Tuesday, May 15, 2018

THE BLACK POPE: SOCIALIST JESUIT Sosa advocates a "Lay Church, community of communities" Ask to embody the ecclesiology of Vatican II, so that the church becomes the people of God

THE BLACK POPE: SOCIALIST JESUIT Sosa advocates a "Lay Church, community of communities"  Ask to embody the ecclesiology of Vatican II, so that the church becomes the people of God

From May 11 to 14, the General of the Society of Jesus, Arturo Sosa, made a visit to the Jesuits and laity of Madrid, Valladolid and Alcalá de Henares. It is the first official visit to the Province of Spain since its election in 2016, which will continue next July when it attends the international meeting of Jesuit universities to be held at the Loyola sanctuary (July 8-12). Again, from September 21 to 27, he will return to Spain, this time to Catalonia, on the occasion of the meetings of the provincial Jesuits of Europe.

During these days, Arturo Sosa has participated in the ordinary meeting of Jesuit superiors of Spain, has visited the infirmaries -residence for elderly and sick Jesuits- of Villagarcía de Campos (Valladolid) and Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), has held several meetings with Jesuits and laity and has presided over the Eucharist in the Church of the Heart of Jesus of Valladolid.
The management teams of the 70 Jesuit educational centers in Spain also had the opportunity to meet with the General, who also met with the Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, D. Carlos Osoro, the Cardinal Archbishop of Valladolid, D. Ricardo Blázquez and the Bishop of Alcalá de Henares, Mr. Juan Antonio Reig

Father General has confirmed that his government will follow the steps dictated by the General Congregation based on reconciliation with others, with God and with Creation. He has pointed out as challenges for the Province of Spain: the spiritual and intellectual depth, as well as strengthening the theological reflection that the Pope has asked of the Jesuits.

Throughout these days he has released some important messages on how to start up the work proposed by the General Congregation. Through a common discernment, which is in connection with apostolic planning; of collaboration with the laity, to promote communication as an Ignatian heritage and networking, as an ordinary mode of action. He has also insisted on the need for an ecological conversion of the Society of Jesus and has urged the Jesuits to help transform culture from educational work, specifically by promoting interculturality.

He has also referred to the great challenges of the Church and, therefore, of the Society of Jesus. The first, embody the ecclesiology of Vatican II so that the church becomes the people of God, a lay church, community of communities, open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and able to discern.

The second challenge is, from his point of view, how the church focuses more on the power of the signs than on the signs of power, exemplifying it in the changes that Pope Francis has carried out. The third challenge for Aturo Sosa is the formation of universal citizens in an intercultural world. That is to say: "How we do so that globalization does not mean homogenization, to value interculturality as a universal value and to achieve a citizenship that is put at the service of the common good (...) That is where the Gospel has enormous strength. he is the one who is capable of putting the common good above his particular good ".

On the situation in his native country, Venezuela wanted to express the great work that the Jesuits and the church are doing there, as well as the great hope that lies in them and that is expressed in many new initiatives that are being generated, such as the one of Puentes of Solidarity, recently presented at the Vatican.