Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Chabad, London Judaic Bankers and Opium dealers, Freemasonry and Zionism

Chabad, London Judaic Bankers and Opium dealers, Freemasonry and Zionism 


We're going to start focusing more on the nexus of the "poor" Hasidic 'Jews,' the mega wealth behind them and the Zionist movement that both are, respectively, ideologically and financially responsible for. You're not going to get these essential facts from 'progressive' anti-Zionists.

… Perched above the ancient Roman market street known as the Cardo [in Jerusalem], [Chabad-Lubavitch’s Tzemach-Tzedek Synagogue], also serving now as a kollel, was the only one found intact following the Six-Day-War. It was here that Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Segal, a dynamic and fearless Chasidic personality, led the first minyan in the Old City following the war.

Rabbi Segal led a movement to repopulate the city [with 'Jews'], and moved into Beit Menachem, otherwise referred to as the Tzemach Tzedek's shul …

The beginnings of this structure date back to 1847, when after 15 years of difficulties with their Arab neighbors in Hebron, a number of Chabad families moved to Jerusalem and began building their community. The third Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (1789-1865), also known as the Tzemach Tzedek (after the title of his voluminous responsa), encouraged them to build a synagogue. Lacking funds, they reached out to Jewish philanthropists from abroad.

In an 1849 letter to England’s Sir Moses Montefiore, the group wrote, “We have no proper place for prayer and worship, to study Torah. We lack holy books and a proper place to keep them… We have no where to turn, no one to lean on other than the kindness of Hashem, our Father in heaven.”

With [usury and opium trade] funds from Montefiore, Elias David Sassoon in Bombay, [Sir Albert Sassoon], and others, the group purchased land for the synagogue in 1850. Finished six years later, the shul was named “Beit Menachem,” in honor of the Rebbe who promoted its founding …

“It’s the kollel that the [late] Rebbe took interest in personally” …

The Tzemach-Tzedek shul has thrived since 1967. ("A Jerusalem Landmark: Chabad's Tzemach Tzedek Shul," Joel Haber,May 22, 2009)


Heir of the Montefiore legacy of usury, drug money, Kabbalah, Hasidic ghetto financing, Goy society destruction and modern Zionism, Simon Sebag Montefiore recently wrote a book exalting Jerusalem as the center of the universe: Jerusalem: The Biography

The Sassoon/British Empire self-enriching Opium war on humanity

Past Master "Rising Sun" Royal Arch Masonic lodge, Shanghai, D.E. Sassoon

B'nai B'rith set up shop at the Shanghai nexus of the Sassoon opium racket. Naturally, the "psychosis of anti-semitism" would have reared its head there: