Friday, December 8, 2017

Fatima Watch: Putin is quietly working to put out the Middle East fire that was just started by Trump

Fatima Watch: Putin is quietly working to put out the Middle East fire that was just started by Trump

While brokering a peace deal in the Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most difficult tasks in the world - Putin already has one advantage over Trump. Putin listens.

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin held one of his increasingly frequent phone calls with his Turkey counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Russia said the following of the phone call in an official statement,
"Both sides expressed serious concern about the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and plans to move the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv. Such steps can thwart all prospects for the Middle East peace process.

Further escalation of tensions in the region, it was noted, would be unacceptable. The efforts of the international community should be aimed at facilitating the resumption of Palestinian-Israeli talks in search of a compromise solution to all issues, including the status of Jerusalem.

Russia and Turkey reaffirmed their commitment to achieving a just and viable solution to the Middle East crisis based, above all, on the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, as well as the realization of the Palestinian people's right to their own state.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan informed President Putin about the calling of an emergency summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation devoted to this situation on December 13.

Topical aspects of bilateral cooperation were addressed, with special attention given to carrying out strategic energy projects.

The presidents agreed to continue personal contacts".
Erdogan has thus far taken a major lead on condemning Donald Trump's controversial move to recognize Jerusalem/Al-Quds as an Israeli capital. He previously stated he would consider breaking off diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv in such an instance. This would mean that the first major Muslim majority country to have diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv, would effectively be joining the wider Arab and pan-Muslim boycott of Tel Aviv.

During the phone call, it is almost certain that Putin called for calm but that he also conveyed his deep understanding of Turkey and the wider region's position, which is one of shock, rage and profound disturbance, in respect of Trump's capital adventure.

On Monday, Putin will arrive in Cairo for talks with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sis. This comes as Syria and Lebanon's resistance party Hezbollah have strongly condemned Trump's move while even Egypt and America's traditional Arab allies in the Persian Gulf have joined with their opponent Iran to condemn the move. The EU, major Orthodox Churches, Vatican and global Muslim leaders have also expressed their condemnation as have the French President and German Foreign Minister. China too expressed its grave concerns in a statement from the Foreign Ministry in Beijing.

Putin: New World Order Are in Final Stages Of Their European Master-Plan

As European nations mourn their dead and prepare for the next wave of “imminent” terror attacks, President Putin warns that the New World Order are in the final stages of their “70 year masterplan for Europe“, and the process will only speed up from here.
The New World Order put hornet nests in your countries,” Putin told a Kremlin tour group. “And now they are poking them.”
With France in a state of emergency, the United Kingdom under martial law with thousands of troops patrolling the streets, and Germany and Sweden suffering migrant-related breakdowns of law and order, it is hard to argue with Putin.
The New World Order’s plan to fill Western nations with radical Islamic immigrants – against the will of the citizens of these countries – and then unleash hell on earth by “poking them“, has been achieved.
Putin believes that the open border policies forced on European nations must be rejected if the continent is to have any chance of a peaceful future.
My European brothers and sisters must reject the globalist open border policies being pushed onto them by the elite.”
There is no place for sovereign nations in the globalists’ vision of the future, according to Putin. And the Russian president pointed the finger of blame directly at the Rothschilds and their cabal of international elites.
The Rothschild-cabal have infiltrated your government, your media, your banking institutions. They are no longer content with committing atrocities in the Middle East, they are now doing it on their own soil, desperate to complete the plan for a one world government, world army, complete with a world central bank.
“They think they can do this by terrorising you into submission. Scaring you into accepting whatever new laws they will put in place to protect you.”
Putin issued a call to arms, urging Europeans to reject the siren call of the globalists and their death cult.
They [Europeans] must rise up against their masters, who have long since stopped serving the people, and demand their voices are heard.
The governments of the west are no longer hiding their true intentions. You can see the horror that lies beneath their mask. Keep your eyes on them. Don’t fall for their tricks.
Russia will not stand by and allow its European cousins to be slaughtered and dehumanised like this. The battle is over. The war has begun. Truth and justice will prevail.



  1. So Putin is a puppet of the Antichrist also?

  2. I tend to think Putin is the one Leader who is Not in Israel's back pocket. Putin has personally prevented WW3 three times, according to BP. Williamson
