Saturday, November 11, 2017


Based on the Writings of Father Luigi Villa, Th.D
and the Book Who is Father Luigi Villa?

by Dr. Franco Adessa
 Who Is Father Luigi Villa?

He was born in Lecco, Italy, February 3, 1918 and ordained a priest on June 28, 1942.

Known for pursuing vocations and as a lecturer and preacher, particularly with youth, he became the target of the Fascist party leader, Farinacci who issued a death warrant against him. Thanks be to God an official in the Ministry of Justice warned a confrère of Father Villa, who was able to escape through a window just as the jeep with six heavily-armed men arrived. 

In Bari he had a friend, a chaplain, Fr. Berni who wanted to take him to San Giovanni Rotondo to meet with Padre Pio. But Fr. Villa was reluctant. Then he turned and saw a magnificently featured man who told him to go as Padre Pio was waiting for him. Then the "man" disappeared before his very eyes. So he went to the convent into the area of the Padre's room where he noticed a strong scent of flowers. A passing friar say, "A good sign, good sign."

When Padre Pio came he answered Fr. Luigi's list of questions which he had assembled while he was waiting for the revered friar. At the conclusion of their meeting Padre Pio urged Father Villa to dedicate his life defending the Church from the work of Freemasonry, especially Masons in the hierarchy, which he knew existed. Padre Pio further told him to go the Bishop of Cheti, Msgr. Bosio, who then went to the Vatican. Pope Pius XII gave his approval for the mandated mission and Fr. Villa was told to get a degree in theology and was placed under the direction of Cardinal Ottaviani, prefect of the Holy Office, among other Cardinals.

These Cardinals had to guide him and educate him. He was warned that under no circumstances ought he associate himself with Montini [the future Pope Paul VI]. Bishop Bosio told Father Villa that Montini was on the side opposite of humanity. The Bosio family was long acquainted with the Montini family and so knew well what he was talking about. The Bishop incardinated Fr. Villa into his diocese in 1957.

In the second half of 1963 Fr. Villa had his second meeting with Padre Pio who told him that "I have been waiting for you for a long time." He thought that the priest was taking too long a time but he continued to press him on, saying "Courage, courage, courage! for the Church is already invaded by Freemasonry." He then added, "Freemasonry has already reached the Pope's slippers." [Paul VI!]

During these years Father Villa worked secretly under Card. Ottaviani, documenting senior officials of the Catholic Church into Freemasonry. Thus he was well-known in Police Headquarters and other similar agencies. In September, 1978, during the 30 day Pontificate of Pope John Paul I, the "List of Pecorelli" appeared in the Political Observer, the magazine of lawyer Mino Pecorelli, which was no surprise to Fr. Villa, because the Vatican had already learned of some of them and they had been removed prior to the publication of the list.

One of the most notorious cases was that of Card. Joseph Suenens, who was driven from his Brussels headquarters. Not only was he a Mason he was married and living with a son. Another Cardinal Mason was Achille Lienart. Both were liberal periti of Vatican II. Lienart was instrumental in the election of Pope Paul VI. Others on the list were [1] Annibale Bugnini, architect of Pope Paul VI's New Mass, who triumphantly proclaimed that with the New Mass, "The Catholic Church has been conquered." Spoken like a true Mason. Bugnini had originally been deposed, then put back in power, then, when the notoriety was too great for even the Masonically-inspired Paul VI, he was sent into "exile." But the damage was done!

[2] Agostino Casaroli, a public supporter of the pantheist-heretic Theilhard de Chardin, served as Secretary of state under John Paul II.

[3] Jean Villot, who also served as Secretary of State.
[4] And many many others, a few the Catholic in the pew might recognize, mostly not, but the number of Cardinals with validated Masonic membership is staggering and proof that the aims of Masonry to conquer the Church for its own goals and its boast that it did not need an actual Masonic Pope, only one in league with their ideas and willing to have Masonic ties including in the episcopacy, was not an idle threat.

After the death of Pope Pius XII a new phase, which was Father Villa's "Way of the Cross" began. The policy was now "Ignore him and make him ignored." He would survive with the help of God seven assassination attempts.

One day Father sought and obtained an audience with Pius XII who received him warmly. But under Paul VI he was publicly ignored - the Pontiff would not even look at him, even when taking books from the priest.

To fight the intense battle that Padre Pio had entrusted to him, Father needed a public means that would be free of ecclesiastical pressure. Bishop Bosio suggested that he join the Order of Journalists and found his own magazine, which he did. That publication is Chiesa viva.

It has correspondents from the various continents. The first issue was released in September, 1971. In Vienna
on December 14 of that year he encountered Card. Joseph Mindszenty who had been publicly humiliated and degraded by Paul VI since he did not support the Pontiff's pro-Communism dealings, and had left Rome. The Cardinal read the entire first issue of Chiesa viva and was so enthusiastic that he put his signature to the copy he had read. At the end of the meeting, a two and a half hour interview he told Father Villa: "Believe me, Paul VI delivered entire Christian countries into the hands of Communism."

The war against Father Villa and his magazine was renewed. The Mason, Pro-Secretary of State, Msgr. Giovanni Benelli authored the strategy mentioned above, "Ignore him and make him ignored."

This was not enough for the Masonic hierarchy, they wanted to silence his voice altogether and that of the magazine.

PROF. VON HILDEBRANDBut Chiesa viva did not receive a frontal attack because its deputy Director was the renowned Professor Dietrich von Hildebrand, a converted Jew, whom Paul VI knew and feared. Pope Pius XII had called him informally the twentieth century "Doctor of the Church." So Benelli wrote a letter to each theologian who worked for the magazine ordering them to cease their association. Father Luigi learned of this action of the Holy See and he knew that it would be a "scorched earth policy" from then on.

His enemies, with the help of the type of clergy who prefer a life without hassle, began the campaign of slander: the good priest was suddenly "lazy, fascist, anti-Semite, and outside-the-Church." Sound familiar? He was also hailed as a "heretic", and "extreme" and "a destroyer of Charity."

This was the warm up session. Phase 3 were the late night telephone calls of insults, more slander and profanity. These lasted a long time. Chiesa vive continued unperturbed. He would not be silenced. This was when the assassination attempts began. We will describe but three of them:

[1] Father Luigi Villa was returning from Rome to Brescia by car. Just before reaching the city of Arezzo, the road on the right borders a sheer drop of more than 100 meters. This was then that he realized another car had been following him and as the approach to the drop came, that car came along side and tired to edge him off the cliff. By Divine Providence, a police car approached and went past Father Villa and the other car. Father beeped his horn and as he did so the side-swiper sped off in haste. When Father related this episode to Card. Palazzino in the presence of a Professor, named Gedda, the Professor replied, "So we are at war."

[2] Again Father was traveling by car to visit with his friend Father Berni in Vincenza. He left the highway for the road that led to Father Berni's residence, when suddenly his limbs - hands and legs - were paralyzed. Someone had given him a drug, but he did not where or whom. At a bend in the road, Father, whose eyes were wide open, saw the car pitch toward a deep canal. Everything past before as a dream, he was paralyzed and could do nothing to help himself, when just as the car reached the canal, it came to an abrupt stop on its own. It was a miracle! As soon as the car stopped, the paralysis dissipated. The car restarted, too and he was able to drive on his own without further hindrance. Whatever drug he had been given him had worn off.

[3] Some months later Father paid a visit to a priest, whom he thought was friendly, but after finishing lunch with a cup of coffee, he went home - during the trip he began to feel sick, so much so that he had to see his doctor immediately who said that he had been poisoned. Father was in danger of death but the doctor pulled him through. Just before this incident the issue of "Chiesa", No. 231, Luglio-Agosto [1992] N. 7, was published with the list of Mason Cardinals and other Vatical officials. Below is the picture on the cover, that of St. Michael the Archangel.

This issue had a presentation by magistrate Carlo Agnoli who says:

" ... Father Esposito informs us that among the protagonists of the bilateral dialogues between representatives of the Church and Masonry, which took place between 1966 and 1977, there was the Salesian Don Miano, Secretary of "the Secretariat for non-believers"... It was Paul VI who encouraged these meetings."
During the Pontificate of John Paul II. "Chiesa" denounced the membership of Card. Casaroli in Freemasonry; when a prelate showed this information to the Pope, he said, "I know, I know, but I do not know who to put in his place."

Casaroli was the head of not one, but four Masonic Lodges in the Vatican.

Because the Masonic cardinals were so strong they influenced the elections of the Popes. After the death of Paul VI, a Card. Siri had the most votes in the first round, but the Masonic group was able to sop his election, but there was no agreement among them, so Card. Luciani [pictured left] was the compromise. After his sudden death in just a month Fr. Villa asked one Card. Palazzini, who could be trusted, to have an autopsy conducted. All three examinations concluded "Assassination!"

After the Pope's untimely death, Siri and Benelli [for the Masonic wing] clashed once more. But this time there was no compromise candidate because the Masons had already predetermined the final outcome - Wojtyla, and with his election Card. Casaroli, would later become the most powerful Mason in the Vatican as Secretary of State under John Paul II.

"Chiesa" still maintained a vigilant, stalwart staff because there were officials of high position in the Vatican who were outspoken about the goings-on of a sinister and or dubious nature and supported Father Villa's Review.

One of these was Msgr. Sarale who wrote for both "Chiesa" and Osservatorio Romano.

Msgr. Sarale worked in the Secretariat of State between 1978 and 1995, the year of his strange death.

In the last years of his life, he denounced the growing crisis in the Church in Osservatorio.
He was in touch with Father Villa through letters on sensitive issues and current topics that were of great interest. He was also courageous because he took 50 copies of "Chiesa" every month and which he distributed within the Secretary of State dicastery; he went so far as to defend Fr. Villa in front of senior prelates and the Pontiff.

One day Msgr. Sarale developed an ailment in his knee and the doctor he saw for it gave him injections. He got worse not better and he saw his own doctor who determined that the injections were causing cancer - no reputable doctor would do such a thing. He died following an operation for the cancer. That doctor who gave him the injections may have been the doctor for John Paul II. All anyone knows is that John Paul II's doctor was found to be incompetent and was dismissed.

1990 was a pivotal year, for it saw the withdrawal of Card. Casaroli as Secretary of State, the decline of  Card. Poletti, Vicar of His Holiness and the rise of one Msgr. Camillo Ruini, the new Vicar of His Holiness and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference [CEI], now the most powerful man in the Vatican!MSGR. RUINI

Both Casaroli and Poletti were Masons listed in the "List of Pecorelli" with an initiation date, Serial number and Acronymn.

Casaroli was the point man for the pro-Communist policy, called "Ostpolitik" begun by Paul VI and as Secretary of State, next to John Paul II, was then the most powerful man in the Vatican, second only to Msgr. [Cardinal - Msgr. is used as a title in reference to a prelate in Italy]. Ugo Poletti who had had a meteoric career thanks to Paul VI.

When Paul VI was the Cardinal of Milan [Montini] he decided to close the newspaper "The People of Italy" and move it elsewhere. The local Bishop, Gremigni, protested, citing a lack of jurisdiction. Six months before Montini became Pope, he sent a letter to Gremigni of such a content, that upon reading it, he had a heart attack and died. The letter was found by Poletti, who kept it to himself. When Martini became Paul VI, there was Poletti like the ghost of Gremigni. In 1967 the Italian Press received information that the death of that Bishop had to do with the new Pope. Soon after, Poletti was promoted one after the other to a series high offices, inexplicably. In 1986 a Msgr. Camillo Ruini, pictured above, had become a favorite of Poletti. In quick succession, he too, was promoted to Cardinal, Vicar of the Pope, and President of CEI.

In 1991 he was considered the most powerful man in the Vatican. He was also the supporter and protector of the heretical "Neo-Catechumenical Doctrine" of Frances Arguello [Kiko] and Carmen Hernandez. There were 18 heresies revealed in "Chiesa" and finalized in a book, titled, Heresies in the Neo-Catechumenical Doctrine. Hernandez is a former nun. Among the heresies exposed were these, that Christ did not found the Catholic Church and that the Sacrifice on Calvary was not a true Sacrifice. In the first there is the postulate that one cannot be saved in the Catholic Church but only by following other religions. To date this movement has had Pontifical endorsement, which tells us much, does it, not, about the rot at the top?
"Chiesa" went on to reveal more unCatholic doings. In the issue, N. 248, February 1994, Father Villa published an article, PDS - Leftist Democratic Party: Let's Lay the Cards on the Table, an attack on Communism and a denunciation of its Masonic roots. It demonstrated that Communism is the political version of the secret program of the Satanic order of the Bavarian Illuminati to destroy the Catholic Church and Christian civilization. Father made pamphlets for distribution throughout Italy. The Bishop of the region in Piedmont that held the town of Ivea was none other than Msgr. Luigi Betazzi, a Mason on the "Pecorelli List." He flew into a rage when the pamphlets were handed out there and told the press he was suing the authors of the dossier. Then he changed his mind and opted for suing only Fr. Villa.

By now there was such turmoil by the revelations that a number of priests concluded it was time to silence Villa, who had not only exposed Bishop Betazzi but had published in two other issues of "Chiesa" an unfavorable critique of the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Carlo Martini. This critique also appeared in The Sunday Times, April 26, 1993.
Betazzi had set up a mock trial for the priest, scheduled for January 31, 1995 at the Court of Brescia, as if he was a justice official. Two more articles, critical of Martini were published in "Chiesa" based on an interview that the prelate gave to "Le Monde", January 4, 1994.

In Brescia things were aboil and Betazzi was stoking the flames. On Nov. 30, 1994 he wrote a scathing letter to Father Villa calling for "a proper and adequate reparation for compensation of damages," and in which he claimed to be sorry to "have to continue an unfortunate dispute ..."

On January 31, the supposed date of the so-called trial came and went with nothing happening. The priests of Brescia were taken aback.

Towards the end of 1994, he wrote a letter to Cardinal Angelo Sodano, in which he said that "he was not going to become a victim and that he would make known all the names of the Cardinals ..."

Soon Father's attorney was contacted by the lawyer for Msgr. Betazzi because that Bishop desired to be received by Father Villa. The meeting did take place with Betazzi going to the office of Villa. The prelate asked Father if he would permit him to withdraw the complaint. In a follow-up letter he claimed to not be a Mason, which was of course not true, but it is obvious that Father had the goods as they say and the Vatican and Betazzi and Company knew only too well that he did.

On March 28, 1995, Father wote a second letter to Card. Sodano, demanding the removal of Msgr. Betazzi from the diocese of Ivea, listing eleven serious reasons, which included proof of his Masonic membership. He was also the President of Pax Christi International, which has the aim of realizing the satanic plan for the "New Age" religion,  despite all the peace rhetoric on behalf of man. Here in Maine we have a group of Pax Christi members and wherever you find them you find simultaneously dissent from Catholic teaching and morals and hubris and a lack of charity towards Catholics who keep all of the faith to the best of their ability and are willing to defend it.

The effect of Father Villa's exposures was death threat upon death threat. One of his associates, Dr. Franco Adessa received a post card with a pentagram on it and a death threat.
Meanwhile Card. Martini was encouraging Catholics to read the Talmud! Imagine!!

On February 6, 2000, Father Villa published the book, "Explain Yourself, Eminence" concerning Cardinal Martini who had decided to involve the new Bishop of Brescia, Msgr. Sanguineti in an attempt to defend himself. The Bishop wrote back to Martini vilifying Villa.

Without being able to prove even so much as a minor error in the book, that letter of contumely against Father Villa maintained that Father had used a smear campaign against Paul VI and of being guilty of "pre-conciliar tendencies ..." At the end of the missive Sanguineti promised Martini that "We are committed to stemming as much as possible and fighting with the allowed means this resurgence of arrogance and proud presumption of being holders of the truth."

The same tactics employed whenever someone claims to be in the right to defy everything the Church has stood for.

The Cardinal had the letter published in the diocesan bulletin so all the clergy would know the "proper stance."

Then Msgr. Sanguineti asked to meet with Father Villa, during which the subject of Masonic infiltration came up, including reference to the Bishop. Now the Bishop was not on the original list but he had been appointed Vicar general by the Mason, Msgr. Maverna, who was later expelled from his diocese due to Father Villa's actions. Father Villa had heard that Sanguineti was a Mason directly from a source in the Masonic field. He had no answer for Father Villa, but went into another room to "cool off".

In October of 2000 Fr. Villa sent to the Jesuit Order documents relating to Martini of such weight that this essentially ended his "career". Along with the papers there was a letter warning hat if anything happened to the person or the family of that person who handed over the documents, the Judiciary and Police would be notified and the first to be investigated would be Martini.

Card. Sanguineti, before being replaced as Bishop of Bescia, on September 23, 2007, consecrated the first church of the third millennium, which was later determined to be a Satanic-Masonic Temple; the setting is at the foot of the hill of Padergnone, a hamlet of Rodengo Saiano. It is known for its strange spiral shaped outer wall. The image just above is the cover of the issue of "Chiesa" in 2009 that featured the existence of such an edifice under Catholic auspices.



The Satanic Temple Dedicated to Padre Pio


In October of 1998, the magazine, "Places of Infinity" reported on a design of a cross, pictured above, which the sculptor, Arnaldo Pomodoro, known worldwide for his grotesque "creations", wanted to do for the "new church" of Renzo Piano in San Giovanni Rotondo, to be dedicated to Padre Pio. Since there appeared to be very strange symbols - what appear to be ultra arriviste hammers and trowels - on the arm of the cross, [not to mention its utter ugliness beyond comprehension], Dr. Adessa decided to investigate, giving a report to Fr. Villa:

The 11°, 22° and 33° degrees of Freemasonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite are represented on the lower and side arms of this cross. The Masonic Apron is contemporarily symbolized on the central part of the cross and on the upper arm, Lucifer is represented in different ways. Dr. Adessa says that these neo-modern versions represent the Cult of Man, the Cult of the Phallus, and the Cult of Lucifer.


Notice the trowel wielded by the "New Man", one of the symbols of Freemasonry, which appears very much like the trowels in this extremely garish, sacrilegious "cross".

According to Dr. Adessa, the project management of this "new church" was in the hands of Renzo Piano, the architect, although the responsibility for it over all was given to the Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage of the Church, chaired by Msgr. Francesco Marchisano, who was denounced as a Mason in Issue No. 109 of "Chiesa Viva".

Even with documented membership this prelate continued his position until he was appointed Vicar General for the State of Vatican City and President of San Pietro Works, by John Paul II.

In September of 2002 Fr. Villa issued a dossier, titled, An Appointment with Scandal, that included three letters the Msgr. had sent to the Grand Master, in which he acknowledged that he would quietly organize, throughout the Piedmont and in Lombardy a plan to "disrupt the studies and discipline of seminaries."

Father distributed the dossier by the thousands and some Vatican personage came to Brescia to acquire some of these. Others in Rome confided their unease and even despair. It seemed that no one would stop the rise of this Mason in high position in the Church, although he was as yet not made a Cardinal. The dossier appeared to have at least prevented this outrage, for he was not on the consistory list in October of 2003. But that changed as he was then slated to make Cardinal after all. On national TV John Paul II read his name after hesitation and personal irritation at having to do so.

On July 1, 2004, the "new Church" dedicated to Padre Pio was inaugurated.
On February 20, 2006 the special edition of "Chiesa", 381, was released. No Church authority was able to refute anything in that issue, so a conspiracy of silence ensued as the policy.

The special edition included the meaning of the occult symbols that were everywhere etched in this "new church" - the glorification of Freemasonry and its "god", Lucifer, which grievously insults Our Lord [Lucifer as redeemer of men], in fact all Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity because of the blasphemous Masonic Triple Trinity.

The policy of silence was not limitless as several countries had editions of the study on this Satanic Temple "new church". The number of pilgrims continued to decrease,

Several months later Fr. Villa, along with a driver went to visit a "friend" who served an unpleasant tasting tea. Only the driver companion drank it. In stead on going all the way back after the meeting, Fr. Villa decided to visit a lawyer friend unexpectedly. While they were there the driver became intensely ill, unable to move his hands and feet. After about 15 minutes he became better. If they had been on the road when this seizure occurred, what could have happened? If they had been killed, it would have been judged an accident with two elderly men.

Benedict XVI to the Satanic Temple at San Giovanni Rotondo

With each passing day the heavy pall over the atmosphere grew. It was time for the full weight of Church authority.

In March of 2007, Secretary of State Card. Bertone, the same Bertone who would later admit on television that his original story on the Third Secret was not exactly accurate, went to the Temple with a large retinue of bishops. In the issues 395 and 396 of "Chiesa", 2007, an account titled "Sacrilegious Celebration in the Masonic Temple in San Giovanni Rotondo, dedicated to St. Padre Pio" Father Villa asked that this celebration not be undertaken. But Bertone went through with it and there were more such celebrations. So once again "Chiesa" denounced them in both the month of November and December of that same year, asking "How long will you allow Masonry to insult Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Trinity?"

Church officials turned a blind eye and went on with the concelebrated Masses.

Then "Chiesa" began publishing letters the magazine received on the matter, followed by the July-August, 2008 issue, headlined, "A Satanic Temple for Padre Pio?" This was the beginning of many articles from newspapers, weekly magazines, periodicals, both Italian and other languages, letters and the like exposing the scandal.

This time a Cardinal or two would not do to give the "blessing" to the monstrosity. Talk of Benedict XVI paying a tribute in person was circulating. That Pontiff, indeed would be going in 2009 with a planned program. The 21st of June arrived, the day of the announced visit. Pope Benedict was to arrive in a helicopter but a violent storm interfered - a warning from Heaven perhaps - so he had to take a military aircraft part of the way and then proceed by car to San Giovanni Rotondo. The Mass celebrated in that Satanic Temple seemed to not have the favor of Heaven either, because as it finished, torrential rains poured down, followed by what was described as "an onslaught of hail" the size of walnuts. In seconds the people had vanished. Moreover, the television station broadcasting the event could not do so because of "technical difficulties." Some commented at the time that this was "a punishment from God."

It was certainly humiliating for the Vicar of Christ, and if these hindrances were not by direct Divine command, they at least show that Almighty God, Who can stop whatever He wills, did not prevent the humiliation!

On the mosaic tombstone is the inscription:

"On the occasion of the pastoral visit, His Holiness Benedict XVI, in this church embellished by the devotion of the faithful and with the beauty of art enshrining the body of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, paused in prayer and blessed it".

We leave you to judge the "beauty" of such a building!

The people had been lied to, told that the body of St. Pio would never be moved to this hideous "church" and the Pope was tricked into blessing the place when as he was about to exit,  a Msgr. D'Ambrosio put his arm around Benedict, stopping him and showing him the sprinkler, inducing him to bless the entire building.

All in all, Benedict should have been more wary and known this was a Masonic revenge on Padre Pio, an ardent opponent of Freemasonry.

And with the silence of the Vatican throughout the construction, surely one cannot be faulted to presume "consent".

"How was it possible that the Vatican has been able to build a "Satanic Temple" - mocking millions and millions of Catholics around the world who gave stacks of money in good faith?"

Although the hierarchy opposed Father Villa's journalism over the years,, the priest received two major awards for his work as a writer and journalist, and for his commitment to defend the Catholic faith and Christian civilization.

In December, 2008, he received the International Inars Ciociaria Journalist Award, sponsored by the Presidency Council of Ministers, Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the National order of Journalists, and other entities, "for his extensive work as a journalist, author of books and pamphlets on theology ... and for his commitment to defend the Christian roots of Europe and for his protection of truth against forces alien to our civilization."

In October of the following year, Father Villa was awarded the Cultural Prize of Val Vibrata di Teramo, for "being a journalist and outstanding writer, an incorruptible editor, Head Publisher and Editor of Chiesa viva, but also for being an eminent theologian devoting his entire life to defend the Catholic religion and disseminating the historical truth and living according to the Gospel."


  1. All Fr Luigi's books are available to read and download at this link.


  2. "Bishop against Bishop" How sad for good clergy to be surrounded by such traitors. They sure do need our prayers Julia Blom
