Saturday, December 9, 2017



More than quarter of millennials would replace human lover with DROID…

As robots become an ever increasing part of our daily lives, humans could soon find love with the machines, according to a new report. The report suggests that over a quarter of 18-34 year-olds will feel it’s normal to form friendships and even romantic relationships with robots in the future instead of humans.

And it seems that men are more likely to embrace the bots, with the report indicating that
males are three times more likely to form a relationship with a robot than women.  The report was created by Paris-based Havas, and examined the future of artificial intelligence, and people’s attitudes to the future of technology.  The findings were based on a survey of 12,000 people of mixed ages worldwide. It found that in the UK, men were three times as likely to agree they could have a relationship with a robot in the future, compared to women. READ MORE


Australia Passes Gay Marriage Law That Will Force New Ministers to Perform Same-Sex Weddings

Australia Passes Gay Marriage Law That Will Force New Ministers to Perform Same-Sex Weddings
Australia’s Parliament has voted to legalize gay marriage. The bill defines marriage as ‘a union between two persons.’ It should become law in about a month. Churches, religious organizations, and existing ministers are not required to perform gay wedding ceremonies. However, ministers who are licensed after the law passes will have to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies or be in violation of anti-discrimination laws. Australian lawmakers rejected amendments to the bill protecting freedom of speech and religion. READ MORE

Academic journal warns against Eating meat, Promotes “toxic masculinity”

Academic journal warns against Eating meat, Promotes “toxic masculinity”
An academic journal has published an article by a Ph.D. candidate at Pennsylvania State University that argues eating meat maintains a society where “hegemonic masculinity” is the norm. Anne DeLessio-Parson, whose article was published in Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, based her research on Argentina’s “meat-centric” culture. “I contend that in such a context, we cannot separate the ways people ‘do vegetarianism’ from how they ‘do gender,’” Anne DeLessio-Parson wrote.
“Doing vegetarianism in interactions drives social change, contributing to the de-linking of meat from gender hegemony and revealing the resisting and reworking of gender in food spaces.” DeLessio-Parson theorizes that being a vegetarian in the South American nation is a political act that contributes to the destabilization of the gender binary, or the view that there are only two sexes, masculine and feminine. READ MORE

Illinois Boy Who Identifies as Girl Sues to Use Girls’ Locker Room to Change for Gym Class

Illinois Boy Who Identifies as Girl Sues to Use Girls’ Locker Room to Change for Gym Class
An Illinois teenager who was born male but identifies as female has filed a lawsuit against his school district as he claims that he has been prohibited from using the girls’ locker room for gym class. The district says that the legal challenge does not correctly cite the accommodations that have been offered to the student. The 18-year-old, who goes by the name Nova Maday, says that he is unhappy with the outcome of talks with Township High School District 211 and asserts that that he has to use either the nurse’s office or a separate single-user locker room at Palatine High School to change his clothes. “I just want to be treated like every other girl in our school,” Maday said in a statement after filing suit on Thursday. “Even after the school district agreed to allow another transgender student to use the locker rooms in her school, they have resisted and made things harder for me. I just want to be able to get dressed for P.E. class without having to jump through a bunch of hoops.”  READ MORE



  1. What can one say! They are sucking the life out of decency! And Illinois is going to LET this happen???? Helen S

  2. One word unbelievable, Gino R

  3. Reminds me of Necrophelia. This is the Beast of the Last Days.
    Diane P

  4. Time to look for a cave, James

  5. Love the last cartoon, incoming! TY Eric I need some humor.

  6. What a sick world we live in , sick with evil ! Thank God Our Lady's Immaculate Heart Triumph's in the end ! Amen !

  7. Most people just dont get it. Lord have mercy on those who just dont see

  8. when will the remnant speak - out.. change the words to the Our Father...really sick.We had a sermon about martin luther will judas be the next saint?? enough already!!!
