Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Venerable Holzhauser on the Vatican II Heretics & Their “Defenders”

Venerable Holzhauser on the Vatican II Heretics & Their “Defenders”
By:  Eric Gajewski
Included: TradCatKnight Exclusive Video: Ven. Holzhauser & the Endtimes

“These are evil times, a century full of dangers and calamities.. Heresy is everywhere, and the followers of heresy are in power almost everywhere. Bishops, prelates, and priests say that they are doing their. duty, that they are vigilant, and that they live as befits their state in life. In like manner, therefore, they all seek excuses. But God will permit a great evil against His Church: Heretics and tyrants will come suddenly and unexpectedly; they will break into the Church while bishops, prelates and priests are asleep. They will enter Italy and lay Rome waste; they will burn down the churches and destroy everything.…”  Venerable Holzhauser

These times are indeed evil times.  Wherein revolutionary doctrine is being promoted as truth.  Wherein men are marrying inanimate objects and even animals.  Wherein the police state grows with each successive day and the majority hand over their personal freedoms without ever blinking their blind eyes.  Having said that, s everal Popes including Pope St. Pius X warned that the Antichrist was just “around the corner” and yet, amidst, so much danger and calamity, the majority of self- identifying “Catholics” slumber along accepting and even defending heresy.  It is the intent of this article, to further break down, this paragraph, from Venerable Holzhauser and apply it to what we are currently seeing in the world and Novus ordo specifically.  

For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. 2 Tim 4:3-4

Nothing more dangerous than Vatican II.  Why?  Because it teaches heresy while camouflaging itself as Catholic.  It has tried to merge the Revolution with Catholicism and in the process, get the faithful to follow along in false obedience.  It was truly evil.  Various world leaders have been trying to promote one of these principles, religious liberty, including Trump and yet there is nothing more dangerous to the soul and society.  We need not even speak of the calamities about to ensue due to world war 3 and the arrival of the Planet X system but rather let me stay focused in on what the third secret of Fatima was alluding to in regards to the “dangers of the Faith’.   

The Faith is being attacked by her “would-be” own.  

 The Vatican II Popes and prelates (largely speaking) are worldly and teach the world the false maxims of modern ideas who in return demand your obedience.  Sadly, the majority do and most will continue on this hellish path ignorance and “willful slumbering”.  

It is dangerous times to be alive, not that, I, might die, so suddenly, but that the vast majority embrace doctrines, which will lead them to hell.

Faith in Christ cannot be maintained pure and unalloyed when it is not protected and supported by faith in the Church ... Faith in Christ and faith in the Church stand together ... Whenever a person obstinately separates himself from the infallible teaching of the Church, he gradually loses the certain and true doctrine about Jesus Christ. If we should ask the many different sects, especially those dating from the 16th and 17th centuries and still bearing the honored name of "Christian," what they now believe concerning Him, we would receive varying and often conflicting answers. They present Jesus Christ as man, very similar to God, but they are far removed from a full and sincere profession of Catholic faith. Hence, it appears that all these heretics wish by rash endeavor to dissolve Christ and therefore, according to the Apostle John, "are not of God" (I John 4:3) ...From the exalted summit of this Apostolic See, We there- fore call with fatherly spirit upon all individuals and groups who glory in being disciples of Christ and who place in Him their hope of salvation ... always to cling ever firmly to the Roman Church in which belief in Christ is maintained with one entire and perfect faith, worshipped with sincere adoration, and loved with undying charity. Let those who govern flocks separated from Us remember how their forerunners solemnly professed the faith, and how in the past as in the present, this same faith has been preserved and earnestly defended by this supreme Chair of Truth. Let them remember that this genuine unity of faith rests only on the One Rock established by Christ and, further, that it has been preserved safe and secure by the supreme authority of the successors of blessed Peter.

Pope Pius XI

My bishop does not address the issues.  Over the past few years I have received quite a few emails indicating that the bishops simply don’t address the doctrinal issues we are facing.  They say if you don’t like it then leave.  LITERALLY!  This actually occurred to my family some years ago in New Jersey.  The first problem is that you shouldn’t be in any Vatican II church to begin with.  I appreciate your fight in the matter but we must do so “from outside of these buildings” until these heretic’s convert.   

They say they are doing their duty?  Are they?  

Clearly, they are not doing their duty of defending against heresy.  Either they are afraid or theologically obtuse.  More than likely the latter.   

So what to do?  Stop giving your diocese money.   

Start handing out leaflets and pamphlets demonstrating how evil Vatican 2 was and is.  Start speaking up but don’t commune with them.  They are excuse makers and so are all these novus ordo apologists/websites.  It is disturbing, sad and pathetic to witness all of these novus ordo sites trying to defend the “undefendable”.  They keep making excuses for the Vatican II Popes, the council and now Antipope Francis.   

There is no end to their excuse making and they are paid large sums of money, to defend heterodoxy, so that, the new religion can flourish (objectively speaking).  These men ought join their local Masonic lodge because what they teach comes right from this sect.  Or perhaps some of these men are already members of the Lodge?

A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: Knowing that he, that is such an one, is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment. Titus 3:10-11

God will permit a great evil against His Church.  He already has with Vatican II but specifically he is mentioning the Great Persecution.  The revolution will take to Italy and the streets as worldwide Socialism/Communism begins to close down churches.  God will be using this evil to awaken the slumbering masses.  

Notice how he says this evil shall come “suddenly and unexpectedly”.  

Although, I have been warning about this for years the majority remain in error and think this is all “conspiracy talk”.  I even had one brilliant woman tell me yesterday that I needed counseling for talking so much about the “endtimes”.   

Yes, these are the heretics of our times who will be punished greatly.  When truth is not embraced then God allows evil to take over.

There is no middle way between Catholicism and Atheism ... Hence, Protestants have abandoned themselves to the extreme of Atheism or Materialism, denying every maxim of faith .. .Oh, God! How does it happen that these new masters of faith do not see that being separated from the Catholic Church, and having lost obedience to her, they have also lost the rule of faith, so that at the present time they have no sure rule by which they can ascertain what is of the faith or what is not; thus, they walk in the dark, changing the articles of their belief from day to day ... On the other hand, its constant uniformity of doctrine in the dogmas of faith, from its first foundation by Jesus Christ, demonstrates the truth of the Catholic Church. It has been the same in all ages, so that the truths we believe at the present day were believed in the first ages.

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori

They will “break” into the Church.  Is this meant to be understood literally or figuratively?  Perhaps both but certainly literally in the very least.  The Modernist’s have “broken” into our churches and with Vatican II are “steering men” into the formalized One World Religion.  Sodomite Pope Paul 6th said “the smoke of satan” had entered into the Church while he was “fanning the flame” of heresy himself.  John Paul II spoke about the dangers attacking the Faith but himself taught too many heresies to keep up with.  Back to the point.  Specifically, during the great persecution churches will be broken into.  The chaos coming is a direct result of all the laxity and excuse making by the Novus ordo clergy and laity. 

If men do not want to hold on to proper doctrine which is the basis for societal order than God will simply allow men to be taken by disorder, confusion and chaos.  

Ironically, there is this notion that somehow God owes us “clarity” in these times and it is simply not the case.  We deserve what we are getting until the vast majority no longer hide behind the excuses as Holzhauser indicates.  Rome and areas of Europe will be completely overrun during this Great persecution to come.   

The Communists are preparing their revolutionaries for it and the Antichrist awaits lurking off in the distance.   

He is awaiting with smile for the right moment to seize the day and be welcomed in with the false light of lucifer.  The majority of Christians will apostatize and with further excuses embrace his “mark”.   

Will you be one of the few to resist?  

Let us pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary that we might remain faithful to Christ and Tradition until our death.  And even after our death that our voices still might loudly be heard!  Yes, heresy is everywhere and currently promoted by even the “conservative” Cardinals and we must pray mightily they repent of their errors.  In the end, Holzhauser, speaks, to how, the majority, follow heresy and how God’s “Intervention” Plan is about to commence.

TradCatKnight Exclusive: Ven. Holzhauser & the Endtimes  

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  1. This is an often overlooked prophecy that clearly depicts what is going on in the church

  2. It's almost beyond comprehension,that those who should know better, are still
    part of the vII church and believe there is legitimacy to it,believing it to be inferior perhsps,but still okay.

  3. Christ still works through His Church. For example, even the Resistance priests go to confession if need be to novus ordo priests. Christ's power is still there. Exorcism faculties come from the local Bishop. Let's not forget that.

    1. you shouldnt be going to heretical priests for confession unless on your death bed watch my video from fr hesse. I dont agree with some of what the Resistance bishops say trust me on a variety of issues

  4. Most are silent for fear of appearing crazy; it is due to self-love

  5. Great quote from St. Robert Bellarmine. It is hard to know what priest to trust in such a crisis. Better put in the time to know your faith!

  6. JK said, "Exorcism faculties come from the local Bishop. Let's not forget that."

    One would think that demons could be exercised with faculties derived from supplied jurisdiction. Perhaps the heretical bishops can only grant faculties because of supplied jurisdiction on their part if indeed they lose jurisdiction ipso facto!?!

    1. The "Minor Order" of ecorcist was eliminated in the bastardized rites of 1968. Only priests ordained priot to that are exorcists. If a "Bishop" is not a validly ordained priest he is HOT a bishop.

  7. The laws reflect the path that is being taken. Man wants to be freed from God rather than man being freed in God. There is a big difference.

  8. God’s warnings go unheard these days. People are too wrapped up in their own lives to see what is currently happening across the board in the world. I pray that more wake up but I don’t most will, Justin

  9. “The Faith is being attacked by her “would-be” own”. ~Well said!

  10. Most bishops are probably Masons at this point that is why. I don’t have proof but it just seems that way. You won’t get the truth from them largely these days. Didn’t Padre Pio warn against the Bishops somewhere?

  11. Could have been more explanatory but I understand what you are trying to say. It seems there is no way out of this crisis without God’s intervention

  12. The Novus ordo bishops are not doing their duty is an understatement for they are not even teaching the faithful the true faith! I cringe to think about their Judgement because of their position given to teach the sheep. Hell’s floor is paved with the skulls of erroring bishops or something like that. Who has the exact quote?


  13. I stopped giving money to my diocese a long time ago. I pray they repent.

  14. We have to avoid the heretic no matter how hard this is and it is hard because most are heretics these days. We need to have greater patience and charity but we cannot compromise on truth

  15. Praise be God's holy will!

  16. Of course, God will chastise how else will He correct those in error?

  17. Question, is Protestantism or Islam worse? Or Zionism? Thoughts?

  18. You can almost taste just how close the Persecution is and it doesn’t taste good at all. May God have mercy on us all.

  19. Well said Eric. If men reject the truth do they expect to live orderly? Society is about to crumble very fast because the true Faith is nearly extinguished

  20. I don’t know how anyone claiming be to be Catholic can defend some of Francis recent comments but like you said most are heretics

  21. What will be the trigger to make the Communists start the formal Persecution? Any idea?

  22. How bad will the Persecution be here in the United States of America? Will it be as bad as China? Europe? Any thoughts on this?

  23. Americans are too busy eating, drinking and partying to realize what is going on. They watch TV and suck up all the trash that is coming from it

  24. You would think at this point there would be more Resistant minded Catholics but there isn’t. If they cant see all the harm Vatican 2 has done now will they ever? Probably not.

  25. The news gets increasingly worse by the day so we must cling to the hope provided by the message of Fatima. This trial will only prove the Church is indestructible.

  26. I am interested in becoming Catholic or at least hearing more about what I need to know and what to do next, please help?

  27. Happy Feast Day of St. Lucy! Pray for me, amen

  28. We need to revisit his warnings from time to time. There were many holy seers who warned us of these times and yet so few care. It seems chaos is just around the corner where every brother will be fighting one another. Perilous times as Christ said

  29. Thank you, I thought I was the only “crazy” one left on Planet earth.

  30. New to your site! I an enjoying it so far. Please continue to expose the Zionists!

  31. Protestantism is only leading men into Atheistic Materialism. A gradual loss of Faith.

  32. I cannot find the comment section where I read about Padre Pio"s confessor's warning of bad priests and as st. Robert Bellarmine said, work on your Faith. That being said will offer. The opportunity we all have (for today) of hearing/seeing/praying the tridentine Mass with a validlyordained, holy priest, persecuted for the Faith:

    "... Padre Pio's confessor said that spiritual communions could actually be better than Sacramental communions. what is the Source?

    "Fr. Gomar DePauw" who built the first "Independent" Catholic Chapel in the US left us the untouched TRiDENTINE MASS! By the miracle of Youtube I make my spiritual Communion daily and even take him to the coffee shop for "public" worship! He is the Lefevbre of America! 3 of his many talks on Vatican Coup are @ youtube as well.
    "Why Latin?". "Concilliar or Catholic?".
    Just google: "Traditional Latin Mass fr. Gomar DePauw Youtube"
