Friday, December 15, 2017

MUST SEE VIDEO-The Secret of Fatima after 100 years – Part one: Apostasy in the Church

The Secret of Fatima after 100 years – Part one: Apostasy in the Church (VIDEO)
Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

This year marks the centenary of the apparition at Fatima. What preceded it and what followed it?
The 18th century saw the rise of the Enlightenment. The continuation of the Enlightenment in the 19th century was Modernism. It resulted in the destruction of the fundamental truths of Christianity – apostasy in the Church.

St Pius X issued an encyclical and imposed an anti-Modernist oath. Some of the bishops, priests and theologians who were Modernists consciously rejected those measures.
After the death of Pius X, the first success of the Masons was the installation of Pope Benedict XV (G. della Chiesa, 1914-1922). He enabled again the development of Modernism in the Church. In 1917, the Blessed Virgin appeared several times to children at Fatima, Portugal. She called for repentance. Benedict’s successors were Popes Pius XI (1922-1939), Pius XII (1939-1958), and then John XXIII (A. G. Roncalli, 1958-1963).
Roncalli was convicted of Modernism as early as 1911. However, Benedict XV appointed Roncalli president of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and lecturer at the Roman seminary. In 1925, Pius XI sent Associate Professor Roncalli as Apostolic Visitor to Bulgaria and then to Turkey in order to save students from heresies. In 1958, thanks to those with whom he had unity of spirit, Roncalli became Pope.
In 1960, he withheld the message of repentance given in the Third Secret of Fatima. Cardinal Bea warned the Pope and the Cardinals: “The Secret alerts us to the apostasy in the Church.” When the Cardinal emerged from the meeting Pope John XXIII was holding with his advisors, he said: “We’ve just killed a billion people because the Pope had just made the decision not to release the Third Secret, and not to consecrate Russia to Christ and the Blessed Virgin.” Instead of opening the door to the spirit of repentance, John XXIII convened Vatican Council II in 1962. The Council opened the door to Modernists and gave them full power. John XXIII used the Council to fulfil his long-standing desire to establish the Modernist heresy – aggiornamento – as an anti-gospel (Gal 1:8-9) in the whole Church.
At Vatican II, John XXIII elected a so-called working presidium comprised mostly of the Modernists. They cunningly set both their and his agenda at the Council.
The fruits of Vatican II have been the heretical document “Nostra Aetate” (1965), Babylon in Assisi (1986), gender schizophrenia, multiculturalism and Islamization of Europe. It has already gone so far that objective truths as well as the existence of objective values are officially denied! This is the fruit of aggiornamento – i.e. of Modernism in the Church and in the world.
The papacy was abused to launch a process of autogenocide of the Church.
John XXIII and Paul VI established heresy throughout their papacy.

1 comment:

  1. Truly enlightening! Thank you so much for this post Eric.
