Obama-Francis Axis:
Conjuring Confusion over Cuba
By: Armando F. Valladares
Cuba, my homeland, just completed 56 years of martyrdom under a
nefarious Communist Revolution. Before this gigantic drama and tragic
anniversary, hardly a voice of outrage is raised throughout the world
over a situation that cries out to Heaven to be heard.
Year after year many governments rend their garments at the UN
condemning the so-called US “external embargo“ and send messages of
greeting to the Castro tyrants. But not a word is spoken about the
regime’s implacable “internal embargo” against the 12 million
inhabitants of the island prison.
We are witnessing one of the greatest examples of a publicity sleight of
hand in History: a regime that for decades was the spearhead of bloody
revolutions in Latin America and Africa and still has ideological
umbilical cords throughout the three Americas, whose deserved image as
an aggressor has instead become a mendacious image of a victim.
Silence in face of oppression
Countless times international aid has been given to the Cuban regime
that has allowed and continues to allow its survival. There was the huge
financial backing of the Soviet Union until its collapse; of Chavez in
Venezuela until it recently fell apart; and of the Lula-Dilma regimes in
Brazil which also finds itself now with emptier coffers.

The Cuba deal:
already under discussion
at Francis' meeting with Obama
in March 2014 at the Vatican

already under discussion
at Francis' meeting with Obama
in March 2014 at the Vatican
And now the unexpected Obama-Francis “axis” surges in the Americas. A sui generis spiritual-political “axis” that, regardless of the intentions of its high personages, will provide rivers of money and lend prestigious publicity to keep afloat the repressive apparatus of the communist regime.
Pope Francis praises Cardinal Martini
(known FreeMason)
On December 19, two days after the announcement in Rome of the
restoration of diplomatic relations between the US government and the
Cuban dictatorship, Castro’s Coast Guard, presumably in international
rammed against a boat carrying 32 persons fleeing from Cuba - including seven women and two children - and sank the frail craft.
Those Cubans were simply seeking freedom and trying to break the
infamous “internal embargo” that Castro's tyranny has imposed on the
Masiel Castilian González, a woman who survived the attack and whose
husband drowned, narrated by phone later: “We were screaming and crying
out for help because the boat was sinking. But they ignored us. Instead,
they continued charging against our boat. Some persons jumped into the
water and others stayed aboard as the boat sank.”

Cuba's Coast Guard rams and
sinks a boatload seeking to flee the island-prison

sinks a boatload seeking to flee the island-prison
“They knew there were children aboard, but continued to charge against
us. They didn’t care,” she said. It was a brutal action on the part of a
regime whose back is covered by powerful allies.
This criminal act committed by the Castro regime deserved a global
outcry of repudiation, but it was generally ignored by the international
press, Western governments, advocacy groups for “human rights” and,
pain of pains! - by ecclesiastics who should imitate the Good Shepherd,
ready to give His life for His sheep.
On December 31, a repressive wave
was released against dissidents who simply planned to meet in the Plaza
of the Revolution in Havana, to coincide with the 56 years of
Revolution. This illustrates well, should there be any doubt, the real
disposition of the regime.
The betrayal of Francis
In the United States, many specialists have documented how the almost
unconditional support of the US government for the Cuban regime harms
the cause of freedom on the island, whose inhabitants are still at the
mercy of tyrants. Consequently, harsh criticism is made of President
Obama (cf. “Cuban dissidents blast Obama's betrayal”, “Obama gives the Castro regime in Cuba undeserved rescue“).
However, few analysts point out the most serious and tragic aspect of
the recent accord: the responsibility that falls on its most eminent
inspirer and mediator, the "Pontiff" Francis.

Raul Castro triumphantly embraces released
Cuban Five leader Gerardo Hernandez

Cuban Five leader Gerardo Hernandez
On December 17, the same day of the announcement of the restoration of
diplomatic relations, Francis, along with reaffirming his mediating
role, also welcomed the US release of some “detainees” - without even
hinting that the communist system in Cuba continues to subdue not just
“some“ but 12 million Cubans.
It is extremely painful to say, but the boot with which Castro continues
to crush Cubans on the island now has the highest ecclesial
We must remember that these “detainees” were actually Cuban spies
prosecuted and convicted by the State Justice system for complicity in
the murder of members of the Miami-based anti-communist group Brothers
to the Rescue, as well as plans to introduce explosives in Miami to
carry out terrorist acts.
Therefore, the ringleader of the “detainees” (called the Cuban Five) had two life sentences.
This is not the first time that Francis, independent of his intentions,
has taken actions that objectively favor the political and
ecclesiastical left on our Continent.
For example, at the World Meeting of Popular Movements that gathered in
Rome from October 27-29, 2014, 100 revolutionary world leaders met,
including known Latin American professional agitators.

At the Vatican Francis gives his blessing to
100 communist agitators from around the world

100 communist agitators from around the world
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