Sunday, May 13, 2018

Planet X Incoming: Birth Pangs, April 2018 (VIDEO)

Planet X Incoming: Birth Pangs (April 2018) 
Christ to esteemed/approved Catholic mystic Marie Julie Jahenny: 
From Prophecies of La FRAUDAIS Marie Julie Jahenny Page 273

I read..   In the eternal Wisdom, I have my purpose to preserve life for an immense number of Jews, because on the day of My rejoicing I want to confound them. The ungodly eye of all those souls will remain open, because I want them to see My power, I preserve it them to see, with their own eyes, the RADIENT PLANET I will have coming out from the remotest parts of exile, under a frightening storm of fire, and under the signs of my anger, the whole sky will be crossed with bolts similar to the ones  My Father thrusted upon the World, when I offered Myself for the ransom of My people...

This past April saw record snow for the North, Northeast and the Midwest of the US, together with strong winds and snow-melt flooding, leaving hundreds of thousands without light and damaging homes. Some parts of Europe and Northern Asia also had their share of unseasonable snow and frigid temperatures... yes, all this in April, with spring supposedly well under way.

Sheets of rain, floods and huge hail-stones caused serious problems this April, with the Middle East, Kenya, South Africa, Central America and the South of the US all suffering the consequences.

While many sinkholes still made their appearance around the world, huge cracks in the earth also opened up, alarming many people. Some researchers attribute such cracks to the liquefaction of earth layers below the surface due to heavy rains and floods, but there is also the slow-down in the speed of Earth's rotation and cosmic rays to consider when assessing this upsurge in geological activity... the Earth's crust appears to be 'opening up'.

Volcanic activity in the Ring of Fire also remained high this April, and there is no sign that it will decrease in intensity.

It should always be remembered that the kind of destructive weather patterns we are seeing around the world has a significant damaging effect on crops and livestock, with knock-on effects for the global economy that are yet to manifest.

Check out the madness below!