Thursday, June 27, 2019

Epic Fail: Protestant “Traditions of Men” Argument & Jesus’s Warning To Protestants

TRADCATKNIGHT: Epic Fail: Protestant “Traditions of Men” Argument & Jesus’s Warning To Protestants

By: Eric Gajewski

This article is sure to cause a stir but it is most necessary. Yesterday, I was re-reading some Scripture as I normally do daily and ran into Isaiah 29:13. In this Scripture Jesus is speaking to those at His time (Jewish) who held to a certain way of life and yet He told them “their hearts were far from Him”. That is pretty serious folks. To hold to a certain routine and to principles which don’t pertain to HIS CATHOLIC RELIGION is what Jesus is getting at here. Poor Protestants butcher this text and actually try to turn it against Catholics by trying to suggest that Catholic Tradition or “traditions” is equal to the “traditions of men”. This couldn’t be anymore sillier an argument considering it is historical and factual that Jesus started ONE church only and that is the Catholic Church.

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