Saturday, November 11, 2017

These Eyes: The Eye is the Lamp of the Soul

These Eyes:  The Eye is the Lamp of the Soul
What do your eyes say?
By:  Eric Gajewski

In today’s gospel Jesus is speaking on the eyes of the soul.  In today’s time in which we are dealing with unbridled immodesty and indecency it is always good to rehash such fundamental teachings of Christ.  It is logical.  What enters through the eyes ultimately can and will affect your soul.  One does not spend all day in brothel unaffected by what he sees.  This modern world is a brothel so to speak and it seems virtually anywhere we go we have to take extra care of our eyes lest we fall into the devil’s snare.  Our eyes were meant for Christ.  An eagle must have his inner eyes of Charity wide at all times in order not to miss any opportunity to arising to assist his neighbor.  God gave us eyes and yet we often misuse them.  Do you spend all day watching TV?  Do you have eyes for heaven or do they “wander” in vain search of pleasures in this world?


Wandering eyes lead to dark eyes.  Here is groundbreaking news.  You actually have to want holiness and strive for Christ alone.  Wandering eyes are symptom of a much deeper problem.  This problem is self-love.  We want anything other than Christ which may lead to mortal sin and a darkening of the eyes altogether.  St. Paul was struck off his high horse and had God blind his mortal eyes briefly that he might turn inward.  Souls who perish in mortal sin are locked with darkened eyes as their whole souls are as dark as the night.  Christ came to bring Light into the world that men would no longer live in the darkness of sin but if we do not take care of our own eyes we will find ourselves bouncing in and out of the state of grace.  Wandering eyes are dangerous and shows Christ that you are not serious about Him nor your salvation.  Our eyes wander not only after the things of this world but are drawn to immodesty and indecency.  It is a part of our fallen nature.  Those who cannot take custody of their eyes will be enslaved by the devil.  Think of how many souls are in hell who once loved Christ but lost their souls due to wandering eyes!  

All Eyes on Christ.  Modern man wants to be in his own spotlight.  We all have to battle against this “disease of me”.  However, we cannot advance in the spiritual life unless we first learn to deny ourselves.  Constant and habitual movements of the heart toward Christ is what every Christian is after.  We know what we ought do but in the end will we give Christ our eyes even as we profess to give Him our bodies?  If we don’t give Him our eyes how can we give Him the whole of ourselves?  If we keep focus on Christ how can we sin?  What do you pursue?  Do you want to see the eyes of Christ in sadness any longer over the laxity and lukewarmness you show towards Him?  Do you want to perish in sin and behold the devils forever with darkened eyes? Or do you seek to be caught in Endless Rapture with the eyes of your Maker?  Let us not strive for just a little Light but rather let the whole world see Christ in the reflection of our own eyes, Amen

Luke 11:33-36
At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, No one lights a lamp and puts it in a cellar or even under the measure, but upon the lamp-stand, that they who enter in may see the light. The lamp of your body is your eye. If your eye be sound, your whole body will be full of light. But if it be evil, your body also will be full of darkness. Take care, therefore, that the light that is in you is not darkness. If, then, your whole body is full of light, having no part in darkness, it will all be illumined, as when a bright lamp illumines you.


  1. Have to be focused on THE LORD alone

  2. So this is where you want comments rather than on facebook?


  3. from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. inside is outside.

  4. What an awesome article, great reminder in this world full of temptations! God bless us all.
