Thursday, July 18, 2019

7 FrancisTeaching’s That Make Him a Formal Heretic

TRADCATKNIGHT: 7 FrancisTeaching’s That Make Him a Formal Heretic

By: Eric Gajewski

Vatican II is synonymous with heresy. In fact is synonymous with the new cult of man that Paul 6th declared back in the mid 1960’s. The false traditionalist’s of our times love to point the finger at Francis but not Vatican II and how is this so considering Francis is a “man of the Council”? That is a topic for a whole other article. Nevertheless, we have been dealing with numerous material heresies since Vatican II and subsequent Pontificates which have reiterated, we are merely “developing” doctrine or even more egregious is their explanation of how what they are teaching is compatible with Pre-Vatican II teaching. You know the whole “hermeneutics of continuity” routine. Many traditionalist’s are waking up to the reality that Francis has taken it to a whole other level with his formal heresy, that is, him, knowingly teaching other than the Church has taught in times past.