Tuesday, April 24, 2018

TradCatKnight Radio, Lisa Bedford (SurvivalMom) "Practical Prepping For Uncertain Times"

TradCatKnight Radio, Lisa Bedford (SurvivalMom) "Practical Prepping For Uncertain Times"
Talk given 4-24-18     (aprx. 45 mins)

Special guest Lisa Bedford of SurvivalMom joins me to discuss: herbackground, practical prepping on a budget, preparing your home for protection, food storage advice, dry run for going off grid, self sufficiency, growing your own garden, prepacked dehydrated meals, buying the right seeds, natural medicine kit, getting your community prepared and MUCH more!

Lisa Bedford is better known as The Survival Mom, a preparedness-minded author and blogger, who encourages families to adopt a calm and common-sense approach to an uncertain future.
She is the author of Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst Case Scenarios and Emergency Evacuations: Get Out Fast When It Matters Most, and has been featured in national and international media. Her goal is to reach everyday families with the message of preparedness

Website: thesurvivalmom.com

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