Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fr. Michel Rodrigue Review: Legit Or Fr. Gobbi On Steroids?

TRADCATKNIGHT: Fr. Michel Rodrigue Review: Legit Or Fr. Gobbi On Steroids?

By: Eric Gajewski

I have been asked by numerous people over the past few weeks to please review and do a report on Fr. Michel Rodrigue who is alleged having messages given to him from heaven. Due to bad health and numerous other projects I wasn’t able to do a write up until now. I spent the very early morning hours reviewing his material from two areas the “countdown to the kingdom website AND the Queen of Peace youtube channel. I personally don’t know if this is all of his material to date but suffice to say it was sufficient enough for me to get a fair understanding of his personality, his theology and his alleged messages/prophecies. The following are my findings and I hope you share them.