Tuesday, May 29, 2018

DAYS OF LOT: Transgender people encouraged to become priests in Church of England diversity drive

DAYS OF LOT: Transgender people encouraged to become priests in Church of England diversity drive

Transgender people are being encouraged to become Church of England vicars as bishops launch a diversity drive.  Bishops in the diocese of Lichfield have issued new guidance to parishioners and clergy reminding them that LGBT people “can be called to roles of leadership and service in the local church”. The guidance, titled “welcoming and honoring LGBT+ people”, warns that the church’s
reputation as being unwelcoming towards gay and transgender people is stopping young people attending.   “We very much hope that they, like everyone else, feel encouraged to serve on PCCs, or as churchwardens and worship leaders, for instance, and are supported in exploring vocations to licensed lay and ordained ministries,” the guidance says. “Nobody should be told that their sexual or gender identity in itself makes them an unsuitable candidate for leadership in the Church.” READ MORE