Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom

TRADCATKNIGHT: Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom

By: Eric Gajewski

Pseudo-traditionalist Cardinal Burke, “Perhaps we are in the endtimes…”

To mention we might be living in the endtimes is not so funny these days. It used to be laughed at and scoffed at by those in the pseudo-traditionalist camp however even Cardinal Burke has said in recent times, “perhaps we are living in those times”. Pope St. Pius X warned that it seemed like we were spiraling out of control as a society which would only land in the arms of the Antichrist. Recently, Fr. Kramer weighed in and told his followers that the Antichrist is right around the corner from world war 3. The delusional truly think we will avert war as if the globalists didn’t need to reduce the population but this is not true.
