Monday, November 6, 2017


Warning: sensitive material

Science is ready to make men pregnant, fertility expert claims 

Men could get pregnant as early as “tomorrow” due to huge leaps in the transplantation of wombs, according to the outgoing president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 
Dr. Richard Paulson told the society’s annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas that there was no anatomical reason why a womb could not be successfully implanted into a transgender woman.
“You could do it tomorrow,” he reportedly said in his address. “There would be additional challenges, but I don’t see any obvious problem that would preclude it,” he added, emphasizing that it was still a very complicated procedure.
READ MORE: Moms-to-be are not pregnant ‘women,’ but ‘people’ – UK to UN
While Paulson insisted there was plenty of room for a uterus to be transplanted into the male body, a natural birth would not be possible. An IVF embryo would have to be implanted and a cesarean operation would be necessary to deliver a baby.
It’s also likely that hormones would have to be administered to the patient to replicate the changes that happen during pregnancy, according to Paulson.
“I personally suspect there are going to be trans women who are going to want to have a uterus and will likely get the transplant,” he said of the procedure.
The first successful womb transplant baby was born in 2014 after a 36-year-old woman, who was born without a uterus, received a donated womb from a friend in her 60s. Eight children have now been born worldwide following uterus transplants.

The conference also highlighted the lack of awareness around fertility preservation for transgender patients, noting that very few gender reassignment patients receive fertility preservation treatments prior to transitioning.
A recent survey of 20 transgender men found that none of them had undergone egg retrieval and freezing for fertility preservation.
“It is important that transgender patients know that fertility preservation is an option for them. This research seems to indicate that we need to do a better job in educating the wider public and fellow physicians on the wider availability and clinical application of fertility preservation treatments,” said Christos Coutifaris, president-elect of the ASRM.

Sick! Cosmo magazine pushes incest

Just a little over a week after it said white girls were forbidden to wear Princess Moana costumes for Halloween, Cosmo managed to out-ridiculous itself by normalizing incest.

If you think Cosmo couldn't top its already off-the-charts insanity, then brace yourself, because things are going to get really gross... even by Cosmo standards.

The recent article titled "This Is What It's Like to Fall In Love With Your Brother," profiles the haunting tale of Melissa, who did not know she had a brother for 40 years until just recently. To make a long story short, when Melissa met her long-lost brother, named Brian, she felt immediate attraction to him and the two had sex after just one drink, even though both were married at the time.

Melissa maintains that she and her husband maintain an open relationship; Brian has since left his wife. Eventually, the two hope they can move in with each other and marry.

gives no moral objection to this depraved behavior and even passes it off with a scientific term called "genetic sexual attraction."

There must be some natural explanation for these feelings, Brian remembers thinking. And according to them, there is. The half-siblings say they are prime examples of genetic sexual attraction (GSA). The term was coined by Barbara Gonyo in the 1980s after she experienced an attraction to the adult son she had placed for adoption as an infant. (She later started a support group for other families.)

While the American Psychological Association does not use the term, GSA is what it sounds like: a phenomenon that occurs when two family members, who were separated early in life, eventually meet and experience an intense sexual attraction to each other - though not all act on it.
Psychologist Debra Lieberman says that this "genetic sexual attraction" typically happens among siblings who go a long time without seeing each other.
But it's been suggested that this feeling is even stronger for consanguineous (aka related) couples, especially those who don't develop the ick factor from growing up together. Why? "Genes tend to shape our preferences, talents, and attitudes - and familiarity creates comfort, so we look for someone similar," Lieberman says. "For siblings, this drives an enhanced sexual attraction." Which is exactly what happened to Melissa and Brian.
The only negative mention from Cosmo in an otherwise sympathetic portrayal of Melissa and her brother Brian is that it's bad for the passing on of genes. Indeed, inbreeding dramatically increases the likelihood that the offspring will have severe abnormalities.

Drone stalking several women in rural Port Lincoln community part of growing list of UAV concerns

A group of women living in a rural setting near Port Lincoln on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula have been woken at night by a drone looking into their homes.
Police are yet to find the offender, and some of the women have told the ABC they are living in constant fear of another visit which usually happens late at night or very early morning.
One of the women, who like the rest of the group did not want to be identified, was asleep and alone at home on her relatively remote hobby farm.
She was woken by a bang on her bedroom window and when she looked out into the darkness was confronted by a camera attached to a drone, hovering within centimetres of her window.
"I feel violated, feel it's intrusive and feel scared, intimidated," she said.
With a partner often away on a FIFO job, the 39-year-old says she is forced to keep her curtains drawn.
She has spoken of the profound changes that being stalked in this manner has brought to her previously peaceful life.
It is at the point where two of the stalked women no longer shower at night for fear of being filmed.
Another drone-stalked woman has told the ABC of the anxiety and panic she's now experiencing at night.
"You'll hear a noise and even if it's not a drone you just get paranoid," the 40-year-old said.
"It's got the point where I now sleep with a large wooden bat in my bed."
Local police have issued a warning that drones cannot be used at night and they cannot be within 30 metres of people.
They said complaints can be made on the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) website.

State Authorities Fine 5yo Girl for Selling Lemonade Without Business License

A five-year-old is getting a harsh dose of the police state after selling lemonade to buy a new bike and then getting a fine for not having a permit.

Porterville, CA — The state knows no empathy, logic, or reason and will enforce its most asinine decrees—even if it means targeting an innocent five-year-old girl’s lemonade stand. Without resistance, this encroachment upon our everyday activities is as inevitable as the tide.
In Porterville, California, a family is learning this harsh reality of the state after they were issued a citation from city hall for $59—the local fee for applying for a new license—plus a fine.
Autumn Thomasson proudly set up the stand outside her family’s home last June as a means of raising money to buy a bicycle. She sold lemonade, candy, and snacks and raised a whopping $82—enough to buy herself a new bike.

Katy Perry: ‘Human Flesh Is The Best Meat; Cannibalism Got A Bad Rap’

Human flesh is the finest meat in the world, according to Katy Perry, who puts the “exquisite flavor” of the meat down to “the taboo nature of the product” and the fact that “forbidden pleasures are always the most delicious.”
Going as far as to claim that cannibalism is “way more popular than you might think”, Katy Perry also claimed that “so many people in Hollywood tell you that human meat is the best, the absolute best, meat in the world.”
Speaking on French radio, the Bon Appetit singer also claimed cannibalism has “gotten a bad rap” due to “squeamish Christians and their hypocritical virtues and morals”, but consuming the flesh of humans is actually “super healthy and good for you.”
There are life-enhancing vitamins and minerals in human flesh that you can’t get from animal meat,” Perry claimed.
When asked which vitamins and minerals are available in human flesh, but not animal meat, the singer hesitated and then said,“I’m telling you, these people live way longer than the average, and their health is way better too, believe me,” Katy Perry said.
I’m telling you this because I thought you guys really appreciated good food, the best food. It’s in your culture. I thought you guys would understand. Eating human meat is not that shocking if you get over your bullshit bourgeouis moral code for a minute.”
The singer also described her first experience with cannibalism in Hollywood.
There is a group of old Hollywood guys who have an annual dinner party where the main dish is human. Every guest is allowed to bring a plus one. A few years ago, when I was new in town, I got invited by a good friend, I shouldn’t say his name I guess,” said Perry, who also explained that “each year a new host is selected for the following year by drawing straws, you know? It is the new host’s responsibility to provide the main course, and it has to be human. If he can’t find a suitable person to serve as the meal… Well the joke, I think it’s a joke, is that the host will be eaten instead!
I was a bit squeamish about the idea of going to this dinner party, but when I heard who else was going I jumped at the chance. I was like, ‘People die all the time and their bodies just go to waste. If we can use their organs for medical purposes why shouldn’t we eat their meat?'”
Asked what happened at the dinner party, Perry explained, “It was a huge, lavish feast. Oh my god. The featured dish was what they called Foie Humaine. You guys should appreciate that, being French. It’s a pun on foie gras, get it? But instead of force-feeding a duck and then eating it’s liver, this was the liver of a human who had force-fed themselves on junk food.”
A fatty liver fit for the kings of Hollywood.”
Describing herself as “not terribly fond of organ meats,” Perry passed on the liver dish, but did enjoy sampling human flesh during the multiple course Bacchanalian feast.
It tastes like pork,” the singer explained of human meat. “But a little bit bitter, stronger.”
Katy Perry promoting Illuminati symbolism.
Katy Perry’s cannibalistic confession is merely the latest in a long line of public dalliances the singer has shared with the dark side. After starting her career as a Christian country singer, the she reinvented her image as a raunchy pop star, flashing Satanic hand gestures and promoting Illuminati symbolism as she rode to the top of the charts.
Since establishing herself in the global consciousness as a Devil-worshipping entertainer, Katy Perry has attempted to sugar coat her image, however the disturbing conversation she held with the French radio host suggests she is far from a reformed character, and she has openly embraced the darkest forces in our society.
The incident has also sparked fears around the world that the Illuminati have moved onto the next phase of the masterplan, and have begun openly promoting dark spirituality as a viable religious choice for those seeking guidance.


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