Thursday, January 18, 2018

SCANDAL: Andrea Grillo presents the article of a priest Theologian educator of a seminar. The Eucharist reduced to an act of 'eroticism'.

SCANDAL: Andrea Grillo presents the article of a priest Theologian educator of a seminar. The Eucharist reduced to an act of 'eroticism'. We ask for the intervention of the Holy See "
Fr. Cristoforo

This is too much! These are crazy! It is madness! We have talked several times about the castronerie about the Sacrament of the Eucharist that writes Andrea Grillo. But today's one surpasses them all. MAKE AROUND THE WORLD THIS ARTICLE! Because even the stones must know where these wicked people are leading the Church!

The "theologian" Grillo in his blog yesterday posted an article by Manuel Belli, who is a teacher of Sacramental Theology at the Seminary in Bergamo and is also an educator of seminarians in the same city.The title of the article by don Belli is: "Eucharist. Body, meal and eros ". Already reading the title you understand the program, and where it wants to go to parry this self-styled "theologian". The link is this the part of the Body of Christ this energumeno says: "often in the tradition we risked putting so much emphasis on the idea that that bread and wine are no longer such but body and blood of Jesus and on the fact that the senses must not deceive even if they only see bread and wine we have risked thinking a little magical about the reality of the presence of the body of Christ (...) We live by symbols. And the body of Jesus is nothing other than a good broken bread ".This is APOSTASIA in its pure state. Believing in the Real Presence is magic? Is the Body of Christ nothing but simple bread? These are completely crazy! These are the theologians of my boots! It is thanks to this kind of "theology" that they are preparing the ecumenical mass! But the worst is yet to come. Read what he writes about the "meal":

"Mass is a ritualized meal (...) But we can not forget that at Mass we sit at the table with others. Even the community dimension is not unimportant. The first thing that happens when participating in the Eucharist is that we find ourselves: the celebration begins with the act of gathering together ". The Holy Sacrifice of Christ reduced to a "ritualized meal". Even the asylum is not enough here. They are completely imbued with Lutheranism. And they teach it to SEMINARIANS !!! That should be the future Priests! They are prophets of the antichrist! These HAVE THE BRAND OF THE BEAST!
BUT THE BIGGEST AND DEBULIC THING ARRIVES HERE AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE by Don Belli. On the approach of the Eucharist to eroticism. Read:
"Take, this is my body" is a sentence that without any difficulty could be contextualized in what a man says to his woman or vice versa. T. Radcliffe writes: "I would like to talk about the last supper and sexuality. It may seem a little strange, but think about it for a moment. The central words of the Last Supper were: "This is my body, offered for you". The Eucharist, like sex, is centered on the gift of the body (...) We understand the Eucharist in the light of sexuality and sexuality in the light of the Eucharist.There is therefore an erotic component of the Eucharist which must not be neglected. Between two lovers there is a body code that exceeds the order of words ".
Eroticism, sex, lovers ??? Approaching the Eucharist to all of this is A BLEACHING! But for those who took Jesus Christ ??? This is BEAUTIFUL AND GOOD TRANSLATION! And these people are pleased with the crap that can write! Only the devil may have an interest in divulging this type of "theology". It is scandalous that these villagers are teachers of theology and, moreover, educators of seminaries!
We will send an email to the Vatican Secretariat of State and one to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Please send ALL your complaint to this disgust. WE INTANT the Vatican Electronic Mail.
Email Secretary of State:
Email: Congregation Doctrine of the Faith:


1 comment:

  1. He is just working for satan. Thoe theologians teach heresy to seminarians, no wonder it is rare to find a strong good priest. I like my faith simple and strong so I do not delve into theology. No human can understand God, we are to small for that
