Wednesday, May 9, 2018

St. Nicholas von Flue: “The Church will be punished because the majority of Her members, high and low, will become so perverted.

 St. Nicholas von Flue: “The Church will be punished because the majority of Her members, high and low, will become so perverted.
Novus Ordo and Met Gala.... 
Includes the videos "SATANlC RlTUALS" THAT OCCURRED INSIDE THE 2018 MET GALA...& Our Lady of Heede, "This Generation Deserves To Be Annihilated" 
“The Church will be punished because the majority of Her members, high and low, will become so perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until She will at last seem to be extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other Apostles to have expired. But, after this, She will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters.” 

Cardinal Dolan and Rihanna: “She’s volunteered to do some confirmations.”

Good starts at the top!


This is what passes off today as "Catholics in good standing." Novus ordo heretics, ex-stripper turned hip-hop star Cardi B. (Belcalis Almanzar) who is also currently pregnant and un-married and pop singing sensation Rhianna (Robyn Rihanna Fenty), Who is also Jay Z's mistress and admits that she's into "bondage and whips". Took part in the recent Metropolitan Museum of Art's gala showing entitled,; “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination." Which was green-lighted by Jorge Bergoglio's underling, Card Gianfranco Ravisi!

Bergoglio's enablers like Michael Voris will suggest that "he has no idea of what's going on." It's just a select few of his disobediant clergy who are causing chaos! But we know who holds the most reponsibility for this sacrilegious affront against our holy Church! It starts at the top!


(Pictured above: Cardinal Timothy Dolan and James Martin at the Met exhibition “Heavenly Bodies.)

Warning: Some links contain explicit material. 
On May 7, 2018, the annual Met Gala took place at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. This year, the event coincided with the opening of the Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination exhibition, also at the Met. The primarily contributors to the exhibition, as well as the Gala, were Christine and Stephen A. Schwarzman and the fashion house Versace. In 2015, Schwarzman gave the largest donation ($40 million dollars) ever received by the Archdiocese of New York.
While the exhibition proved relatively uncontroversial, except for the addition of a disturbing bondage mask embellished with crosses and a headdress mimicking Christ’s crown of thorns by designer Sean Leane, the Gala itself has a reputation for pushing the boundaries of fashion. Probably the most notorious incident occurred in 2016 when the singer Madonna arrived wearing a Givenchy dress that exposed both her breasts and buttocks.
Each Met Gala event has a theme which usually determines the style of dress worn by the various celebrity attendees. For the 2018 Gala, the theme was Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination. Perhaps the most controversial costumes on the red carpet were S&M singer Rihanna (who was also an honorary chair of the Gala) wearing a low-cut bodice and mini-skirt with a miter on her head, Solange Knowles in an alien-nun bondage outfit and Lana Del Rey dressed as the Our Lady of Sorrows complete with swords piercing the Immaculate Heart. While this fashion could be interpreted as a homage, it actually reduced sacred symbolism to the level of kitsch.
Since at least 1999, when the Brooklyn Museum hosted the controversial exhibition “Sensation,” intentionally sacrilegious “artwork” with exclusively Christian themes, particularly Catholic, are entirely acceptable, even lauded by an elitist group of art critics and museum curators.
The Sistine Chapel Choir also provided a surprise performance at the Gala.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York attended both the opening of the exhibition and the Met Gala. At the Exhibition, he said:
What’s the Church doing here? What is the Cardinal-Archbishop of New York doing here? Well, because the Church and “the Catholic imagination,” are all about truth, goodness, and beauty…
What about the truth for the LGBT community?
On May 15, 2018, the official LGBT ministry, Out at St. Paul, located at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in New York City, will host a “Rooftop Social” at gay sports bar Boxers in Hell’s Kitchen. However, this is not the first time Out at St. Paul has held meetings at gay bars. On March 22, 2017, Out at St. Paul hosted a “Spring Social” at the Hell’s Kitchen gay bar Bottoms Up. Then again, on January 31, 2018, they hosted their “Winter Social” at the Rise gay bar in Hell’s Kitchen. In the past, Out at St. Paul sponsored and promoted a Mass at the site of the Stonewall Riots“countertraditions” to Adam and Eve, and “Christian” theories in support of same-sex marriage.
Also in the Archdiocese of New York, a well-known drag performer is the “leader” of the LGBTQ+ ministry at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in New York City.
Jesuit priest James Martin, who also attended the Met Gala, served as a consultant for the exhibition. In a post to his Twitter account he highly recommended: “The triumphant new exhibit.” He also praised the curator of the exhibition, Andrew Bolton. The Jesuit-educated Bolton is openly gay and has been in a relationship with fashion designer Thom Browne for the past several years. When Bolton asked Martin to find anything “inflammatory” in the exhibition, Bolton remarked: “To my disappointment, there actually wasn’t.”
In an interview focusing on his involvement with the Heavenly Bodies exhibition, when asked about the Catholic Church not being accepting of LGBT people, Martin said:
It depends who’s asking. Often I say, “What part of the church?” The parish next-door-to-me, St. Paul the Apostle, is extremely accepting. They have an LGBT outreach group, retreats…
Following the Met Gala, Dolan spoke with Fr. Dave Dwyer, the host of the Busted Halo Show on SiriusXM, and a vocal defender of James Martin’s outreach to the LGBT community; Dwyer is also in residence at St. Paul the Apostle Church. During the interview, Dolan spoke about the singer Rihanna and his experiences at the Met Gala, he said:
“I was teasing my auxiliary bishops, who were teasing me about Rihanna and I said, ‘Hey, you guys should not complain because she’s volunteered to do some confirmations.’”


Our Lady of Heede, "This Generation Deserves To Be Annihilated"