Thursday, March 1, 2018

PLANET X INCOMING: Project Black Star Update – Volume 9 (2018)

PLANET X INCOMING: Project Black Star Update – Volume 9 (2018)

Year-over-year weekly seismic-event values for Week 01 show zero of the 7-magnitude earthquake events for the fifth year in a row with none of the 6-magnitude earthquake events, as our planet has reached the 90-degree-angle position relative to the Sun and Black Star to begin the 2018 Earth orbit cycle. Earth has averaged 25.5 of the 5-magnitude earthquake events for the last four years, while Week 1 of the 2018 Earth orbit cycle shows 21 of these moderately-sized events that is just above the expected 20-event threshold.

The change for 2018 comes with 271 of the 2.5 to 4-magnitude quake events that is about 80 events above the year-over-year average for the last four years, as typically we see sub-200 values to begin each Earth orbit cycle like in 2014, 2015 and 2017 last year. The reason for this high-event value is connected to the string of five 7-magnitude earthquake events striking more than a month later in the timeline than in the 2017 orbit cycle caused by deep-magma-plume wave action associated with deep earthquake events in the Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone particularly on the Fiji side sending energy through buoyancy-barrier corridor number 2. Look below to realize that the 2016/2017 Seismic Chart has been finalized, as the 2018 Earth orbit cycle relative to the Black Star has started.
Week-over-week seismic-event values show a decrease in global earthquake activity across the board, except for the 2.5 to 4-mag quake events. Look above at the 2016 seismic chart values for Week 51 to see the final big 7-mag quake event in the series to realize that the 2.5 to 4-mag weekly event values fell to below 200 for three weeks in a row, as our planet moved towards the 90-degree position in the solar system relative to the Sun and Black Star. The 5-mag weekly-event values never dipped below the 20-event threshold, until Week 6 of the 2017 orbit cycle; because of deep-magma-plume-wave action that continued throughout the earth-change lull period, which is the case for this year; but later in the cycle. This is our opportunity to recap events for 2016 and 2017 to identify a well-defined seismic pattern and forecast what is likely to come for the 2018 Earth orbit cycle.
First of all, the Project Black Star Investigation predicted the Earth-Sun-Black Star backside-alignment quake events for 2016 and 2017 to the exact day with the 7.8 New Zealand Quake (USGS) on November 14, 2016 and the 7.0 New Caledonia Quake (USGS) on November 19, 2017. Let’s examine the seismic data from the time that Earth passed behind the Sun relative to the Black Star for the last two orbit cycles to identify the seismic pattern.
Note that we have two 7-magnitude earthquake events that struck in Week 41 and Week 42 for one week to pass, before a string of 7-magnitude earthquake events struck in Week 44 (#1), 45 (#2), 47 (#3), 49 (#4) and finally in Week 51 (#5). Earth saw two 7-mag quakes at the backside alignment to then see a string of five 7-mag quake events with the 7.9 Papua Quake (#5) ending the series.
Here we see a pair of 7-magnitude earthquake events at the backside alignment for six weeks to pass, before we see another string of five 7-magnitude earthquake events in Week 48 (#1), 49 (#2), 50 (#3) 53 (#4) with the final big quake coming with the 7.5 Papua Quake (USGS) striking in almost the same location, as the 7.9 Papua Quake from 2016 (2016 Map and 2017 Map). Open both Maps for both Papua Quakes to see that both #5 Quakes struck in almost the same location in the center of the Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone.
Here is the pattern: We see two big quakes at the backside alignment to then see a one-week delay, before the string of five 7-mag events over an eight-week period for 2016. Then, we see two big quakes at the backside alignment for 2017, but with a six-week delay, before seeing the string of five 7-mag quake events over an eight-week period with both final earthquake events striking in the dead-center of the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone. Look at the 6-mag quake events on both charts to realize a 5 value shows up in Week 46 for 2016 and in Week 50 for 2017, but then the 6-mag quake events drop off to zero about a month later; and even with the 7-mag quakes still coming. Note the asterisk (5*) beside the 5 for Week 46 of 2016, as the same asterisk may be added to the 5 for the 6-mag quakes for Week 50 of 2017, because sixteen weeks passed in 2016, before the weekly total for the 6-mag quake events reached higher than just 0, 1 or 2. In fact, Earth did not see another 7-mag quake event following Week 51 of the 2016 orbit cycle, until 24 weeks later with the 7.7 Russia Quake (USGS) from July 17, 2017. Then, realize that historical record shows Earth having between 15 and 18 of these 7-mag quake events each year (statistics), or one big-7 striking every 20-24 days on average, even without the Black Star moving in the inner solar system.

The evidence says that if Earth follows the 2016/2017 seismic pattern, then the string of big 7-mag quake events has ended for the next one to come sometime in the summer of 2018. The reason is connected to the new global tectonic-volcanic dynamic where the primary seismic trigger originates with the deep magma plume formation circling the Pacific Ocean-Ring of Fire (Scientists Puzzled Article and Diagram). Deep earthquake events inside Earth mantle transition zone (Wiki) add energy to the deep magma plume formation that courses back and forth from the Origination Zone (Indonesia/Fiji) through the buoyancy-barrier corridors (2016 Newsletter 28 and 42 Update) to test the formation terminal ends. The massive deep magma plume waves reverberate throughout the magma plume formation to raise the horn formations rapidly, which displaces the magma near Earth crust to trigger these big quake events in a recognizable pattern; until the deep magma plume wave-action reverses for seismic-volcanic pressures to return to the Origination Zone. These two-big Papua Quakes were triggered by the same deep magma plume activity, as the earth-change lull-period activity retreated into the Origination Zone to mark a well-defined “Seismic Reset” where returning magma waves released the energy near the surface to “end” the string of five big earthquake events over the eight-week period. So long as Earth continues following the 2016/2017 seismic pattern, the forecast is to see a reduction of seismic activity for the coming weeks, until Earth core has time to heat up again, as our planet is now turning in natural orbit around the Sun to begin heading towards the Black Star.
The large arrows show seismic-volcanic pressures shifting from the deep magma-plume formation terminal ends (Cascadia Basin and Mexico West Coast) back to the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone, which is typical ending any earth-change lull period. Seismic activity has disappeared in the Cascadia Basin and off the Mexico West Coast with seismic-volcanic-pressure shift focusing at the Papua, New Guinea location to produce the 7.5 Papua Quake like we saw last year with the 7.9 Papua Quake near the same location. Just three deep earthquake events on the Fiji-side of the Origination Zone were insufficient for testing the deep magma-plume formation terminal end off the Mexico West Coast with minimal seismic activity along buoyancy-barrier corridor 2. The newly-developed Yellowstone Quake Swarm Area saw three major events per day last week, but that value has diminished to fewer than one per day for the reporting period where seismic-volcanic pressures are on the decline.
Seismic activity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge has diminished, which is also typical moving to the end of any earth-change lull period. Note that the seismic activity, between Iceland and the North Pole, from last week has disappeared completely with only one small quake striking near the North Pole location in the last seven days. The lower-circled area shows the quake-swarm area that had just two events last week, but that number has climbed to more than an event each day over the reporting period. If you take all the earthquake events that struck between this circled-swarm area and the North Pole from last week and put them all together, this is what we have this week within the circled quake-swarm area; as seismic-volcanic pressures retreat back to the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone.

Earth saw five new volcanic eruption events in the last seven days with three events taking place in the Indonesia/Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone nearer to the Indonesia side of the equation. The Philippines new volcanic eruption event took place in the Watch Area shifting back and forth from Kamchatka/Japan along Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor #1, where volcanism pressures have been passing through in route to Indonesia; which is the same pattern we have seen for the last two months of the 2017 earth-change lull period. The number of Origination Zone deep-earthquake events has bounced moving towards the end of the current earth-change lull period, to produce seismic and volcanic activity that is on the decline. For those keeping score, Week 1 of the 2017 Earth orbit cycle (2017 Newsletter 8) also shows five new volcanic eruption events. The forecast is to see earth-change activity decrease to reach a minimum here in a week or two, until Earth core has time to heat up once the Black Star-Earth magnetic portal connection begins shortening rapidly moving through March 2018.
The USA Survival Group Program continues growing with many survival group subscribers joining the program in the last month. The best survival strategy includes building relationships with Group Leadership and Group Members, before the crap hits the fan and outsiders are considered threats. Subscribing to the Survival Group Program at costs just 50 dollars per year, which includes a one-year newsletter subscription giving you access to all the newsletters from the beginning. Request your Threat Assessment Info at the Gmail email address provided in your 2018 Newsletter/Survival Group Notification Email with your home state location. Once you receive the Threat Assessment Info notification email, then write giving me permission to share your contact info (first name, one email address, home state only) with like-minded members already in the Program and you will receive the Survival Group Info notification email listing your current survival group program options. You can expedite the process, by giving me permission to share your contact info with your original request for Threat Assessment Information. The Survival Group Info notification email includes contact information for all the group leaders/landowners and group members in the Program with the information you need for planning the best survival strategy in a real safe zone location. Information about your specific experience and preparation level should be saved for sharing with Group Leadership and Group Members of the Survival Group you choose from the available group options. The projected event date of May 20, 2019 can change with new-incoming data, so Survival Group Members are wise to prepare for a May 2018 event.

Black Star Short Report March 1 2018 

TCK RADIO: Terral Blackstar, "BlackStar Coming: Prepare Now"