Friday, March 16, 2018

NWO PUPPET Oprah Mocks God and Jesus on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert (VIDEO)

NWO PUPPET Oprah Mocks God and Jesus on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert (VIDEO)

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert hosted a blasphemous segment with New Age Oprah that they called, “‘Oprah Winfrey gets some career advice from a slightly less famous figure: the Lord.” During the show, they openly mocked God and Jesus.  As the show opens, Steven Colbert begins to introduce Oprah, but she interrupts before he can say her name. “We’re here with” Colbert begins, then Oprah blurts out, “God.” Colbert continues, “Miss Oprah Winfrey.” Being that there was a skit planned with a character “god” later in the segment, many would wipe this off, but with all the hype around Oprah and proof that she has denied Jesus and is aligning with new age guru Eckhart Tolle, we have to wonder if she was really joking or not.

Steven Colbert questions Oprah on if she is running for president in 2020, a rumor that circulated, and got liberals everywhere further enchanted with their icon. Oprah replies that she would have to “know it” and says that she’s very in touch with the voice of God. When Democrats began to see her as their potential candidate, Oprah told US Magazine that she “went into prayer.” Saying, “God, if you think I’m supposed to run, you gotta tell me, and it has to be so clear that not even I can miss it. And I haven’t gotten that yet”. READ MORE