Sunday, May 13, 2018

The capitalist flavor of satanism

The capitalist flavor of satanism
How the world was bamboozled by the Baal shamen:
The Guardian noted that the end-of-days obsession could be traced back to a single source, a sort of ur-text of rich-guy panic: a 1999 book called "The Sovereign Individual: How to Survive and Thrive during the Collapse of the Welfare State." It was written by James Dale Davidson, a private investment advisor, and Lord Rees-Moog, a British newspaper editor.

You can probably already guess at what the book says. More or less, it’s a pastiche of extolling the virtues of how the rich are superior, persecuted by the state, and how digital realms can and will liberate them and make them sovereign individuals. It’s a familiar trope: Ayn Rand had John Galt spew the same list of self-serving ideas sixty years ago in “Atlas Shrugged.”
That an elite caste of people would find inspiration in these kinds of ideas is unsurprising. But there’s a more obvious reason that rich people are doomsday preppers: because that ideology mirrors their politics and their sociological views of people.
Aristocracy is the faith that a few individuals are better than the herd. Aristocracy justifies great wealth. Aristocracy says that most humans are inherently evil and will turn on each other. The mob needs strong rulers to stay sane. If authority breaks down, the rabid animals will run wild. (Spiritual contrast for this demonic KKK police state, Jesus: “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you change and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”)
Spiritual overtones left out by Salon:
 Barbara Branden: I'm asking you to show compassion.
    Ayn Rand: Why?
    Barbara Branden: It's what humans do.

This cuts to the core of Ayn Rand's philosophy. She didn't believe in the existence of the soul. Our soul is our true identity. It is our connection to God, what makes us "human." (I believe Henry Makow is wrong here. Satanists tend to push crap like "psychology" in order to hide our true spiritual nature. I believe "Ayn Rand" participated in these occult rituals and knew perfectly well our soul's existence).

Rand didn't believe in God or religion, which she termed "the supernatural." She was a materialist. "Reason" is totally based on the senses:
 "emotion ultimately derives from the thinking one has done, or has failed to do."

(In fact, reason divorced from moral absolutes is nothing but expedience.)

aaaaynrand.jpgAs a materialist, Ayn Rand (1905-1982) was identical to a Communist. Her real name was Alice Rosenbaum and she took her name from her typewriter. She could have been Ayn Remington, but that wasn't as catchy.


In addition to being a materialist, she was like a Communist Jew in another respect. Her whole doctrine ridiculed the Christian ethos.

Christ taught that the gospel of love is the path of human evolution. Love your neighbor as yourself. Be considerate. We are all part of one family. Personal and collective happiness require reciprocity.

Instead, Rand asked: "Why is it moral to serve the happiness of others, but not your own?

I didn't realize that altruism had become a serious social problem.  Ayn Rand gave people permission to be selfish and greedy just like Freud allowed them to indulge their sexual libido.

A reader directed me to a 1928 journal entry where Rand exulted that the statement "what is good for me is right" expressed "the psychology of a real man."  What better description of the arrested development of the Cabalist Jew? See this solipsistic, narcissistic psychopathy operating in Israel today. They're not just God's Chosen people. They're the only people.

When are Christians going to wake up and realize that Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult, and the NWO represents its ascendency? The Illuminati will destroy the world in their quest to be God. 

(This was an advertising slogan for Rand's novel, "Atlas Shrugged", which has sold 7 million copies)


This explains Ayn Rand's "success."

She was part of the Illuminati dialectic. On the one hand, they constructed Communism and socialism, "collectivism;" and then they used Ayn Rand to posit its dialectic opposite, Rand's "Objectivism"  a form of individualism. While individualists and collectivists fight it out in aPunch and Judy Show, they don't see the puppet masters.

This dialectic is largely specious. Both reject God and the existence of the soul