Thursday, May 10, 2018

TradCatKnight Radio, Gerald Celente "Trump Wars Will Lead To Stock Market Crash"

TradCatKnight Radio, Gerald Celente "Trump Wars Will Lead To Stock Market Crash"
Talk given 5-10-18    (aprx 45 minutes)

Special guest Gerald Celente joins me to discuss: Trump not playing the "game", Israel/Zionist atrocities, ww3 around the corner?, Trump pulling out of the Iran deal, latest on RussiaGate, Fatima message, crash coming this year? being prepared for the uncertainty ahead, emerging cashless society and MUCH more!

Gerald Celente, a pioneer trend strategist, founded the Trends Research Institute in 1980. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking: Far Better than Megatrends (Warner Books), and publisher of the internationally distributed quarterly Trends Journal.

For more than three decades, Celente has built his reputation as a fearless teller of the truth, an accurate forecaster and an analyst whose expertise crosses many arenas, from economics to politics, from health to science, and more. Most important, Celente is a pure political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente—whose motto is "think for yourself"—observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends, seeing them for what they are – not as what he'd like them to be.

Prior to founding the Institute, Celente was a Government Affairs Specialist and an Executive Assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate. He earned an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Law from the National University of Health Sciences and a Masters in Public Administration from West Virginia University.


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