Sunday, June 10, 2018



Marie-Julie Jahenny might very well be the greatest mystic and stigmatist woman in the history of the Catholic Church. Marie-Julie Jahenny, the mystic and Stigmatist of La Fraudais, was born on the 12th of February, 1850, in a little village in Brittany (in the West of France), called Blain. The eldest of five children, she was brought up by her simple, good parents in that lively faith for which Bretons are renowned.

Our Lord favored her with many graces from the time of her First Holy Communion, graces to which she corresponded with ever increasing devotion. She joined the Franciscan Lay Third Order when in her early twenties, to help to sanctify herself in the world. In 1873, she received from Heaven that most remarkable mystic gift, the Stigmata. From the age of twenty-three until her death, some sixty years later, she bore in her body the Wounds of Our Lord to a more visible degree than had any other stigmatist in the Church's history. In addition to the Five Wounds of the Sacred Hands, Feet and Side, Marie-Julie suffered the Wounds inflicted by the Crown of Thorns and the Cross on Our Lord's Sacred Head and Shoulder respectively, the Wounds of His Scourging, those caused by the ropes with which He was bound, as well as other Wounds of a more mystic nature. Henceforth, Marie-Julie lived her life of co-redemptive suffering (as a victim soul) in a little cottage in the hamlet of La Fraudais, near Blain. She thus fulfilled Our Blessed Lord's desire for her to make reparation for the sins of France and the world. She was favored with frequent visions of Jesus and Mary, as well as many prophetic lights. The truth of the Heavenly warnings of which she was to be the humble messenger was vindicated by her characteristic simplicity and honesty, her exemplary obedience to her spiritual directors and her Bishop, and of course, by the fulfillment of all she prophesied during her long life. With unfailing accuracy she foretold the two World Wars, the election of Pope Saint Pius X, the various persecutions of the Church, the chastisements and the fate of apostate France. Much remains to unfold. Her warnings for the Last Times should be read by all "who have ears."
Marie-Julie was the wonder of the many scientists who examined her continually, the scorn of unbelievers and the proud, the admiration of her lifelong friend, Monsignor Fourier, Bishop of Nantes, and of the devoted circle of those who made the diffusion of her messages to an ungrateful and unheeding world their life's work. She went to her Heavenly reward on March 4, 1941. Blind, deaf, dumb and crippled, she had subsisted miraculously on the Blessed Sacrament alone, for the last many years of her life. Surely then, we will not pass over lightly what God has confided to her for the benefit of our own sad days.
Marie-Julie Jahenny Witnesses a Conversation Between Jesus and the devil
The Lord tells Satan: “Prostrate at My feet, and adore My will.”
“I will bend my knee, says Satan with authority, but on one condition… Leave me free to make use, after Your example and according to my fancy, of the power over death, to be master thereof.”
Our Lord replies: “I leave you the power of inducing temptations upon men, to cause them suffering up to a certain limit… but I will be present.”
Satan also begs for the power of performing wonders. The Lord does not grant it to him entirely, but gives something of it, so that, by that means, we may acquire greater merits.
“In the beginning, says the Lord, you will not perform that many wonders, just a few. They will serve you for evildoing.” Satan protests that the sharing is unjust.
“A time will come, very far distant, replies the Lord, when you will be in possession of such a large crowd in the world, as for your portion will exceed Mine. You will become Great Conqueror for a length which will last for too long, yet will nevertheless be quite short. While you will be realizing the conquest of multitudes, I will perform striking wonders and cause an earthquake to happen, at the moment when the world will be nearing its destruction, at the time when you will be reporting triumph with a victory out of measure… when almost all parts of the world, and the whole of Europe will arise, the ones against the others… During the darkness a large number of conversions will take place; many stray individuals will come back to Me in repentance”.
When they were about to depart, each one to return in his own kingdom, Satan begs for the power of assuming all shapes or appearances, in order to be able to pass through any place.
“I grant you permission to seduce My people, the Lord replies, but I will never allow you to assume divine semblance nor any likeness of true figures.”
Satan ventures to give the Lord the thee-and-thou.
“Be respectful to Me, in the Name of My Eternal Power.”
“Yes, replies Satan, one day, far distant from the day on which we are, when you seemingly will tell me that I am a mighty conqueror. You will set not limits to the devastations, the desire for which is already devouring me.”
Marie-Julie questions the Holy Ghost about whether the period has already been fixed when Satan is to reign as such a great master. The Holy Ghost replies that it is already fixed in the Lord’s designs, and that the demon has a presentiment of this moment without knowing it with precision. “This is the one in which you are at present time, children of God,” says the Holy Ghost.
Satan goes on: “At the beginning of that period, he says, I will make use of every blasphemous word and of everything unjust in view of the destruction of Your Kingdom… I will transform everything into a work tool, against You. First of all, I will dig out that place where the larger number inhabit.”
“I will dig out that place upon which you shall make thunder lightning fall down… you will destroy first, after I myself will get through with it; I will accomplish such a devastation as never existed the like.”
“I will cover My own,” says the Lord, “with a protection of tenderness.”
“I will establish a rebellion between Your own and mine” replies Satan: “I will uprise all kings; I will establish such a division leading to a civil war throughout the whole universe.”
“On My part, the Lord goes on, I will send My Justice out: punishments, miracles, deaths, scourges, pest, unknown diseases.”
“I will overthrow the temple of Your prayers,” Satan cries out: “in which I will establish idols which they will adore. Everything which, in time of peace, is in residence in Your temples, will be broken down, dragged out of them and reduced to dust by my own.”
“I will show forth,” the Lord asserts, “that I am the Eternal King. I will crush down, under the lightning of Heaven, all those who will have given themselves over to Hell. I will restore My people: I will protect them against scourges; rebuild ruined buildings. I will cast you headlong into the abyss, but only after you have made use of the powers I leave with you for the time being.”
The flame says that sorrow is about to enter the hearts and Hell is ready to intone the great canticle of his victory.
February 11, 1881