Wednesday, September 30, 2015

More Gobliegook from the Remnant

More "Gobliegook" from the Remnant
The latest garble coming from the pseudo traditionalist publication the Remnant
Pseudo Trad Ecumenism: The Old "strategic differences" argument. Tell me how they are any less neo-catholic than Michael Voris again?
Welcome to Pseudo Trad Land... 
I am your host Michael Matt

The latest folly coming from the pseudo traditionalist camp has hit the news stands. This coming after John Venari's youtube recent performance that is a sure to be a hit! Oh wait... He removed it after I exposed it...Nevertheless my good friends Our Lord teaches that doctrine separates us. Here is classic Remnant "word play" in trying to get others to believe "we are all traditionalists" ...except Resistance and sedevacantists of course;)

The Next Economic Collapse Will Be So Horrifying In The U.S.

The Next Economic Collapse Will Be So Horrifying In The U.S.

Latest financial news as we head closer to the economic collapse... 

Right now, we are witnessing a truly historic collapse of the economy, and yet most Americans do not understand what is going on.  One of the biggest reasons why the American people do not understand what is happening to the economy is because our politicians and the mainstream media are not telling the truth.  Barack Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke keep repeating the phrase “economic recovery” over and over, and this is really confusing for most Americans because things sure don’t seem to be getting much better where they live.  There are millions upon millions of Americans that are sitting at home on their couches right now wondering why they lost their jobs and why nobody will hire them.

The Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ

       The Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"One day in Mexico, the journalists asked me: What do you think of the progress of society? How should society evolve in order to bring about greater justice and a more equitable distribution of goods? I answered: There are not thirty-six viable systems, there is only one: the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As long as this reign is not re-established, as long as the laws of Our Lord are not observed, as long as grace does not vivify souls, it will be utterly futile to seek to obtain justice, peace and normal social life. Grace alone regenerates souls and begets true virtue; grace alone makes of men sons of God, and along with charity, infuses the social virtues without which envy alone develops.

St. Jerome, "The Three Fountains of the Church: The Mystery of the Trinity"

St. Jerome, "The Three Fountains of the Church:  The Mystery of the Trinity"

This sermon on psalm 41 (CCL 78, 542-544) was originally addressed to the newly baptized by St. Jerome in the early 5th century.  The living waters for which the deer longs is seen as a symbol of the Mystery of the Trinity.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


An Italian journalist writes:

The piece is of Maurizio Blondet.
He writes that Pope Benedict was forced to resign not only because of internal pressures, but also because the SWIFT payment system had excluded the Vatican from the entire worldwide payment system, controlled by the USA.
The Vatican’s bank was immediately readmitted when the Pope announced his resignation.
This makes the Pope’s resignation invalid because they were not free from any sort coercion / duress.
The election of Bergoglio was by consequence also invalid, which is what Father Paul Kramer has said from the start, all the way through.

Through French Eyes – Counterrevolution: The Father’s Kingdom “on earth as it is in Heaven”

Through French Eyes – Counterrevolution: The Father’s Kingdom “on earth as it is in Heaven”

Tectonic Shifts & Fault Lines in Pius XII’s Assisi Address

Tectonic Shifts & Fault Lines in
Pius XII’s Assisi Address

Dr. Carol Byrne, Great Britain

Ushering in a cult to man in the Catholic Church ...

When Pius XII addressed the participants of the Assisi Congress in 1956 (here and here), he did more than tell them a pleasing tale of progress. The analogy with the precursory signs of an impending earthquake is apt.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Europe, Awake! The Muslim Hoardes Are Coming

Europe, Awake! The Muslim Hoardes Are Coming
This blog is loaded with the latest on the topic of Immigration
Economic Collapse, Revolution/Unrest then all out Invasion
Bishop Williamson (Resistance)
Europe, you’re being invaded with great skill.
Return to God, or be invaded still. 
If any readers have not yet woken up, let them wake up. A report of a few days ago from a reader in Germany tells of news never reported in our vile media, vile precisely because they tell so many lies and so little truth (but is it not we the people who are essentially responsible for our media . . . ?).
“Germany, Austria and neighbouring lands to the south-east have been undergoing for the last few months an aggressive invasion of foreigners disguised as ‘refugees,’ a large majority of whom are young men, spoiling for a fight. Bavaria’s Minister-President Horst Seehofer, looking as pale as a sheet, said on local TV last Sunday that law and order were on the brink of collapse. Yet our puppet-governments and our mass media, at the service of the enemies of God, support this invasion by all means at their disposal, including misused State force, such as the police and the army. These puppets also lie in print, to hide the invasion from the people and thus cause as much damage as possible.
“The mass of people are still asleep, although more and more men of the land around here and elsewhere are speaking openly of civil war. In outlying regions of Bavaria things are coming to a halt.

Francis asks Catholics to "meet people where they are..."

Francis asks Catholics to "meet people where they are..."
Vatican II impotent humanitarianism strikes again! 
This blog is loaded with the latest on Francis

Francis concluded a whirlwind tour through New York City Friday evening, celebrating Mass at Madison Square Garden, where he reflected on challenges that accompany “living in a big city” and once again urging Catholics to venture out to “meet others where they really are.” 

St. Cyprian: On The Unity Of The Catholic Church

St. Cyprian: On The Unity Of The Catholic Church

In a day when the enemy has constructed a whole new church that implies everyone is in it let us turn to St. Cyprian for a classic text on the unity of the Church. This work by the martyr and early Father of the Church, Cyprian (martyred A.D. 258), contains the earliest known statement “extra ecclesiam nulla salus” – that, outside the Church there is no salvation – and that is the subject of the work.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

TradCatKnight Radio: Fr. Kramer, "3rd Secret of Fatima & Coup Against Benedict XVI"

                                       TradCatKnight Radio: 
Fr. Kramer, "3rd Secret of Fatima & Coup Against Benedict  XVI"
                            Talk given September 26th, 2015

TradCatKnight welcomes Fr. Paul Kramer to the broadcast.
This talk covers the following topics: Francis and the "sign of man" hand sign (666), Jorge the Apostate, Francis stacking the deck against the "conservatives", Fr. Kramer relationship with Fr. Hesse, open admittance of a mafia against Benedict XVI, Benedict XVI invalid renunciation, Benedict XVI still Pope per canon law (forced out due to duress), recommended reading for this Modernist, Masonic Marxist crisis in the Church, Fatima's warning but Promise in the End, Francis the Destroyer?, why Catholics must reject Vatican II, clever words of Vatican II, can the Church have two Popes?, soon formal schism in Rome, Cardinal Bea (Mason/Modernist) wanted 3rd secret revealed?, Fr. Kramer talks with Fr. Malachi Martin, Dogma of faith reserved in Portugal, Benedict XVI the Pope of Fatima, New Mass is not Catholic, Paul VI put himself outside the Church for his new rites, Catholicism vs conservatism, Heresy of ecumenism and religious liberty, Masons want reason to "takeover" Faith, naturalism, universalism, pelagianism, catholic endtime prophecy supporting Fatima, chair vacant for at least 25 months?, Vatican II is self condemned by Tradition, synod of Pistoia, old covenant not revoked?, heresy and the Magesterium, Russia and heavens peace plan vs man's, Putin, USA's conversion as a nation to Catholicism?, baptism of blood, heresy of ecumenism of blood, Fr. Fahey, Zionism, the New World Order and One World Church of Apostasy and much more!

AntiPope Francis in the USA-Interreligious meeting at Ground Zero

AntiPope Francis in the USA-Interreligious meeting at Ground Zero
For those who missed it...perhaps for good reason

Inter-religious meeting in New York= BARF ‪#‎scripted‬ ‪#‎propaganda‬
It looked like a bad soap opera or a "B" movie... late night rerun
How do people still think Vatican II was Catholic is beyond me
Religious liberty= heresy
Masonic coexistence and dialogue
Who wasnt a FreeMason there?.... Is a good question

Wessel Eilert (Jasper) Endtime Prophecy

Wessel Eilert (Jasper) Endtime Prophecy

Another Westphalian seer, a farmer named Wessel Dietrich Eilert (also known as Old Jasper), left us more details about the Battle of the Birch Tree. Eilert lived in Huckarde near Dortmund, Germany, from 1764 to 1833. This prophecy was first published in 1848: 


St. John Vianney, 
Timely sermon in this crisis of the Church. Imagine if people actually took the time to know their Faith? They would know the difference between the Vatican II Novus Ordo Religion and Catholicism.

Neither wealth, nor honours, nor vanity can make a man happy during his life on earth, but only attachment to the service of God, when we are fortune enough to realise that and to carry it out properly. The woman who is held in contempt by her husband is not unhappy in her state because she is held in contempt but because she does not know her religion or because she does not practice what her religion tells her she should do. Teach her religion, and from the moment that you see her practice it, she will cease to complain and to consider herself unhappy. Oh! How happy man would be, even on this earth, if he knew his religion! 

Video- The Truth Behind Mass Vaccination

The Truth Behind Mass Vaccination

Industry insider tells all
"When the State offers and even insists on giving everybody something, you know you're in trouble. Well, that's the whole point, isn't it? Leaving the individual out of the equation. Treating the population like a single Blob." (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) 

Friday, September 25, 2015

VIDEO- Francis Shows His Allegiance to the New World Order....Again!

Francis Shows His Allegiance to the New World Order....Again!
Antipope Francis has made it clear who he represents
#666 ‪#‎endtimes‬ #signofman #New World Order= City of Man headed by a soon jewish false messiah ‪#‎Maitreya‬

Let us take a look at this satanic hand sign and the other hand signs Antipope Francis has given to show who/what he really represents. This hand sign is a reference to "666" or the sign of man. Since Vatican II men have been led in a new religion called the Novus Ordo which is a man centered religion. We have long been hijacked by these modernists, masons and marxists. Vatican II "cult of man" as Pope Paul 6th called will soon end with a "formal schism" wherein all humanity/religions will said to be "equal" via an invalid excathedra...

Our Lady of Ransom (also Our Lady of Mercy)

Our Lady of Ransom (also Our Lady of Mercy)

On 10 August, 1223, the Mercedarian Order was legally constituted at Barcelona by King James of Aragon and was approved by Gregory IX on 17 January, 1235. The Mercedarians celebrated their institution on the Sunday nearest to 1 Aug. (on which date in the year 1233 the Blessed Virgin was believed to have shown St. Peter Nolasco the white habit of the order), and this custom was approved by the Congregation of Rites on 4 April, 1615 (Anal. Juris Pont., VII, 136). On 22 Feb., 1696, it was extended to the entire Latin Church, and the date changed to 24 September.

Rock ‘n Roll: Satanic Music - II

The Evolution of Rock ‘n Roll
to Hard & Acid Rock

As pointed out in our Introduction, soft rock quickly became hard rock, whose principal protagonists were Jerry Lee Lewis, Stevie Niks and Alice Cooper. (1) The characteristics of this second wave are an acceleration of rhythm (beat), an increase in sound volume and the frenetic unleashing of percussion. 

Agenda 2030 And The “New Economic World Order” – Coming This Year?

Agenda 2030 And The “New Economic World Order” – Coming This Year?

Dire economic prognostications exist simultaneously
by The Sleuth Journal
With Q3 of the 2015 fiscal year just around the corner, one cannot help but notice unprecedented unease in both financial and social spheres, and perhaps with good reason; with alternative media forecasters, national banks, and supranational institutions alike heralding the coming of “global depression” by the end of 2016, this consensus of seemingly strange bedfellows almost universally agree that something wicked this way comes.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

More Proof of a Coup Against the real Pope Benedict XVI

Cardinal Danneels Admits to Being Part of 'Mafia' Club Opposed to Benedict XVI

New authorized biography also reveals papal delegate at upcoming synod wrote letter to Belgium government supporting same-sex "marriage" legislation because it ended discrimination against LGBT groups

Further serious concerns are being raised about Cardinal Godfried Danneels, one of the papal delegates chosen to attend the upcoming Ordinary Synod on the Family, after the archbishop emeritus of Brussels confessed this week to being part of a radical "mafia" reformist group opposed to Benedict XVI.

Russia’s last Tsar exhumed, case reopened into murder of Romanov family

Russia’s last Tsar exhumed, case reopened into murder of Romanov family 

The remains of the last Russian emperor and his wife have been exhumed, while the Interior Ministry's Investigative Committee has reopened an investigation into the early 20th century murder of the Romanov family.
Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin announced the renewal of the case due to new evidence in an official statement online.
The investigators will have to study archival materials related to the enquiry conducted between 1918 and 1924 by former Russian Imperial officers. These documents were found sometime after 2011 along with some new material evidence.

The Atlantic Council, Western media, and the 'Big Lie' about Putin's Russia

The Atlantic Council, Western media, and the 'Big Lie' about Putin's Russia

Ennio Addams


Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea. Russia shot down MH17. Russia is planning to invade the Baltics. Russia is behind the Syrian refugee crisis. Day after day, the media churns out lie after lie from the bizarro realm of unreality in which so-called 'think tanks' exist. Their utterly schizoidal insistence that everyone adopt their paranoid anti-Russian stance means that as soon as you've countered one set of lies, a new set is already making the rounds. 

Cardinal Nichols expects synod to consider change in approach to divorced and remarried Catholics

Cardinal Nichols expects synod to consider change in approach to divorced and remarried Catholics


The Archbishop of Westminster will attend October's synod with Bishop Peter Doyle of Northampton
Cardinal Vincent Nichols has indicated that he expects the Synod on the Family to consider changes in the Church’s pastoral approach towards Catholics who have divorced and civilly remarried.
The Archbishop of Westminster said one of the major challenges facing the synod was how to identify a pattern of conversion that would allow the divorced and remarried back into full Communion with the Church.

Pope Innocent II on the Papacy

Pope Innocent II on the Papacy

“There is nothing so sublime as the papacy nor so exalted as the imperial throne” 

Elected 14 Feb., 1130; died 24 Sept., 1143. He was a native of Rome and belonged to the ancient family of the Guidoni. His father’s name is given as John.

The youthful Gregory became canon of the Lateran and later Abbot of Sts. Nicholas and Primitivus. He was made Cardinal-Deacon of the Title of S. Angelo by Paschal II, and as such shared the exile of Gelasius II in France, together with his later rival, the Cardinal-Deacon Pierleone. Under Callistus II Gregory was sent to Germany (1119) with the legate Lambert, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia. Both were engaged in drawing up the Concordat of Worms in 1122. In the following year he was sent to France.


Saint Joan of Arc with her angels and saints

Saint Joan of Arc with her angels and saints

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

TradCatKnight Radio: "Fr. Voigt, Obstacles to Holiness"

     TradCatKnight Radio: "Fr. Voigt, Obstacles to Holiness"
            The Resistance: talk given September 22nd, 2015

TradCatKnight recently passes over 300,000 followers worldwide! I welcome Fr. Voigt of the Resistance to this latest broadcast.

Topics covered in this talk: Fr. Voigt's background, Patterns in Genesis (Genesis 3:21), two pillars of victory, tampering with truth and the Mass, 7 spiritual laws governing Marriage & the family, dying to self, pornography, impurity, prayer, crosses as opportunities not problems, carnal vs spiritual man, practical direction for these times, pseudo traditionalism, self the 4th enemy of the soul, the world, the flesh and the devil, upcoming synod, cardinal vs cardinal, conservatism vs catholicism, Michael Voris/Fr. Nicholson, scruples, Francis and pseudo mercy, SSPX is in communion with Christ and the Church, Conciliar Church is counterfeit and much more!

Poem: "Raised Up..."

Poem: "Raised Up..."
By: Eric Gajewski
From the work, "Fortress of the Soul"

Please enjoy and share my latest poem from "Fortress of the Soul" 

VIDEO- Oliver Stone: Forget ISIS, America Is the Real Threat to the World

Oliver Stone: Forget ISIS, America Is the Real Threat to the World

We’re not under threat. We are the threat
by Jake Anderson | Anti-media  
Many people thought Oliver Stone’s days of rankling the establishment were over. Many people were wrong. His 2012 book and TV series, The Untold History of the United States, suggests the iconic filmmaker is renewing efforts to challenge the mainstream narrative regarding American exceptionalism, economic imperialism, and our government’s “nefarious involvement” in the Middle East.

What Does the Church teach about Clerical Immorality?

What Does the Church teach about Clerical Immorality?

1917 Code of Canon Law:
Can 2359
§1. Clerics in holy orders, whether they be secular or religious, who are living in concubinage, when a prior warning has proved useless, are to be compelled to withdraw from the illicit companionship and to repair the scandal by suspension (suspensio a divinis), by being deprived of the fruits of office, benefits, dignity, with due regard to the provisions of Canons 2176-2181.
§ 2. If an offense against the sixth commandment with minors under sixteen years of age be admitted, or if adultery, rape, bestiality, sodomy, pimping or incest with first degree relations be carried out, they are to be suspended, declared infamous and deprived of every office, benefit, dignity and function that they might have and in the more serious cases, deposed.
§ 3. If they have committed an offense against the sixth commandment in some other way, they are to be coerced with appropriate penalties according to the gravity of the case, not excluding deprivation of office or benefit, especially if they have care of souls.

Resistance- Sons of the Church in a time of crisis

Resistance- Sons of the Church in a time of crisis

By the Reverend Fr. Roger-Thomas Calmel, O.P.

(Prologue to Apologia for the Everlasting Church)
Prelates who occupy the most important posts in the Church, misled by the grand chimera of their own desire to find easy, infallible means to achieving once and for all the religious unity of mankind, are working to invent a church without borders in which all men, unconditionally dispensed from renouncing the world and Satan, will soon be united in the bonds of brotherly love.  Dogmas, rites, hierarchy, discipline, should one insist, would all be carried over from the first Church, but everything would be bereft of the safeguards willed by the Lord and specified by Tradition.  By that very fact, everything would be drained of Catholic vitality, namely grace and holiness.  The adepts of the most divers beliefs, and even those who refuse to have any, would enter as equals, but they would enter on equal footing into a dummy church.  Such is the present endeavor of the prestigious Master of lies and illusions.  Behold the masterwork, of Masonic inspiration, to which he commits his minions—faithless priests promoted as eminent theologians; oblivious or disloyal bishops, if not disguised apostates, rapidly elevated to the choicest honors and invested with the highest prelatures.  They spend their lives and lose their souls building a postconciliar Church under the star of Satan.

Francis’ Motu Proprios & the Upcoming Synod

Francis’ Motu Proprios & the Upcoming Synod

Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.


There has been much talk in Catholic circles about a potential split in the Church at the coming October Synod on the family should the official doctrine of the Church be changed on the matter of giving Communion to Catholics divorced in a civil tribunal and remarried also before a civil justice of the peace, who have not received annulments from the Church. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Vatican II: Traditionalist Misinterpretation or Modernist Denial?

Vatican II: Traditionalist Misinterpretation or Modernist Denial?
The Popes themselves openly imply/state Vatican II is FreeMasonry (as official interpreters) yet we are protestants for not accepting the Council? 
The protestants are those following Vatican II and they are in "hard denial"...

Over the past few weeks there have impotent attempts by those still "clinging" to Vatican II to suggest we are protestants for "taking the texts of Vatican II out of context" or simply misinterpreting.  Yet, these obstinate apologists/defenders can not deny that the authoritative figures themselves say the Council was a "counter-syllabus". It is clear Vatican II was the pastoral implementation of the Novus Ordo Religion and is leading souls in to the FORMAL ONE WORLD RELIGION OF APOSTASY!

When They Shall Say Peace & Safety! September 23rd, What is all the fuss?

When They Shall Say Peace & Safety! 
September 23rd, What is all the fuss?
Note: this is merely a warning and to help those understand just how perverted the enemy is... 

I must put this ‪#‎warning‬ out so as to put my conscience to rest in case anything does happen (not saying there will). The ‪#‎Illuminati‬ loves to put their propaganda out in the media ahead "of the storm" so to speak and there is an awful lot of for the September 23rd date being talked about readily on the internet. The 21st is HIGH Day of sacrifice on the Occult calendar (also U.N. Day of "Peace") and 22nd is the autumn equinox. In Aleister Crowley's Cabalistic Dictionary, he defines the number 23 as the number of "parting, removal, separation, joy, a thread, and life..." For those ignorant the Illuminati are very much into "numbers" which they call Sacred Numerology.

1/2 of Americans see their government as threat – poll

1/2 of Americans see their government as threat – poll 

Fema Camp "roundups" coming?... 

Almost half of the US population - 49 percent - regards the government as a threat to their lives and liberty, according to a new Gallup poll. Distrust in the federal government has been on the rise since 2006, when it stood at 46 percent.
The poll was conducted between September 9 and September 13, and included an open-ended question whether the US government was an “immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.” Two in three Republicans and one in three Democrats answered yes, Gallup noted.
Among those agreeing, one in five was most concerned about the government becoming too big, too powerful, and having too many laws. Another 15 percent cited violations of freedoms and civil liberties, while 12 percent cited gun control efforts and threats to the 2nd amendment.

Jorge the Apostate

Jorge the Apostate
Fr. Kramer (Facebook September 20th, 2015) 

As Cardinal Ciappi wrote on the Third Secret of Fatima, "[T]he great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top." Today's collect (Sept 20th, 2015) implores God to protect His faithful from the diabolical poison (the false opinions being spewed daily by Jorge Bergoglio and his Mason occupied Vatican), so they may avoid this contagion and follow the divine truths perpetually taught by the Catholic Church with a pure mind:
Orémus Da, quaesumus, Domine, populo tuo diabolica vitare contagia: et te solum Deum pura mente sectari. Per Dóminum . . .

St. Thomas of Villanova

St. Thomas of Villanova

In the early 16th century, Germany and Spain presented a curious contrast: The first was divided, scandalized, and perverted by an apostate Augustinian monk: Luther. The latter was elevated and sanctified by another Augustinian monk, St. Thomas of Villanova.

St. Thomas was born on September 18, 1488 at Fuentellana, Spain, the son of a noble but impoverished family. His parents were extremely virtuous and transmitted to him their love for the poor. His mother had received the gift of miracles. The boy was the worthy fruit of such saintly parents. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Modern Man's New 10 Commandments

Modern Man's New 10 Commandments
By: Eric Gajewski
Modern man has modified God's 10 Commandments "slightly" to suit "the times"...
Genesis 3: 4-5 And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death. For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
Satan: Worship me by exalting yourself. There is no need of God we can build a "new world" together without Him.

As time has progressed externally man has regressed internally. He has turned away from God and turned to self.  Pride is modern man’s ride on a one way highway to hell.  Man seeking to replace the Divine with the natural; replacing the Fortress of the Soul with the new tower of babel. Let us all reflect today on how we offend God without ever realizing it because we are too busy on the surface chasing the next distraction and carnal entertainment. TV has replaced Scripture reading time. Weekend shopping affairs have replaced pilgrimages and quiet time. A New Man centered “Church” and religion has replaced a God centered Church and religion. A new man centered mass has replaced the true Mass of Christ.  Modern man is a “surface” dwelling creature void of grace. A supposed exalted “human dignity” now precedes the Divine dignity and man now steps up on the pedestal and tells the true God to step down. 

INTENSE VIDEO: Prophetic Events September 2015

INTENSE VIDEO: Prophetic Events September 2015
Jason A Video


The Main Event!? “Big Changes” Are Here!

Jason A in the video below reveals chilling information about what is now transpiring here in America. Increased earthquakes, floods, sinkholes, micro-chips and biotechnology! Something is going down and fast… In fact we have hit high gear…. 


Comprehensive List Of Companies That Use Aborted Fetal Cells As Flavor

Comprehensive List Of Companies That Use Aborted Fetal Cells As Flavor

Children of God for Life is calling on the public to boycott products of major food companies that are partnering with Senomyx, a biotech company that produces artificial flavor enhancers, unless the company stops using aborted fetal cell lines to test their products.
In 2010, the pro-life organization wrote to Senomyx CEO Kent Snyder, pointing out that moral options for testing their food additives could and should be used.
But when Senomyx ignored their letter, they wrote to the companies Senomyx listed on their website as “collaborators” warning them of public backlash and threatened boycott. Food giants Pepsico, Kraft Foods, Campbell Soup, Solae and Nestlé are the primary targets of the boycott, though Senomyx boasts other international partners on their website.

Former fashion model: ‘Modesty is about revealing our dignity’

Former fashion model: ‘Modesty is about revealing our dignity’

By Natalie Hoefer
TradCatKnight: I have worked with many females in the adult industry including high end international "fashion models" who dress themselves immodestly.  Sadly, these women have been deceived by the modern world and have fallen to the culture of self. In order for there to be a restoration of Catholic culture, we must place focus on Christ, by dressing ourselves appropriately. Now on to the article...

Blasphemies in Francis' book, Rome and Jerusalem: Rabbi Talks with Pope

Blasphemies in Francis' book, Rome and Jerusalem: Rabbi Talks with Pope 


Hebrew language book, Rome and Jerusalem: Rabbi Talks with Pope.

We tire of writing about the Talmudic blasphemies against Our Lord, Jesus the Christ and the Catholic Faith but few seem willing to point them out.  Back in Argentina in 2010, Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka published a book together from their conversations about religion, economics, morality, life, science, etc...  It was named, Sobre el cielo y la tierra.  After Bergoglio was elected to the papacy in 2013, it was reissued in a new Spanish edition as well as translated into English as On Heaven and Earth: Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the Twenty-First Century.  It was considered such an important work it was eventually translated into Hebrew in 2014.

VIDEO- Top Imam: Muslim Migrants Should Breed With Europeans to “Conquer Their Countries”

Top Imam: Muslim Migrants Should Breed With Europeans to “Conquer Their Countries”

"They have lost their fertility!"

Top Iman Sheikh Muhammad Ayed recently gave a speech in which he asserted that Muslims should use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and “conquer their countries”.

Saint Joan of Arc was a knight, not a “knightess”

Saint Joan of Arc was a knight, not a “knightess”

By Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

Movie Inside!

All this is very beautiful, but there is something even more beautiful that they asked me to make explicit. But what can I say? Infinite things are ineffable. The pulchrum [beauty] of an ideal is reflected in the soul of the one who fights for it. 

Take, for example, Saint Joan of Arc. Everyone sees the pulchrum of her figure. What is it? It is the pulchrum of a virgin who does the will of God. And since God wants to make a fighter out of her, He draws extraordinary strength from her virginal weakness and with it defeats stronger men.


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Endtimes Prophecy: "When the Pope Takes Two Names, Then...."

Endtimes Prophecy: "When the Pope Takes Two Names, Then...."
Fr. Kramer provides the faithful some useful prophecies to discern in these endtimes
English translations provided...

When the pope takes two names, then:
"Quando il vescovo di Roma assumerà due nomi un impero sarà prossimo a crollare: quello della bestemmia. Ma sarebbe follia esultare di gioia, perché non sarà la fine ma l'inizio dei dolori: lo spettro cupo della miseria volteggerà nel cielo come nube impazzita e getterà ombra su molti popoli. Mancherà il pane anche nei paesi ricchi..."
XVIII secolo, profezia del monaco Basilio di Kronstadt, San Pietroburgo

(English) When the pope takes two names, then:

" when the bishop of Rome will take two names an empire will be next to collapse: that of blasphemy. But it would be madness rejoicing of joy, because it will not be the end but the beginning of pain: the spectrum gloomy of misery volteggerà cloud in the sky like crazy and will throw shade on many peoples. Will miss the bread even in rich countries..."

Eighteenth century, prophecy of Monaco Basil of kronstadt, St Petersburg

Fr. Voigt- "The Christ, Whose Son is He?'

Fr. Voigt- "The Christ, Whose Son is He?"

Whose son is the Christ?  They would not and could not answer for as St. Augustine analyzed the situation one can only answer that question is one is virtuous.  The Jew seeks only the goods of this earth while neglecting the glories of heaven.  Unless one is steeped in the love of God and the love of one's neighbor there cannot be the development of virtue.  Without the development of virtue in one's life there can be no understanding of this central spiritual theme: Whose son is the Christ?

Bishop Williamson- Damnable Naturalism

Damnable Naturalism

Nature sufficed before the Incarnation,
But now, without Our Lord, there’s just damnation.

“I am a man. I stand on my own feet. I have a mind and a will and a sense of duty. I can lead a decent, even noble, life on the natural level, far above mere materialism. Now you as a Catholic come and tell me of a supernatural, superhuman life, superior to the natural life, requiring supernatural virtues to be lived. You tell me it is a life far superior to the natural life, made possible by an Incarnate God, and promising unimaginable bliss. Now that is all very well, but quite honestly, I find human nature is enough: the life of neither an angel nor a beast. I want neither the Heaven to come, nor the demands it makes here on earth. I decline the benefit with the burden. I will content myself with a decent natural life, that God will reward with a decent natural after-life.”

Fr. Campbell- Cold, Cold Hearts

Cold, Cold Hearts
Fr. Campbell 
“And because iniquity will abound, the charity of the many will grow cold.  But whoever perseveres to the end, he shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world, for a witness to all nations; and then will come the end” (Mt.24:12-14).

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Announcement: Fr. Voigt on TradCatKnight Radio (Wednesday Sept. 23rd 2015)

Announcement: Fr. Voigt on TradCatKnight Radio (Wednesday Sept. 23rd 2015)
Just a reminder this weeks TradCatKnight Radio Show will be uploaded Wednesday 23rd and not this Monday...
In addition Fr. Kramer joins me on the 27th of this month as well.
All donations from here to end of month go towards the promoting of the Fr. Voigt and Fr. Kramer Radio shows upcoming. I thank you all for the continued prayers and financial support. We cannot grow nor educate the ignorant without such support...

Archbishop Lefebvre on Muslim Immigration

 Archbishop Lefebvre on Muslim Immigration
Founder of the Society of St. Pius X
Modern day St. Athanasius  

"For as long as Moslems are an insignificant minority in a Christian country they can live in a friendly way, because they follow the laws and customs of the country which accepts them. But as soon as they are numerous and organized they become aggressive and they seek to impose their laws, which are hostile to European civilization. Examples are abundant. Soon they will take charge of our city councils, and will transform our churches into mosques. We will either have to become Moslem, leave the country or become their captives. This is in the profound nature of Islam. It is not I who am racist in denouncing this very racism.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Fr. Paul Nicholson Cowardly Modernist Heretic

Fr. Paul Nicholson Cowardly Modernist Heretic Runs From TradCatKnight On His Own FaceBook Page!
Opus Dei Novus Ordite.. 
Jer 23:1 Woe to the pastors, that destroy and tear the sheep of my pasture, saith the Lord.

On September 18th, 2015 Modernist heretic Fr. Paul Nicholson runs away from me in debate on his own facebook page. He refused live public debate with me on my radio show and deleted the Fr. Kramer and Fr. Hesse videos explaining how the SSPX is not in schism. It is these types of buffoonish priests being produced by the Vatican II sect. Those following him potentially are ending up in the same (potential) hellfire as he unrepented.