Monday, April 30, 2018

WHEN NWO PUPPETS MEET: Strange Company: Francis Meets Pro-Gay and Pro-Death Activist Kate Perry

WHEN NWO PUPPETS MEET: Strange Company: Francis Meets Pro-Gay and Pro-Death Activist Kate Perry
The American singer Katy Perry, 33, spoke at the Vatican’s “United to Cure” conference, organized by the Pontifical Council for Culture from April 26 to 28.
On Saturday, Francis received her together with the actor Orlando Bloom, 41, with whom Perry happens to cohabitate at the moment.
Perry describes herself as a "feminist" and a "gay activist", and has received many gay awards. She performed at multiple ceremonies during pro-death Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
The controversial singer was involved in a bitter legal dispute with the sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Los Angeles who wanted to prevent Perry from buying one of their properties. One of the sisters, Sr Catherine Holzman, 89, even died during a court appearance.
Years ago Perry said in a video interview, “I sold my soul to the devil.”
In 2016 she donated 10,000 Dollars to the abortion-network Planned Parenthood and urged her fans to do the same.