance from them....the Conciliar Church is already in a "silent schism"

Where do the Sedevacantists go wrong then?  First, the Popes are not manifest heretics because these modernists truly do believe what they are teaching is Catholic whence in reality it is not.  Clear minds can see this prideful and ignorant souls cannot. Secondly, it is the common opinion of the esteemed theologians, that, those teaching heresy, would have to first be warned then removed by just authority (which obviously hasn't happened).  They DO NOT just lose office "ipso facto" that does not even work in the business world let alone in the Church. Their formal sentence will come at a later Council and they will receive their "just sentence" like Pope Honorius did when churchmen restore their sanity. Popes can materially reign over the Church wilst not being a member of the Church interiorly. This is something that is to hard for Sedevacantists to comprehend.  Their rigidity also has many of them falling for the heresy of Feeneyism (such the case of the Dimond Brother cult)

Fr. Hesse explains why Vatican II is Not A Council of the Church