Sunday, June 10, 2018

CENSORSHIP: Facebook Is Now Trying to Hire ‘News Credibility Specialists’ to Deal With Its Fake News Problem

CENSORSHIP: Facebook Is Now Trying to Hire ‘News Credibility Specialists’ to Deal With Its Fake News Problem

Years ago, Facebook fired its Trending News team and replaced them with algorithms after a Gizmodo article featured former workers claiming the site discriminated against conservative news. Then, Facebook tried and failed to suppress hoax news sites and propaganda with a series of methods designed to avoid the ire of conservatives, like third-party fact checkers and yet more algorithms. In the meantime, its so-called “fake news” problem grew worse than ever.  Now it looks like Facebook is back to hiring staff to help it sort the problem out directly.
Per a report in Business Insider, as of Thursday, Facebook had two contract positions for “news credibility specialists” open on its job site. The jobs are based out of Menlo Park, California, where the site is headquartered, and one of them lists fluent Spanish as a requirement: “We’re seeking individuals with a passion for journalism, who believe in Facebook’s mission of making the world more connected,” one of the two listings reads. It continues: “As a member of the team, you’ll be tasked with developing a deep expertise in Facebook’s News Credibility Program. You’ll be conducting investigations against predefined policies.” READ MORE