Thursday, March 15, 2018

TradCatKnight Radio, Michael Hichborn "Latest Scandals & Corruption In The Church"

TradCatKnight Radio, Michael Hichborn "Latest Scandals & Corruption In The Church"
Talk given 3-15-18     (aprx 35 minutes)

Special guest Michael Hichborn joins me to discuss: Pro-Homo Law Firm Hired by Vatican to shut down pro family website, agenda to phase real Christianity out, Francis to "resign" this year?, communist writer for "America" magazine, funding of Planned Parenthood by various supposed Catholic organizations, global fund's 666 insignia, creator of safe abortion fund accepts Papal Award, immigration agenda, CCHD "bribing" Michael with a grant to stop exposing them and MUCH more!

Michael Hichborn is a well known public figure in the pro-life movement.  He is the founder and President of Lepanto Institute.  Michael spent seven and a half years as  American Life League’s Director of the Defend the Faith project.  In this capacity, Michael has researched and produced an annual report on organizations receiving grant money from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.  This annual report, exposing dozens of grantees that are promoting abortion, birth control, homosexuality and Marxism, has led to a nation-wide review of the CCHD and a tightening of its guidelines. 

In addition to his work as Director of Defend the Faith, Michael hosted the online video series, The American Life League Report.  This popular video series features expose’s and explanations of the Culture of Death and its work in our country and in our Church.  The videos can be seen at the American Life League Report channel on YouTube.

Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Christendom College in Political Science and Economics and a Master’s degree in Education from American Intercontinental University.


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