Thursday, November 16, 2017

St. Distérique to Marie Julie: – God's Love for Us – Sufferings Grant us Merits - God Consoles – God Controls All

St. Distérique to Marie Julie: – God's Love for Us – Sufferings Grant us Merits - God Consoles – God Controls All 

Ecstasy of October 29, 1878
I am Saint Distérique, bishop and martyr for the cause of the Holy Religion, and for supporting the Holy Church, Mother of us all. I was struck hard on all parts of the body ... I was then laid on a rack and struck again terribly. I received like Our Lord the blow of the spear from the hands of my tormentors. I was left lying in my blood on the pavement waiting for some kind souls to give burial to my body …
Now, a word on behalf of Our Lord.
Oh! How the love of Our Lord is strong! How sweet it is, when you taste It with submission. Love gives life to souls. Love adorns the heart with the Divine warmth and delectable tenderness. What can make you fear when you have the love of Christ? ... But know this well, on the earth all men suffer. They are overwhelmed with pain and sorrow. But the merits of this portion is so great, so perfect and noble in the eyes of the Good Lord! It is why He visits us lovingly with His pains and His sorrows when we are agreeable (open) to Him ...
On earth there are souls who enjoy the happiness of consolation, there are others that seem abandoned and are not subject to any charity, it seems. Our Lord regards this contempt as a great and culpable indignity because He Himself loves all souls, because to Him they are all infinitely precious. (i.e. it is an indignity againt the virtue of charity to not be a source of Christian comfort). Our Lord also wants, sometimes, wishes Himself to be the consoling Father of these souls. That is why He wants them to have no consolation, no assurance, no light from men. (i.e. sometimes souls are allowed to be left with no earthly consolation because God Himself wishes to be their consolation.)
Our adorable Lord has all power, all grandness. He can do whatever He wants and everything He does is very powerful. All men together are unable to make the smallest part of what God does Himself. They seem to touch upon it but they are very, very far. That is why all that God made, everything that He commands is resistant to men and will resist them by a powerful force. However, there is to be found on the earth souls who seem to want to blame God and want to order Him (around)! What is the word of man, the creature? It is a breath before the wind ... Our adorable Lord needs neither advice nor powers, nor permission of creatures, to do what He wants. This is why we must submit and without passing judgement. (i.e submit to His will in all things). God does what He wants ... All who suffer for the glory of His name will one day be richly rewarded and recompensed ...”
Note: St. Distérique apparently is a previously unknown saint. There are no details about his life in the general biographies of the saints, and Internet searches have not turned up anything, including searches with exchanged letters and attempts to Latinize the name.



  1. What a wonderful read. I had never heard of Marie Julie until you began posting about her. Were her private revelations approved by the Church and when? Thanks Eric. I'd like to learn more about her..what a blessing!

  2. Her revelations never fail to awe

  3. My own suffering brought me back to God. Its a great assistance to understand suffering in our lives. Our world is so averse to suffering. Modern mans focus is on the good life,pleasure and distraction. Thanks Eric and Marie Julie, and thanks to our creator Julia Blom

  4. Wow! This is the first time I've heard of St. Disterique! Thanks Eric!
