Monday, April 9, 2018


by Ludwig "Not"
1) Thou shalt never have the "authority" to hold an opinion...quit calling people heretics!
2) Thou shalt kiss the backside of Fellay and follow in false obedience the new "branding" of the Society.
3) Thou shalt say Vatican II is a legitimate Council and accept it in "light of Tradition".
 4) Thou shalt tell great past stories of knowing the Archbishop and at at the same time convince others that you are actually following his principles.
5) Thou shalt in excel in grammar so as to be able to correct any mistakes of those pointing out our errors but we must also be poor in theology so that we can get these corrections in the first place.
6) Thou shalt paint the conservative Cardinal heretics as "orthodox" so as to capitalize on the economic benefits from gaining more followers.
7) We shalt imply that anyone going to a Latin Mass is "okay" (wink, wink).  We need more dollars from conferences, see economics rule 6
8) We shall call you crazy and use all sorts of ad hominems to make it appear we ourselves are not crazy.  Stay away from mirrors and use the word prudent often.
9) Thou shalt not insult the Jews and don't dare expose the Zionists after all some of them are funding us in Europe.
10)  Thou shalt write a book on heresy and within actually teach heresy.  On top of this look for modernist endorsements such as Tim Staples and Scott Hahn.
11) Thous shalt employ goon squad tactics.  We must have a new "Inquisition" thus you must email other traditionalist's warning and threatening them to get back into the "Fellay fold".
12) We must convince our brethren that Fr. Gruner held Francis as the true Pope (even though we have audio recordings of him saying otherwise)
13) Thou must "whitewash" the SSPX sellout of 2012 by saying nothing has changed.  We must speak more about the "Resistance" than Francis in our sermons so as to demonstrate who the real enemy is.