Wednesday, March 14, 2018



Since 2012, the Neo-FSSPX has reiterated the false idea that the Fraternity can be regularized by the apostate, liberal and modernist Rome, "in exchange for nothing" , or, in other words, being able to continue being "as is". is "
Given the insistence of the authorities of the SSPX in this falsehood, Non Possumus, for its part, considers it convenient to insist, once again, on the truth.
Quotation from an article of a priest-priest published in the websites of the Fraternity: "this article understands the recognition" as it is "in the same sense of the General House, and especially as a phrase that includes freedom for the SSPX to profess openly their doctrinal positions, maintain their liturgical practices, and preserve their properties and places of worship. "
Ménzingen, then, understands the recognition "as is" as one that would allow the SSPX these three things:

- freedom for the SSPX to openly profess their doctrinal positions;
- maintain their liturgical practices;
- preserve their properties and places of worship.
Well to this we respond, reiterating what we have said in this blog (more recently and synthetically here ), that such recognition is absolutely impossible, impracticable, inconceivable.
It is necessary to make clear that we are dealing with a mere slogan of the accordionists.
Let's see:
1 ° As for properties and places of worship : is it possible that the FSSPX to be regularized, retain the right of ownership over their real estate? This can be granted, although at this point certain non-easy canonical questions are implicated, which we can not discuss here. We will limit ourselves to indicating that, in the official structure, the titular entities of the ecclesiastical goods are the legal persons as immediate subjects, the Ordinaries as mediates, and the Roman Pontiff as supreme holder. The ownership of the patrimony is, then, complex, multiple and concurrent (see here ).
2 Regarding the liturgical : when it is recognized, could the SSPX maintain its liturgical practices? Yes, I could, as Ecclesia Dei congregations can.
3 ° And, finally, as to what   doctrinal , which is the essential , could the SSPX openly profess its doctrinal positions? No. This is impossible:
a) Because the Fraternity would be governed by the liberal code of 1983, product of Vatican II, excluding the code of 1917 , the work of Saint Pius X for the most part. Currently, the Fraternity uses the 1917 code as a basis and rejects all the canons of the new 1983 code that it judges harmful or useless. Some quotations: "Why, in my opinion, is it impossible for us to accept en bloc canon law as it was edited? Because it is precisely in line with the reforms of Vatican II "   (Bishop Lefebvre, conference in Ecône, 15-3-83). The 1983 code "is very serious because it goes much further [in the promotion of errors] than the council itself" (Bishop Lefebvre, conference of October 29, 1984 in Stuttgart, Germany). «The Fraternity of Saint Pius X expresses its deep disagreement with the letter and spirit of this new Code, which encompasses the conciliar opinions on the Church and the world» ("Breviary on the SSPX", Seminar of the Holy Cross, Australia, in which P. Robinson is a professor, 1998). Bishop Fellay himself has acknowledged that the new code is "an expression of conciliar novelties" .
b) Because the Fraternity would be subject to authorities that are liberal and modernist, and no one in their right mind can claim that the priests of the SSPX, being subject to a liberal and modernist pope, will dare to combat the liberal sayings and facts and modernists of his superior, the pope . Already in 2012, three of the four bishops of the SSPX alerted Ménzingen about a "decrease in the confession of faith" because of the negotiations with Rome. If that decline has only worsened since then, as is evident to everyone who has eyes to see; What is left for when the SSPX is submitted to the official hierarchy? More extensive quotation of the letter   of Mons. Tissier, Mons. de Galarreta and Mons. Williamson to the General Council of 7-4-12: ... "an even purely practical agreement would necessarily and progressively silence, on the part of the Fraternity, any criticism of the council or of the new Mass. Leaving these victories that are the most important of the Revolution to be attacked, the poor Fraternity will necessarily cease to oppose the universal apostasy of our lamentable epoch and will bury itself, and ultimately, who will guarantee us to remain How are we protecting ourselves from the Roman curia and from the bishops? Pope Benedict XVI? No matter how much he refuses, this slippage is inevitable.Does the symptoms of this decrease in the confession of the Faith not already appear in the Fraternity? Today, unfortunately, it is the opposite that would be "abnormal." Just before the Consecrations of 1988 when many brave people insisted before Monsignor Lefebvre to make a practical agreement. With Rome as it would open a large field of apostolate, he said his thought to the four consecrated: A great field of apostolate can be, but in ambiguity and following two opposite directions at the same time, what would have ended rotting us "How obey and continue to preach the whole truth? How to make an agreement without the Fraternity rotting in contradiction? "
c) Because the SSPX would be forced to make unacceptable concessions in the doctrinal statement that it would have to sign when accepting the canonical recognition or as a requirement for the granting of the latter, a statement whose preparation has been recognized many times from Rome and from Ménzingen, and it has, as an immediate precedent, the unacceptable doctrinal statement drafted and delivered to the Vatican by Bishop Fellay in the year 2012.
Consequently: given that it is impossible for Rome to recognize the SSPX "as it is", the essential premise of Fr. Robinson's argument is destroyed, and with it, the conclusions of his article.