Saturday, April 7, 2018

Fr. Voigt, "The Resurrection was not a False Flag"

Fr. Voigt, "The Resurrection was not a False Flag"

911 was a false flag; Sandy Hook was a false flag; Las Vegas another false flag but the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ was real.  Reality demands credibility and that is why we must write what we write at this moment.  Many people are living in a virtual reality which has no credibility.  In other words, it is a dead existence for there is no purpose to what they say and do.  As in false flags there is only acting but no substance.
In the Resurrection Experience reality is confronting us with all its power.  

Consider the reality of this event which has rocked the world from the very beginning. Three times our Lord told of His persecution and death yet ended with the fact that on the third day He would rise.  He who lifted up the daughter of Jairus; He who touched the young son of a bereaved widow; He who called forth Lazarus from the tomb after four days of death; He It is who proclaimed that Love would conquer the hatred in this world.  Love is more powerful than death.  His death killed the sin that infects the world around us and cries out to our hearts that even the sin of the modern world has already been conquered.

Upon entering that upper room while the doors remained locked, Jesus spoke the word of peace to the apostles and disciples gathered there in fear of the Jews.  Now the credibility of our Lord is clarified when He shows them His hands and His side.  No blood flowing from open wounds proved that His death was real and effective.  It brought about the forgiveness of sin.  "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin." His wounds were real but now He would recreate the apostles and the world as He breathed upon them and said:  "Whose sins you shall forgive they are forgiven; whose sins you retain they are retained."  This is a power reserved for God Himself but now given to the priests of the New Testament.

Where was Thomas?  He is our twin for as he missed this event so have we in a certain sense. With Thomas we await the moment of our Lord returning and we have a credibility test to give Him.  "Unless I place my fingers into the wounds of His hands and my hand into His side, I will not believe."  All the other gods of the world were whole; they shed no blood and could not forgive a single sin.  Now a week later with all the apostles in that upper room again Our Lord comes in without an opened door and gives them His peace.  Then to Thomas and us He accepts the credibility test.  We with Thomas are to put our fingers into His hand and our hand into His side and be not unbelieving but believe.

Credibility confirm issues forth in our common cry:  "Thou art my Lord and my God." Faith flows forth flooding our hearts and our minds with the truth:  "Jesus Christ is risen today."  In the background, Our Lady smiled and her simple fiat of 40 years prior is now rewarded.  Now all her sons and daughters who believe and live in the grace of God can enter the heavenly family with her as our Queen.  Our King and our Queen are suffered to set us free from sin and eternal death and our baptism seals our souls for heaven.

Our task is to confirm the oneness, the holiness, the universality and the apostolic mission of the Mystical Body of Christ.  We need no physical churches; we need only the firm conviction that our Lord has risen.  Heaven is our destiny if we but persevere in the truths revealed by the only credible source, God.  The Triune God has revealed the Love that would go to the extreme to win us for Himself.  This was no false flag; this is the reality that pure souls yearn to experience.  As Father Pro said before he was martyred:  "God does not die."  He is alive; He has conquered our greatest fear, death.
Now let us love Him through works of charity and practices of penance for the sake of sinners who do not know such a love exists.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt